protrusionsAv 233; C -

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Naturopathic Physician

The Center for True Harmony Wellness&Medicine

2152 South Vineyard Avenue,Suite 138,Mesa,Arizona 85210

Phone480.539.6646 Fax480.539.6696

A Natural Approach to Uterine Fibroids

Uterine Fibroids (also known as leiomyomas or myomas)occur in 20-25 percent of womenby age 40,more than 50 percent of women overall and are the most common indication for major surgery inwomen.Some studies have shown that in African-American women the incidence of fibroids is threeto nine times higher and the fibroids’ rate of growth is increased.They are the most common solidpelvic tumors in women.You would think with something as common as this that we would have agood understanding of their cause and cure.Nevertheless,we do not know what causes fibroids. Uterine Fibroids are benign and common.

 Fibroids are believed to be estrogen dependent.

 Usually there are no symptoms.

 Abnormal bleeding may be caused by uterine fibroids.

 Abnormal b leeding warrants a visit to your health care practitioner.

 There are several kinds of fibroids that have to do with where they grow.

 An enlarged uterus or abnormal finding on a pelvic exam may require further testing todetermine the diagnos is.

 Less than one percent of fibroids are malignant,but rapidly growing fibroids warrant furtherexploration.Detection of uterine fibroids is not cause for alarm.

 Uterine fibroids rarely cause urinary complications.

 Uterine fibroids are thought to be the cause of2-10 percent of cases of infertility.

Diagnosis of Uterine Fibroids is made by:

Careful pelvic examination. If a fibroid uterus is present, it can often be felt during a pelvicexamination. It usually feels firm but can vary from soft to rock-hard. The uterus can beirregularly shaped, irregularly enlarged,and often feels like it has protrusions.Most of the timeit is not painful during the exam.Many times women do not realize they have a fibroid until thepractitioner completes the exam and feels the enlarged uterus or irregularly shaped uterus.A pelvic ultrasound is the most useful tool in diagnosing a fibroid after the pelvic exam.This imagingtest is able to identify fibroids,delineate the size and to some degree the location, as well asidentify that the ovaries are normal in size.The ultrasound detects the contours of the uterus,compression of the ureters, and any potential enlargement of the kidneys caused by thecompression and of course the presence of an enlarged uterus. It is difficult for an ultrasound todetect fibroids smaller than 2 cm.

A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test is more accurate in assessing the number, size andlocation of fibroids, but it does not provide significant enough additional information to beworth the cost.

A hysteroscopy can detect submucous tumors.

An x-ray can diagnose fibroids that have become calcified.

Please feel free to contact Dr.Avé.We look forward to seeing you!Be Well and Be Happy!

Prevention is most important.

 Stop smoking.

 Ensure regular ovulation and avoid situations that promote lack of ovulation, such as stress. Avoid estrogen medications.High estrogen levels are linked to fibroid growth.

 Dietary phyto estro gens (soy/flax)do not stimulate the growth o f fibro ids.

 Eat a diet low in saturated fat,alcohol,coffee, sugar or other foods that interfere with the liver’sro le in metabo lizing hormones.

 Eat a diet high in fish, comp lex carbohydrates,who le grains, fruits, vegetab les, legume s,nutsand seeds.

 Get regular aerobic exercise.Obesity can lead to higher estrogen effects on the uterus. Eliminate food sensitivities.

 Practice good stress management.

Nutritional Supplements to Consider:

 Consult a health care provider.

 Quality Multiple Vitamin–1 to 2 tablets 3 times a day with meals

 Lipotrophic Factors–1 to 4 tablets per day with meals

 Fiber–80 grams/day

 Pancreatic Enzymes - 2 to 4 capsules 3 times a day with meals

Botanical Supplements to Consider:

 Consult a health care provider.

 Ge lsemium sempervirens

 Phyto lacca americana

 Aco nitum nape llus

 Bryonia dioica

 Vitex agnus castus

 Urtica dioica

 Arctium lappa

 Thuja oc c identalis

 And many others…

 Topical applications such as Phytolacca oil or castor oil packs along with hydrotherapyExercis e:

 Consult a health care provider.

 Use caution and moderation.

 Begin slowly and increase speed gradually. If you have never exercised before, start with a fewminute s each day and increase time gradually every week until you reach 30 minute s. Appropriate exercise includes walking, swimming, biking or working out on an exercisemachine such as a treadmill, stair-climbing machine, rowing machine or stationary cycle atmoderate intensity for 30 minutes daily.

Stress Management:

 If we perceive certain events in our lives as stressful, if this perception is extended over timeand we have not learned to cope with it, stress will eventually produce outward manifestationsin our health such as fibroids.Many simple techniques can be effective in managing our stressand reducing its bad influence such as yoga,prayer,exercise,hypnosis or deep breathing.Please feel free to contact Dr.Avé.We look forward to seeing you!Be Well and Be Happy!




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