
cloudsb  时间:2021-09-26  阅读:()

I Went SkydIvIng At 84!英语阅读答案


以下为原题: “I Went Skydiving at 84!” As a young girl growing up in the 1930s, I always wanted to fly a plane, but back then it was almost unheard of for a woman to do that. I got a taste of that dream in 2011,when my husband arranged for me to ride in a hot air balloon for my birthday. But the experience turned out to be very dull. Around that time,I told my husband that I wanted to skydive. So when our munity(社区)announced that they were having an petition and ic was an experience of a lifetime that you wanted to have, I decided to write about my dream. In the essay, I wrote about my desire to skydive, stating e Brush Sr. did it at age 80. Why not me? I was just 84 and in pretty good health. A year went by and I heard nothing. But then at munity party in late April 2009, they announced that I was one of the winners. I just couldn’t believe it. Inspired by this.I deeided to realize my dream,even though some of my family members and my doctor were against it. On June 11, 2009, nearly 40 of my family and friends gathered in the area close to where I would land while I headed up in the airplane. My instructor, Jay, guided me through the experience. The plane was the noisiest one I had ever been in, but I wasn’t frightened—I was really just looking forward to the experience. When we reached 13,000 feet, Jay instructed me to throw myself out of the plane. When we first hit the air, the wind was so strong that I could hardly breathe. For a second I thought, “What have I gotten myself into?” But then everything got calmer. We were in a free fall for about a minute before Jay opened the parachute(降落伞), then we just floated downward for about five minutes. Being up in the clouds and looking at the view below was unlike anything I have ever felt—much better than the hot air ballon. I was just enjoying it. Skydiving was really one of the greatest experiences of my life. I hope other people will look at me and realize that you don’t living just because you are 84 years old. If there’s something you want to experience, look into it. If it’s something that is possible, make it happen. 56. What happened to the auther in 2001?A. She flew an airplane B. She entered petition C. She went on a hot air balloon ride D. She moved into a munity 57. The author mentioned e Bush Sr. in her essay to . A. build up her own reputation B. show her admiration for him pare their health conditon D. make her argument persuasive 58. How did the author feel immediately after she jumped out of the plane? A. Excited B. Scared C. Nervous D. Regretful 59. What did the author enjoy most when she was skydiving? A.The beautiful clouds B. The wonderful view C. pany of Jay D. The one-minute free fall。


《东京巴比伦》《暧昧多没有》  《八云立(cloudsB)》(又名《出云传奇》, 《天使夜未眠》  《绿野原迷宫》   《翡翠森林的狼和羊》电影  《未来都市no.6》   《吸血猫》《无法逃离的背叛》)  《狂野情人》 《课长之恋》(课长情人)  《恋爱暴君》  《switch》(中文名:缉毒搜查科) 《企业战士》  《意乱情迷~我们的不归路》


《炎之蜃气楼》   《间之楔》   《富士见二丁目交响乐团》 《绝爱》 《幸福花园》   《圣传》(《冰城炎狱篇》《双城炎雷篇》   《东京巴比伦》 《X战记》(和《东》同属Clamp大姐们的作品) 《万有引力》   《暗之末裔》   《今天开始做魔王》 《LOVELESS》 《公主公主》   《拥抱春天的罗史》 《网中鱼》话   《激绊》   《风与木之诗》话   《喜欢就是喜欢》   《没有钱》   《冤罪》   《四圣兽》   《关上最后的门吧》   《快乐方程式》   《漂亮爸爸》又名《抓狂爸爸》   《仆のぴこ》(my pico)三部(my pico,pico&qico,pico&qico&coco)   《cloudsB》   《异国色恋浪漫谭》   《剑心》   《苍狼》   《冬之蝉》(《抱春》   《火宵之月》   《世纪末的Darling 》   《腐败教师方程式》   《纯情罗曼史》   《幻影少年》   《西洋古董洋果子店》   《岩窟王》   《钢铁三国志》   《天使之羽》)   《学园天堂》   《百日蔷薇   《对学生会长的忠告》   《最游记》   《卒业M》   《无法逃离的背叛》   《狂野情人》(Sex pistols)   《课长之恋》(课长情人))   《缉毒搜查科》   《企业战士》   《情意迷乱~我们的不归路》   《八立云》又名《出云传奇》   《天使夜未眠》   《绿野原迷宫》   《神幻拍档》   《春风物语》   《恋爱暴君》



  《拥抱春天的罗曼史》   《网中鱼》   《激绊》系列   《风与木之诗》:no money).,非暧昧向)   《透明少年》   《时差/,暧昧向)   《依恋你的指温/..)   《西洋古董洋果子店》   《网球王子》(Q版中的王子们有暧昧向哦.,暧昧向..,无遮掩,高H.)   《黑执事》 (第一季完结.自由YY~)   《百日的蔷薇》(H~~)   《隐之王》   《学生会长忠告》(动画只出了第一集~有H~)   《最游记》   《现视研》   《卒业M》   《番狗》(暧昧向)   《家庭教师》(腐女自由YY)   《无法逃离的背叛》(小田大神的作品;指环物语》(同上。

  《冤罪》(高H~)   《四圣兽》   《关上最后的门吧》   《快感方程式》又名《快乐方程式》   《漂亮爸爸》又名《抓狂爸爸》   《仆のぴこ(我的碧可)》   《cloudsB》   《和爸爸kiss》   《捉鬼天狗帮》   《异国色恋浪漫谭》(H~)   《第三帝国》   《剑心》外传 里面是BL的~   《苍狼》 (H~)   《钢铁三国志》   《冬之蝉》   《火宵之月》   《世纪末的Darling 》   《腐败教师方程式》   《纯情罗曼史》   《幻影少年》   《冰之魔物语》(这个MS只有声音,人设美型)   《神幻拍档07-GHOST》(耽美向)   《潘多拉之心》(主仆暧昧)   《少年阴阳师》(主仆暧昧)   《学园天堂》   《战国BASARA》(CP甚多?记不清了,超赞的哦~)   《天使之羽》讲的是一对双生子的故事   《合法禁药》   《新好情人》   《相逢在缪斯学园》   《怪道迷情》   《禁断毒天使》   《Wish》   《微热纯爱少年样》   《邪道》系列   《密约》   《黑塔利亚》 (又名天然废柴意呆利.,各国家拟人化《圣传》(CLAMP婶婶们的出道之作)   《万有引力》   《炎之蜃气楼》   《暗之末裔》   《今天开始做魔王》   《LOVELESS》   《岩窟王》   《公主公主》又名变身男孩   《绝爱》   《东京巴比伦》悲情动画   《X战记》(和《东》同属Clamp大姐们的作品)   《间之楔》(应该H吧~)   《幸福花园》超高H。

  《闪灵二人组》(这个有一点点的暧昧吧)   《鬼眼狂刀》   《喜欢就是喜欢》   《没有钱》(英文名



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