无法打开开网页的时候总是弹出internet explorer无法打开internet站点(When you open a web page, you always pop up Internet Explorer, and you cannot open the Internet site)

ie无法打开internet站点  时间:2021-02-16  阅读:()

开网页的时候总是弹出internet explorer无法打开internet站点

When you open aweb page, you always pop up Internet Explorer,and you cannot open the Internet sitethe internet explorer无法打开internet站点, 已终止操作的解决方法合集

通常,关于"internet explorer无法打开internet站点××, 已终止操作"的错误提示都是在internet explorer浏览器里才会出现,f irefox里面打开网页一切正常.这种情况碰到过好多次,而且一种解决方法还不能通用,不同情况需要用不同的方法去折腾.微软的这个烂ie.

解决方法一(针对用户) .

首先,清空浏览器缓存文件,在internet explorer的工具菜单里选择internet选项-删除文件,勾选"删除所有脱机内容,确定即可.



如果上述方法不行的话,再从internet选项里选择"程序", "管理加载项点击进入,把发行者为"未验证", "浏览器帮助程序对象类型为,文件扩展名为的加载项禁用掉.之后再重新启动ie浏览器.". dll"



二、 由于ie在页面还没有完全加载的时候就调用了htmlobject的appendchild或innerhtml操作, 因此容易出现"internetexplorer无法打开internet站点××, 已终止操作"的错误提示,可以通过加入settimeout来解决.即在appendchild或innerhtml操作处判断.document.readystate = "complete. "


三、实在不行,就在调用javascript时加上defer属性吧,使页面加载完毕之后再执行该脚本, 以避免找不到对象的问题.示例如下所示.

< script language="javascript" src="example. js" (="irons" >< / td >



开网页的时候总是弹出internet explorer无法打开internet站点悬赏分: 0 -解决时间: 2009 - 3 - 25 09:

最近只要开网页就会弹出"internet explorer无法打开internet站点"这样的对话框.不知道是怎么回事呢?我也全面杀毒了可是

没有查出有毒,恶意插件也清理了,也没有发现异常.请高手帮忙解决一下这个问题.在此感激不尽了! (问题解决了还会追加分数的)问题补充:兄弟.

Can you say something simpler?You said this, I have been foundon the internet.

Questioner: Oh king Xiaolu- two best answer a set of problems,network

This is because of the need to manually specify the IP, gateway,DNS server networking, and the use of proxy server access tothe internet. Check your computer' s network settingscareful ly.

Two, DNS server problems

When IE cannot browse the web, the first attempt to use the IPaddress to access, if you have access, then it should be DNSproblems, the problem may be caused by DNS for DNS error whennetworking or DNS server itself, then you can specify the DNSService Manual (address is the address of the DNS server, youprovide the local ISP can also be used in other places cannormally use the DNS server address. In the attributes of thenetwork (in the address of the DNS server control panel -network and dial up connections - local connection - rightproperty - TCP/IP protocol attribute using the following) .Different ISP has different DNS addresses. Sometimes it' s arouter or NIC problem that can' t be connected to ISP' s DNSservice. In this case, you can switch the router off for awhile,

or reset the router.

Another possibility is that the local DNS cache is havingproblems. In order to improve the website access speed, thesystem will automatically have access and access to the IPaddress of the site into the local DNS cache, once again visitthis site, is no longer directly through the DNS server fromthe local cache to remove the DNS IP site visit. Therefore, ifthe local DNS cache problem occurs, it will cause the site tobe inaccessible. Ipconfig /flushdns can be executed in run torebuild the local DNS cache.

Three, the IE browser itself

When the IE browser itself fails, it naturally affects browsing;or IE is maliciously modified and damaged, resulting in afailure to browse the web. At this point, you can try using theInternet assistant IE repair expert to repair, or re IE (checkthe site IE reinstall skills)

Four, the problem of network firewall

If the network firewall is set properly, if the security levelis too high, accidentally put the IE into the block access listof firewall policy error, try to check the policy to reduce ordirectly off the firewall security level to see if it returnedto normal.

Five, network protocol and network card driver problemsIE is unable to browse. It may be caused by network protocol

(especially TCP/IP protocol) or network card driver damage. Youmay try to renew network card driver and network protocol.Six, HOSTS file problems

HOSTS files are modified and also cause browsing to be abnormal.The solution is, of course, to empty the contents of the HOSTSfile.

