
uniforms  时间:2021-07-16  阅读:()

初二下英语作文school uniforms

Ladies and gentleman: Good morning, it is a pleasure for me to speak with you. The concern that whether student should wear school uniform brings you to be here to listen to this speech. For those against, they believe that the requirement of the school uniform is killing the individuality of the youth. Schools should show greater appreciation of individual difference instead of encouraging conformity. But no matter what your opinion is, today, I will say that the school uniform is absolutely necessary for the student. In the first place, giving teenagers the right to choose their own clothes is just only a tiny part of individuality cultivation. What more important is that, to inspire and foster creativity, teachers and parents should allow children to challenge their authority; schools should encourage any brilliant new ideas; society should listen to their voice. In the second place, many young people misunderstand the concept of individuality. To them, individuality is to do everything differently without concerning about ethical standards, rules and laws. When they are going after their idea of individuality, they are actually at the risk of being ego-centric. Then the unified school uniform is the first step to guide them back, as it is the symbol of being in the group and tell them everyone is part of the society. In the third place, it can save money, getting away of comparison, no chasing brand product. More importantly, students can focus on their study for better. Can you imagine a college campus filled with shadow heads and a generation of vain youth? Therefore the school uniform should be popularized in every school and show student the right individuality in the society.

英语作文 my favorite school uniforms

my favorite school uniforms   I`m a middle school student and in our school ,student must wear uniforms every day,but most of my plain /kem`plen/(抱怨)that our uniforms are ugly.If we have a chance to design/dizen/(设计)our own uniforms,we will wear blue uniforms ,because blue is the sky.Is`very quiet.And the most important thing is suit/svt/(适合某人) us .everyone can wear fortable (舒适的)I hope that day.

he always ____(穿)uniforms 填什么? 为什么填这个? always 、uniform为什么加S?

wears always 是一个单词 只不过是s结尾的 像 bus只不过是s结尾的词 uniforms 是uniform的复数 一般制服不止一套 都说复数 很少说wear an uniform的

有没有 school uniforms 或者 school uniform 若有是按照单复数来变形吗

school uniform或者抄school uniforms 都是正确的名词短语,school uniforms为school uniforms的复数形式袭(school不用变为复数,只需uniform加s就行) 另外 In the moutains和baiin the mountain本身也是没有问题的,mountain是否加dus得考虑语境,由是zhi指山的群落还是某座dao山而定 望采纳.




造句的话......好吧,来一个…… We should wear uniforms at school.(我们在校要穿校服)


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