恢复数码相机内存卡格式化误删后的六种照片恢复软件(Digital camera memory card six Photo format deleted after recovery software)

内存卡格式化  时间:2021-01-12  阅读:()

数码相机内存卡格式化误删后的六种照片恢复软件Digital camera memory card six Photo format deleted after recovery software


这个软件是一个叫亚历山大的德国人编写的可以在目前的主流操作系统下运行。包括Windows平台从9x、我、 NT、 2000到最新的XP 系统和苹果的MAC系统。这个软件可以恢复几乎所有的存储卡介质包括SD MMC CF卡、卡、卡、 IBM小硬盘、索尼记忆棒和SM卡等可以恢复的”图像格式”有JPEG、 TIFF PNG BMP GIF、、 、和原还可以恢复AV I、 M OV、 WAV等声音和录像格式几乎涵盖了当前最流行的各种存储卡和存储格式。该软件提供了许多语言供使用者选择有英语、德语、法语、繁体中文、 日语等。但是没有简体中文使用起来十分不方便。那个繁体中文显示在大多数电脑上都不正常比日文还难懂笔者介绍一下该软件的安装和使用下面其它软件的安装方法基本相同。

该软件很小只有500多K解压缩以后也只有684k一张软盘就能够盛下。解压缩后直接点击“设置”即可安装然后按照提示可以很顺利的完成安装过程整个安装过程用不了三分钟此时你的桌面上会出现一个”红十字”的小图标双击这个图标即可运行程序。在启动程序前把数码相机连接到你的电脑上系统会出现一个”可移动存储器”的盘符如果你的相机不支持这一功能那么你只能使用读卡器把你的存储卡插入读卡器然后再连接上电脑就可以了。运行程序系统会提示你选择语言笔者建议大家选英文因为那个繁体中文版本在好多电脑上不能正确显示。接下来你要选中你的数码相机存储卡所在的盘符选定恢复后的存贮路径然后给恢复后文件起个名字如果不起程序会默认文件的名字为“图像” 从L到

N.一切准备工作完毕你要做的就是点击”明星开始 ” 这时下


2、 已被2 图片恢复专家

该软件也是一款简单好用的数据恢复软件界面直观、简捷只须简单的几步即可完成先点击”选项”选择存放恢复数据的” 目标路径” 然后选择需要进行恢复的存储卡盘符接下来点击”开始”即可。它也有恢复进度显示同时还有缩略图同步显示。同样可以直观地显示存储卡的容量、分区大小和文件恢复数量等信息恢复后的数据用”图像# . jpg”命名。 如图二软件的特点是简单易用专门为恢复数码照片编写它的数据恢复能力不错删除的照片基本都能够顺利恢复而且对于存储卡格式化后的恢复能力不错。

3、 FinalData


From the file menu, click "start" to select the memory card drive, and then select the "full scan" in complete scan, the tree list will appear. The pictures you deleted may be in the deleted fileor inthe missingfile. Select the file that needs to be restored for recovery. The software scans all the files

on the memory card, and also fixes the "bad" files. It is a very complete data recovery software.

4, EasyRecovery Pro

This software is also an almighty data recovery software, with disk diagnostics, data recovery, file repair, mail repair,software updates, rescue centers and other six functions. Its function classification is more detailed, professional, and targeted. In the recovery storage card photos, should choose "do not depend on the structural information of any file system recovery options, and then choose according to the format of the image, choose a good letter to scan a folder on the memory card and the file name, file size and time, and then choose to restore files to restoration work. The recovered file is named after SC0###.JPG and stored in the specified folder.

5, File, Rescue, Plus, V3.0.0.6

There are three prompt boxes before the operation is resumed:to delete file scanning, cluster scanning and image aid. In the recovery storage card photos, should choose a final "image aid",then select the memory card drive, choose according to the clues,finally restored. The restored file alsohas thumbnail display,and then you can select the file you want to save to save.6, Recovery, My, Files, V2.27

The software is also a multi-functional data recovery software,divided into fast, complete, formatted, manual and other four categories of disk scanning, and other functions and methods

of use similar to the appeal software.

These six software, some are specifically for the restoration of digital photos and write, some features more complete,powerful, can restore a variety of file, even can repair the bad and bad disk files, and most of the Chinese version, more convenient to use, it can be used to selectively. After the author' s trial, the six software can delete the digital photos after the full recovery, even after formatting can generally easily restored. It' s easy to use and easy to use. Finally, it needs to be explained that with the digital recovery software,it is onlypossible to recover the loss aftermisoperation, and it can not guarantee absolute insurance. I suggest the majority of fans, once found to have deleted and formatted, must as soon as possible to restore, unless no way, it is best not to carry out any write operation, so can not be repaired with satisfactory results. Because when you delete card or quick format for storage, but not on real data were deleted, but the memory card of the partition table is processed, as long as the sector is not to delete photos of other data coverage, can usually be recovered smoothly, but if new data is written on.Can not guarantee that the deleted digital photos can be successfully restored.

I met the same situation as you did the other day. In August 8th, GF and her mother took some pictures and accidentally deleted them while they were pouring photos.

Very depressed, come back and quickly find software to solve.When I met the recommendation of many people on the Internet,I tried 20 or so different software at one nightwithout success.

Including Mediarecover, Photorecovery, Final, recovery, Easy,recovery, and a wide variety of software in the name of photo restoration.

Among them, several software because it has several software registration problem, because the only picture preview if you need to restore online payment (mobile phone registration, bank transfer etc. ) . This also includes the highly recommended online Mediarecover 4.




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