1.Teaching aims
1)Knowledge aim
Students wi l l be able to masterthe newwords such as mountainous and vast, andlearn a funnystory.
2)Abi l ity aim
Students can train their l isteningski l ls by l istening and they are able to write an endfor a story.
3) Emotional aim
Students wi l l hold a happy attitude toward l ife
2. Important and difficult points
1) Important point
Guide studentto masterthe newwords such as mountainous andvast.
2)Difficult point
Guide studenttowrite an ending forthe story.
3.Teaching and learning methodstask-based teaching method Question&Answerteaching method; cooperationstudy method; independent study method
4.Teaching procedures
Step 1: Lead in
Teacherwi l l asksomequestion l ike:whatdid you dolastweekend?
Step 2:Pre-l istening
1)Showing pictures.Teacherwi l l show one picture
2)prediction: teacherwi l l lead studenttoguess the main idea according tothepicture.
Step 3:Whi le-l istening
1)Global l istening:students l isten tothe tape forthe firsttime and checktheirprediction.
2)Teacherexplainsome difficultwords
3) Intensive l istening: students should l isten tothe tape second time and completethe chart.
Step4 Post-l istening:
1) teacherwi l l guidestudenttowrite an ending forthe story.
Step 5:Summary and homework
Summary:teacherwi l l leadstudentto make a summary
1) use two words to make sentence
2) adaptthe ending intoa play
5.Blackboard designa funnyjokemountainous vast
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