新装xp系统要做优化的步骤-安全知识-360论坛_360安全中心-国内最大的免费安全平台- 360安全卫士官New XP system tooptimize the steps - Security knowledge - 360 forum _360Security Center-the country' s largest free security platform
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2. turn off the automatic send error report "functionEveryone in Window XP
Must have this experience, once an abnormal program termination,the system will automatically pop up a dialog box asking if yousend errors to Microsoft, which is XP in the "automatictransmission error" function, it can send an error message tothe Microsoft website. Although Microsoft has repeatedly vowedthat can provide strong security, not divulge personal privacy,but Microsoft may have sent to the information contained in thedocument you are editing or browsing information, it maycontain personal privacy or confidential, so if you want tosafeguard their rights, we should proceed without hesitationtake this function off. The method is: click the "start /control panel /system/Senior", click"error report" button,and then select "disable error reporting", following "but inthe event of a serious mistake when I notice" can be selected.
3. turn off system restore
System restore function is an important feature of the Windows
series operating system, when the Windows operation problems,reducing operating system. "System restore"although useful tomake mistakes, but it will make you hard at the height of thebusy state, you will find that your hard disk is always busy,because Windows
XP to record the operation, so that the day after reduction.If you have confidence in yourself, then don't use it, becauseit can be accounted for a lot of memory.
Close the function method of system restore is: click mycomputer/attribute/system restore"or" start/control panel/ system/ system restore ", select" turn off system restorecheck box on all drives, such as Windows
The XP system will delete the backup restore point, therebyreleasing it occupied disk space.
For beginners, open reduction system where the disc is better,I suggest you use GHOST system disk backup a copy, put in theother partition, instead of using the system comes with XPreduction, it hurt a lot of hard disk.
4. a reasonable set of virtual memory.
For the virtual memory file, Windows
XP to the default value of a security is always great, wasteda lot of hard disk space, we can set its value to a small point.The method is: in the control panel / system / advanced /performance/settings/advanced/virtual memory/change "to
the virtual memory settings window, you first determine thepage file inwhich drive letter, and then the other drive driverdisable all page file. I suggest you put it is set to the otherpartition, partition the system instead of the default, thiscan increase the page file read and write speed, fast operationof the system. According to Microsoft, the page file should beset to 1.5 times the memory capacity, but if your memory isrelatively large, so that the occupied space is also veryimpressive, and that if the memory capacity is below 256MB, isset to 1. 5 times, the maximum and minimum value, if the above512MB, half set the memory capacity is completely feasible.
5. delete document
Windows XP there are a lot of papers we rarely used, put in thehard disk, a waste of space, reduce the system performance. Wecannot with these files need to delete, delete the file with:Help: file in the C:Windows\Help directory (just started usingXP comrades best not to delete) .
Drive backup: C:Windows\driver cache\i386 directory of theDriver. cab file.
File backup system: general user is not how to use, use thecommand sfc.exe /purgecache delete.
Backup DLL files in the C:Windows\system32\dllcache directory.
6. improve the broadband speed
The professional version of the Windows XP default reserves 20%bandwidth,
In fact, this is not what role for our individual users. Inparticular, let it idle is not fully utilized.
Click the "start/run" gpedit.msc "input into the group policywindow, select the" computer configuration management /template / network /QoS packet scheduler "on the left side ofthe window, double-click on the right side of the windowbandwidth limit can be reserved, select" enabled "and"bandwidth limit (%) "is set to 0, and then click" OK"restart.
7. clearance documents read
When Windows
XP after a period of time, the installation directory prefetchfolder (C:Window/sprefetch) in the file would be big, therewill be a dead link file, it will slow down the system time,suggest you delete these files regularly.
8. modify the registry to reduce the prefetch, reduce thewaiting time of the progress bar
Windows XP will present a progress bar in the startup process,we can modify the registry, make progress in the login screenrarely run.
Select the "Start Menu" run "command, enter in the"run"dialogbox type" regedit "command, you can start the registry editor,
f ind
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentContro lSet\Control\Sessi onin the registry
Management\PrefetchParameters, select the EnablePrefetcherbutton below, it' s key to "1" then.
9. speed up the shutdown speed
XP boot speed is better than the previous version of theoperating system a lot faster, but the speed is slow shut downa lot. If you shut down the speed, you can modify some registrykeys, can greatly reduce the time required for closing Windows.Select the "Start Menu" run "command, enter in the"run"dialogbox type" regedit "command, open the registry editor, locatethe HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Contro l
Panel\Desktop, which has a key named HungAppTimeout, its valueto 500. Next, there is a WaitToKillAppTimeout key, its valueto 1000. Finally, find the following registry location:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Sys tem\CurrentContro lSet\Control.
Similarly, the WaitToKillServiceTimeout value is 1000Above I found or thought of so much so that we learn forreference
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