C+AV+HDMI+USB+reversing function
LCD driver board specification
Product name:PCB-800810 Driver board
Document number:TYT20171101 early release
Supplier:Shenzhen Tianyu Longtong technology co.LTD.
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File level :public file
Release date 2017-11-01
此 品包含的相 品 格信息 最 解 深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 网址 WWW TFTLCDCN COM 技 WWW PCB800099 CN
系人:先生 手机:18682012001, EMAIL:16240075@qq com 中国广惠州惠阳司前下村98号
1.The drive board has 1 channel TYPE-C signal input,can support the TYPE Cfunctions of mobile and computer, such as MI 6,LG G5,MI Notebook,Huawei P 10,Huaweipart of Notebook,Lenovo new Notebooks,etc.,need to query function of detailed productdescription.
In addition, special note that the TYPE C data line on the computer or mobile phone canbe directly reversed.
The drive board side needs to be positive,or there will be no signal
2. 1 channel AV signal input, this function needs to be customized, there will be differentsoftware version,need to distinguish different functional requirements.
voltage of the this board only for PCB800100 instructions,not including external relatedparts, it is important to note that).
6.USB input can extend the use of HUB. If it is not extended, it can only support 1channel USB.Please pay attention to the technical requirements here.Otherwise, there will bean ID conflict and influence related functions.
7.Headphone output, support the headphones to listen to the audio,and insert theheadset, speakers will automatically silencing, this recognition using pure hardware circuitdesign,ensure the reliability of the maximum program, if an external function machine,needto adapt to adjust the volume of the machine,otherwise,may be due to the magnification ofthe unit is too big,cause level after the signal amplification distortion, influence audio effect,it is important to note that this problem does not belong to the technical problems, is to usethe problem,please pay attention to distinguish.
此 品包含的相 品 格信息 最 解 深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 网址 WWW TFTLCDCN COM 技 WWW PCB800099 CN
系人:先生 手机:18682012001, EMAIL:16240075@qq com 中国广惠州惠阳司前下村98号
company's PCB800181V1-
8BIT switching board or PCB800200-6BIT signal switching board,which can support therelevant LCD screen of TTL signal output.
11. Can support
AT070TN92,AT065TN 14,AT080TN52,AT090TN 12,AT090TN 10,AT070TN90,AT070TN93,AT070TN94,etc. .
Can support TTL LCD screen of the universal 50PIN interface.
12. The PCB800182 can directly drive relevant LVDS-FPC definition interface LCDEJ070NA01-1024*600 Resolution
EJ080NA04B-1024*768 Resolution
EJ101NA-02C-1280*800 Resolution
13. The maximum output display resolution of this drive plate is 1920*120 HDMIinput (related to LCD)
14. This AV section can directly input the signal of PAL or NTSC,and automaticknowledge of the relevant system.
15. The driver board can add the remote control function(need to be implemented bys o ftware)
16. This drive board can be set 3.3V,5V or 12V, three screen power supply choice,must confirm the accuracy of relevant voltage before use, so as not to burn the LCD screen toavoid unnecessary loss.
17. This drive board can support the automatic detection signal switch function,whichis the custom function.
此 品包含的相 品 格信息 最 解 深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 网址 WWW TFTLCDCN COM 技 WWW PCB800099 CN
系人:先生 手机:18682012001, EMAIL:16240075@qq com 中国广惠州惠阳司前下村98号
20. The drive plate location hole is four.
21. Our company can provide other customized services if required.
22. The customer needs to change the program,and needs to connect with mycompany to purchase the relevant program download board.
23. Use our company's USB interface program to download the board,you can add theLOGO in BIN code.
24. Only support HDMI sound output,power amplifier suggest choose 8Ω/1W,
100%chip capacitors, industrial grade design,excellentrobustness,applicable to moreoccasions,wider temperature range
26. 26.When the signal is weak or no signal, it will increase the signal search,whichwill consume a lot of cell phone power and increase the interference.Individual modelscaused by searching for signal video and audio signal interrupt, it was normal.When phonesignal to normal levels,TYPE-C signal output will be normal,please pay attention todistinguish between wire poor contact,or interruption of the signal and other issues
2 Interface function description
此 品包含的相 品 格信息 最 解 深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 网址 WWW TFTLCDCN COM 技 WWW PCB800099 CN
系人:先生 手机:18682012001, EMAIL:16240075@qq com 中国广惠州惠阳司前下村98号
3 AV pattern
4 HDMI信号
此 品包含的相 品 格信息 最 解 深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 网址 WWW TFTLCDCN COM 技 WWW PCB800099 CN
系人:先生 手机:18682012001, EMAIL:16240075@qq com 中国广惠州惠阳司前下村98号
PCB800810 Front view
PCB800810 Bottom view
此 品包含的相 品 格信息 最 解 深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 网址 WWW TFTLCDCN COM 技 WWW PCB800099 CN
系人:先生 手机:18682012001, EMAIL:16240075@qq com 中国广惠州惠阳司前下村98号
深6 Product size chart
此 品包含的相 品 格信息 最 解 深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 网址 WWW TFTLCDCN COM 技 WWW PCB800099 CN
系人:先生 手机:18682012001, EMAIL:16240075@qq com 中国广惠州惠阳司前下村98号
7 Interface function specification
J4 keyboard plate Remote control input interface
此 品包含的相 品 格信息 最 解 深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 网址 WWW TFTLCDCN COM 技 WWW PCB800099 CN
系人:先生 手机:18682012001, EMAIL:16240075@qq com 中国广惠州惠阳司前下村98号
J5-audio interface
HDMI interface
1 HDMI-19 standard interface Standardwire is availableJ1-USB socket
此 品包含的相 品 格信息 最 解 深圳市天宇朗通科技有限公司 网址 WWW TFTLCDCN COM 技 WWW PCB800099 CN
系人:先生 手机:18682012001, EMAIL:16240075@qq com 中国广惠州惠阳司前下村98号
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