trampolineMichael Penn的《Trampoline》 歌词

trampoline  时间:2022-02-24  阅读:()

Michael Penn的《Trampoline》 歌词

歌曲名:Trampoline 歌手:Michael Penn 专辑:Mp4 (Days Since A Lost Time ident) And who would've thought that a cutie-pie just like you, Would have anything to do with a smelly-dude like me? I find it hard to believe. And who would've thought that you ever would've, Kissed my cheek in your backyard, On your trampoline that night, I never put up a fight. . And I know that you're all shook up, From a terrible relationship, He broke your heart, Yeah, he tore you into pieces, But I promise you dear, I'll never touch you like he did, So, baby, please take my hand, And you'll never be alone again. . And every single time I look into your eyes, I see a little bit? more sunshine, Feel a little bit more like me Instead of who it turns out to be, Wouldn't trade it for a thing, can I call you my baby? . And I know that you're all shook up, From a terrible relationship, He broke your heart, yeah he tore you into piece But I promise you dear, I'll never touch you like he did. So baby please take my hand and you'll never be alone again. Cause I know he broke your heart, but I'll love you till the end. . So baby please take my hand and you'll never be alone again. So baby please take my hand and you'll never be alone again. So baby please take my hand and you'll never be alone again. . /song/8897095




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