Seven, the system file problems

When the file system associatedwith IE is replaced or damaged,will affect the normal use of IE, then use the SFC command torepair, WIN98 system can execute SFC in the "run", and thenperform a scan; WIN2000/XP/2003 is in the "run" SFC /scannowattempt to repair (see the site WINXP repair skills) .Among them, when only IE cannot browse web pages, and QQ cango up, it is often due to winsock.dll, wsock32.dll or wsock.VxD (VXD only exist in the WIN9X system) and other file damageor loss, Winsock is an important component of the TCP/IPprotocol, usually reinstall the TCP/IP protocol. But XP beganto integrate the TCP/IP protocol, so it can not be uninstalledas easily as 98, and you can reset the TCP/IP protocol usingthe Netsh command to restore to the state of the initialinstallation of the operating system. Specific procedures areas follows:

Click "start", enter "CMD" command in the run dialog box popsup, and then enter the command prompt window, "Netsh int IP

reset c:\resetlog.txt" command will enter the "resetlog.txt"file, which is used to record the results of command executionlog file, the parameter must be specified here, the full pathto the specified log file is "c:\resetlog.txt". The result ofexecuting this command is the same as deleting and reinstallingthe TCP/IP protocol.

Tip: Netsh command is a command line tool written based on ascript, you can use this command to configure and monitor theWindows system, it also provides interactive network shellinterface, the use of the Netsh command format please refer tothe help file (in the prompt input "netsh/?") .

The second solution is to repair the above documents, WIN9X reextracted files using SFC WIN2000/XP/2003 above, the use of CMD/c SFC/scannow command to repair the file, when using the CMD/c SFC /scannow can not be repaired, can try online specialrepair tool to solve the problem of WinSockFix, can search theInternet to download.

Eight, antivirus software real-time monitoring problemThis is not common, but sometimes it is really related toreal-time monitoring, because now antivirus software real-timemonitoring has added to the content of the web monitor. But ifIE is unable to browse the web, be sure to check the antivirussoftware.

Nine, Application Management service issues

Can only appear on the QQ can not open the web page, restart

after the good. However, even restart, open 7 or 8 pages, andcan not open a web page, only on the QQ. Sometimes,telecommunications often disable you by Application Managementservices.

Ten, infected with the virus caused

This often occurs when IE is opened, and in the lower left cornerof the IE screen prompts: "the page is being opened, but it doesnot respond for long time. ". See the process in task manager,(into the method, the mouse on the taskbar, click the rightbutton - Task Manager - process) to see how the CPU occupancyrate, if it is 100%, to be sure, is infected with the virus,then you simply want to run other programs. This is what weshould look up the process of greedily occupied CPU resources.After finding the best record the name, and then click on theend, if not complete, to boot into safe mode to remove the stuff,but also into the registry, (method: start - run, enter theregedit Registry) in the dialog box. Edit - find, enter theprogram name, after finding the right mouse button to delete,and then search several times, often completely remove clean.A lot of viruses,

When antivirus software is powerless, the only way is to removeit manually.

Eleven, cannot open the two level link (or new window)There is also a phenomenon should also pay special attentionto: it is able to open the home page of the site, but can not

open the two level link, if so, the way to deal with:Method 1. Re register the following DLL file:

Enter in start run:

Regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll

Regsvr32 Shell32.dll (pay attention to this command, you don'thave to lose it first)

Regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll

Regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll

Regsvr32 Mshtml.dll

Regsvr32 Urlmon.dll

Regsvr32 Msjava.dll

Regsvr32 Browseui.dll

Note: for each input, press enter. The second command can startwithout losing, and then restart the windows after the commandhas been lost. If it is found to be invalid, reenter it again.This time, enter the second command.

Method two: problems with COMCTL32.DLL files.

This file may have been replaced while upgrading IE or windows,

and perhaps the new version of the COMCTL32.DLL file has BUG.Find a Windows installation CD, search it, find a file namedCOMCTL32.DL_, copy it, extract the file with WinRAR asCOMCTL32.DLL file, and overwrite the existing file. I don'tknow if there is any of the files on the 98 CD. I'm using a 2000CD. )

Method three: using a method to re register Regsvr32

Oleaut32.dll error or re registration is invalid.

In the Windows disk to extract Oleaut32.dll files, in theMDAC_IE5.CAB file package, is also extracted and covered withWinRAR existing.

Method four: DCOM property setting error.

See in detail: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx,scid=kb; EN-US; Q274696

1, click "start"".

2, enter "Dcomcnfg"".

3, pop up the prompt box, choose yes".

4, the default security label.

5, edit the default values at the default access bar column".

6. See if there are "SYSTEM" and "Interactive" in the columnbelow the name. If not, add.


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