recommendedNew 31-41 Softmod for ANY Wii

softmod  时间:2021-02-13  阅读:()

New 3.1-4.1 Softmod for ANY Wii



This guide has now been updated to cover ALL wiis, 3.0-4.1 any region,andall LU64+ and foreign equivalents. (dunno about those Korean ones?)LU64-65++ serial no. wiis still cannot downgrade their firmware - ifyou bought your wii this year then it most likely will be one, so don'tdowngrade it! You are safe to follow this guide though.

Make sure you do the steps in the right order or you could run intoproblems, and read the guide through a couple of times before tryingit. Read ALL OF IT! First person to asks if it will work on their wiigets an infraction!

All you need is an SD card formatted to FAT32, an internet connectionand these files: DOWNLOAD

Before you startmake sureWiiconnect 24 is off as it can stopbannerbombworking, you may turn it back on once you have completed the guide.If you get errors during any of the steps format your card with thistool.


1. INSTALL BOOTMII AND THE HOMEBREW CHANNELa) . Put all the files from ‘copy to sd card.rar’ onto the root of theSD Card.b) . Insert the SD card into Wii.c) . Go to Wii Options, then go to Data Management > Channels > SD Card,then you will get a message saying "Loadboot.elf?" , select 'Yes' andthe Hackmii installer will run.d) . Install Bootmii as boot2 if you can, if not then install it as anIOS then go back and install the Homebrew Channel.


Making aNANDbackupwith Bootmii is highly recommended, it will recoveryour Wii from 99.9% of bricks.

Use the same SD card you used to install Bootmii and make sure thereis at least 530mb free on it.

Bootmii is very fussy about what SD cards it uses, so avoid genericones and try and use a Sandisk or similar.a) Put the SD card into the Wii, if you installed Bootmii as boot2 thenit will load, if it is installed as an IOS go to the Homebrew Channel,press 'home' on your wiimote and select 'Launch Bootmii' .b) Use the power/reset/eject buttons to navigate the Bootmii menu andselect the icon with the gears on it.c) Now select the icon with a green arrow pointing from the chip tothe SD card and follow the on screen instructions.

D) In about 10 mins you will have a NAND backup, it is normal to haveup to 80 bad blocks so don't worry if you get some.e) Put the SD card into PC and copy the NAND backup somewhere safe,you can now delete it from your card. If you installed Bootmii as boot2then also copy the Bootmii folder to your PC andeither delete or renameit, otherwise it will load every time you switch your Wii on.If ever you get bricked then copy the bootmii folder and NAND backuponto your card, do steps a) & b) again, using Preloader to get to HBCif necessary, then select the icon with the arrow going from the SDcard to the chip. It is not recommended to restore your NAND if youhave Bootmii installed as an IOS.


The only difference is that you can select 'load IOS from SD card'instead of download from NUS.a) Go to Homebrewchannel andrun TruchaBugRestorer, load IOS36, press1, read the warnings then select 'downgrade IOS15' , select to load IOSfrom SD card then let it do its job, keep an eye on what it is doingand make sure you select 'load from sd card' when it asks & don't getany errors.

b) Run Trucha Bug Restorer again, this time select to load IOS15 onfirst screenusingdpadleft/right, thenselectthe IOS36menu& installpatched (select 'yes' on all 3 patches) IOS36 to slot 36, again usingIOS from SD card.c) RunTruchaBugRestoreragain, loadIOS36andthistimeselectrestoreIOS15.d) Run cIOS38 r14 installer, select IOS36 as the one it should use andthen select wad install.


This step is optional, you may upgrade now if you wish, LU64+ ownerscannot downgrade! but can upgrade if you want. If you want to updateto 4.1 then make sure you have at least 250 blocks free, installIOS60-patched first (step 5a) , then run Firmware Updater 4.1. If youare on 3.3 or 3.4 then I strongly recommend updating as it is notadvisable to install Preloader on these firmares.


Preloader is also an optional install, if you don't want it just skipb & c, system menu hacks can be taken care of by Starfall (3.2) orstartpatch (4) , if you want them click my sig and have a look throughmy mediafire. There are no preloader hacks for 3.3/3.4 or jap wiis,either upgrade or use startpatch/change region if your wii is jap.a) If you are on systemmenu 4/4.1 use WadManagerwith default settings(IOS249 & SD card) to install IOS60-patched.wad-make sure you do thisbefore you install Preloader. If you installed it in step 4 then skipthis part. Never uninstall IOS60! You will brick! !b) . Open the Homebrew Channel and load Preloader, press 1 to install.After install, your Wii should reboot and load the Preloader menu. Ifit doesn't, turn your wii off and on again whilst holding down resetand it will load the Preloader menu.c) Select 'system hacks' in the Preloader menu, and enable the hacksthat you want - 'skip disc update check' and the region free ones areall you need. Select 'save settings' andwait for confirmationmessageto display 'settings saved' . Press B to go back, and enter Settings.

Set 'Autoboot: System Menu' using D-Pad, then select save settings.Press B to return to main Preloader menu.d) In the Preloadermenu select Homebrew Channel (if you didn't installPreloaderthen justopenHBCas normal) , runWadManager 1.4, usedefaultsettings (IOS249 & SDcard) andinstallthesewads fromthe 'wad' folder:IOS38-64-v3610





Then restart your Wii.

All done! You will now have the safety/hacks of Preloader & Bootmii,NeoGammaR7 backuploaderthathas 99%compatibility, cIOS249 r14, IOS38,53 & 55 for newer games and IOS50 to help prevent disc update bricks.If you ever need to access Preloader's settings hold down 'reset' whenswitching your Wii on.

If you get the 'system files corrupted' screen don't panic, justreinstall preloader and if that doesn't fix it reinstall your currentsystem menu with Wad Manager.


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