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2009 William O. Douglas Award Dinner: Public Counsel to Present 2009 William O. Douglas Award to Bill Gates, Sr. Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
2009年06月12日 16:16
~ DIRECTV to Receive Top Award for Corporate Citizenship for Commitment to Education, Health, and Disaster Relief ~ ~ Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP to Receive 2009 Law Firm Pro Bono Award ~ WHAT: Public Counsel, the largest pro bono public interest law firm in the world, will honor Bill Gates, Sr., Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with the distinguished William O. Douglas Award at its annual gala celebration. The Award recognizes Mr. Gates for his extraordinary plishments in the fields of law, public policy, and philanthropy. Prior to the Dinner that will be attended by nearly 1,200 legal, business, and governmental leaders, Mr. Gates and Public Counsel President and CEO Hernan D. Vera will be available to the media to discuss the critical need for attorneys, law students, and others to volunteer their time to assist Public Counsel clients, including abused and abandoned children, foster care youth, families living in poverty, veterans, the neglected elderly, and refugees fleeing persecution, torture, and death threats. ording to Vera, "The sad reality is that for every deserving client Public Counsel assists, there are 15 more we must turn away." Professionals sought include lawyers, ountants, psychologists and social workers, doctors, and special education teachers and advocates. Also available to the media will be other honorees and presenters including WHO: Bill Gates, Sr., Co-Chair, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Larry D. Hunter, CEO, DIRECTV (effective July 1, 2007) Judge Kim Wardlaw, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Seth M. Zachary, Chairman, Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP Val Zavala, Anchor/Reporter, KCET Hernan D. Vera, President and CEO, Public Counsel WHEN: Tuesday June 16, 2009 Photo opportunity 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Interviews may be scheduled prior to and after the event Media Download (/dd2009photos.htm) WHERE: The Beverly Hilton 9876 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, 310.274.7777 CONTACT: John Heathcliff of Public Counsel, +1-213-385-2977 ext. 120, or cell day of event +1-323-821-8731 /PRNewswire-USNewswire -- June 12/ SOURCE Public Counsel
2009-02-19 22:02:42 1、《真的爱你》,“春风化雨暖透我的心……真的爱你”一段; 321111122 32111134322 345555543450 55633323 3210123211 34555543450 5563323 3210123211 2、《爱不爱我》,“你到底爱不爱我……”一段,里面有个低音的So(S),我觉得可以丢掉不吹; S124322100 432212213 34322100 432211123221 24322100 4322122133 S124322100 4322111232211 3、《笨小孩》,“往着胸口拍一拍……”一段; D766667776 553230 16553230 D766667776 53560 4D7656660 4、《霸王别姬》,前半段,可以高潮部分太多高音了; D56633522 23533 56755333 D56633522 23533 656755566(65675DD66600) 33333356522 22222255333 666666765355 666666DD7777 5、《伤心1999》,“算了吧1999……”一段; 333DD76 63DD76 66D77777665563321 4444346333667D 77776566 6、《想说爱你,不容易》,“想说爱你……”一段; 67D33D767773355 66565123 67DD3D767773355 665666D7 56 7、《冷酷到底》,“我宁愿你冷酷到底……”一段; 3D6665666 3D6665553 352221322 125555655 3D6665666 3D6665553 352221322 125550 D76--6D65-- D76--6D65-- 8、《有没有那么一首歌》,“有没有那么一首歌……”一段; D75323233 D75323233 3565533665 1232220120 D75323233 D7532356653 35650533555 32221111 9、《干杯·朋友》,全部(手头的谱是全高音的,降到中音来吹貌似也可以); 11112343211 55441 4432111155 66665455 44445655543212223433 4444565554321223211 10.小星星 1 1|5 5|6 6|5-|4 4|3 3|2 2|1-| 5 5|4 4|3 3|2-|5 5|4 4|3 3|2-| 1 1|5 5|6 6|5-|4 4|3 3|2 2|1-|| 11.粉刷匠 1=C 2∕4 粉刷匠 5 3 5 3∣5 3 1∣2 4 3 2∣5-∣5 3 5 3∣5 3 1∣2 4 3 2∣1-∣ 我是一个粉刷匠 粉刷本领强,我要把那新房子 刷得很漂亮, 2 2 4 4∣3 1 5∣2 4 3 2∣5-∣5 3 5 3∣5 3 1∣2 4 3 2∣1-∣ 刷了房顶又刷墙 刷子飞舞忙,哎呀我的小鼻子 变呀变了样。
12.两只老虎:1231/1231/345/345/565431/565431/251/251 13.5.11132123211356 653312123216.6.5.1 65331212653356 1(gao)53312123216.6.5.1无间道的口琴曲,简单又好听。
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