
tk67 com  时间:2021-02-18  阅读:()



美国计算机模块市场COM预计到从2016年的320. 76百万美元增长到2022年约770.69百万美元 2016-2022年的分析期间复合年增长率CAGR为

15. 73。控创 Congatec MSC Technologies Avnet  Advantech

ADLink Portwell  Eurotech SECO Technexion Phytec AxiomtekAaeon Toradex EMAC Avalue Technology等公司的计算机模块市场高度分散。 CompuLab Variscite Digi International  Olimex Ltd Shiratech

Aviv Technologies  Critical Link LLC iWave Systems

Technologies Calixto Systems等。该行业有数百家小型制造商。

计算机模块是一个包含CPU总线可访问性 内存和标准I / O的处理器的模块。它通常是一个现成的组件。该模块没有任何连接并被设计为插入载板。

在未来几年内大多数计算机模块预计将配备ARM体系结构CPU 因为越来越多的多核处理器现在在便携式设备上被引入。 X86产品在需要更高效率和准确度的行业中仍然具有高度竞争性和不可替代性。而且很有可能在10年内从市场中消除电力体系结构计算机模块 除非它们不比电力体系结构计算机模块更安全。

工业自动化是全球制造业的关键一环企业面临着巨大的自动化和集成压力 以实现产量最大化成本效益最大化并创造具有实际价值的竞争力。


随着半导体和存储技术密度和速度的提高不可避免地 随着半导体和存储技术密度和速度的提高各个计算层之间的界限开始模糊功能增加而成本则全面下降。最终低端大型机小型机和高端微处理器服务器发展成为同一个市场高端大型机迁移到高性能计算领域又名超级计算机 。

恒州博智发表Global Computer On Module(COM) Market Research Report2017该报告提供了计算机模块行业的基本概况包括定义分类应用和产业链结构。讨论发展政策和计划以及制造流程和成本结构。



The United States market for Computer on Module (COM) is expected to reach about

770.69 Million USD by 2022 from 320.76 Million USD in2016, registering aCompounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.73%during the analysis period,2016-2022.The market for Computer on Module (COM) is highly fragmented withplayers such as Kontron,Congatec,MSC Technologies (Avnet),Advantech,ADLink,Portwell,Eurotech, SECO,Technexion,Phytec,Axiomtek,Aaeon,Toradex,

EMAC,Avalue Technology,CompuLab,Variscite,Digi International,Olimex Ltd,Shiratech(Aviv Technologies),Critical Link,LLC, iWave Systems Technologies,Calixto Systems and so on.There are hundreds of small manufacturer in this industry.A COM is a module that contains a processor with CPU bus accessibility,memory,and standard I/O. It is usually an Off-the-Shelf component. .The module does nothave any connectorization and is designed to be plugged into a Carrier Board.Within the next few years, the majority of COM are expected to be equipped withARM architecture CPUs as more and more multicore processors are being introducednowadays on portable devices.X86 products are still highly competitive and non-replaceable among industries that need better efficiency and accuracy.And it is

likely to eliminate Power architecture COM from the market in a decade unless theyare still no safer than the Power architecture COM.

Industrial automation is a key facet of global manufacturing industries,withenterprises facing enormous pressure to automate and integrate to maximize output,improve cost-efficiency, and generate tangible competitive value.

As the semiconductor industry continues to test the limits of Moore's Law,whichsuggests that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit doubles approximatelyevery 18 to 24 months,processor technology will continue to grow in complexity,creating challenges for systems engineers outside of traditional computingapplications to implement and unlockthe potential of such processors.Harnessingthe power of these advanced processors is critical to the emergence of IoT andIndustry 4.0.

Inevitably, as semiconductor and storage technology advanced in density and speed,the lines between the various computing strata began to blur, and capabilitiesincreased while costs decreased exponentially across the board.Eventually, low-endmainframes,minicomputers, and high-end microprocessor-based servers morphed tooccupy the same market, and high-end mainframes migrated up toward the high-performance computing domains (aka supercomputers).

The Global Computer On Module(COM)Market Research Report 2017 reportreleased by QYResearch provides a basic overview of the Computer On

Module(COM) industry, including definition, classification, application andindustrial chain structure.Discuss development policies and plans as well asmanufacturing processes and cost structures.

The report then focuses on major industry players in Global, including companyprofiles,product images and specifications, sales,market share, and contactinformation.More importantly, the Computer On Module(COM) industrydevelopment trends and marketing channels were analyzed.Providing the mainstatistical data on the current status of the industry is a valuable guide and directionfor companies and individuals interested in the market.

The details of the report can be copied to browse this page:https://www.qyresearch.com/index/detail/19486/global-computer-on-module-com-market

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