
iis防盗链  时间:2021-01-11  阅读:()

毕业设计论文学 院 名 称 学院名称

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202 年 月

本科生毕业设计论文 第I页



随着经济的飞速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高GSM网络在迅速普及移动通信技术的飞速发展给人们的生活带来了更多的方便。与此同时人们对自己住宅的要求也越来越高不仅希望拥有安逸、温馨、舒适、的住所而且对住宅的安全性和智能化等诸多方面也提出了更高的要求。此设计是利用了GSM移动通信网络的短消息业务,并采用AT89S51单片机以及西门子公司生产的移动通信模块TC35i实现的基于GSM 短信模块的家庭智能防盗报警系统。此系统主要由TC35 i短信模块、单片机AT89S51、时钟电路、无线发射接收模块、声光报警电路、键盘显示模块、电源电路等外围电路组成它实现了短信息报警和声光报警两种方法从而达到报警的实时性和有效性。此系统采用了AT89S51单片机作为主控制芯片并通过TC35 i来进行通信传输采用各种传感器来进行检测 配有被动式热释电红外传感器、 门磁传感器、微波传感器玻璃破碎传感器通过无线发射接收模块实现防盗报警。并且配有键盘电路可以进行本地设防、撤防和日期、时钟的调整等操作。此设计是由硬件和软件两部分构成。硬件用单片机作为控制核心通过高精度进口集成器件和对软件的精心设计实现了基于短信息平台的家庭安防系统基本实现了系统的远程报警及控制功能达到了远程监控家居的目标具有技术先进、性能可靠、使用非常方便的优点充分体现了人性化设计的特点适合于小区和楼内等场合具有较好的应用前景。

关键词 单片机TC35I模块GSM短信息AT指令 传感器

本科生毕业设计论文 第II页

The Design Of Intelligent Security Alarm System Based On MCU


With the rapid development of social economy and the improvement of people "s living standards, the rapid development of GSM network, the rapid development of mobile communication technology has brought more convenience for people" s life. .At the same time people of his residential requirements are increasingly high, not only to has a comfortable,warm and comfortable, residence and residential security and intelligence aspects also put forward higher requirements.This design is using the short message service of GSM mobile communication network,and uses AT89S51 SCM and production of Siemens mobile communication module TC35i realize based on GSM SMS module of smart home burglar alarm system. This system is mainly composed of TC35i SMS module, SCM AT89S51, clock circuit, a wireless transmitting receiving module, sound and light alarm circuit,keyboard display module,power supply circuit and other peripheral circuit. It realizes the short message alarm sound and light alarm two methods, so as to achieve the real-time alarm and effective.The system the AT89S51 microcontroller as the main control chip, and through the TC35i to communication transmission, using a variety of sensors to detect,equipped with passive heat release electric infrared sensor,magnetometer sensor,microwave sensor, glass breakage sensor, through the wireless transmitting and receiving module to achieve the anti-theft alarm.And with the keyboard circuit can be local fortification,disarm and date,clock adjustment of operation.The design is composed of two parts of hardware and

本科生毕业设计论文 第III页

so ftware. .Hardware with s ingle chip microcomputer as contro l core,high prec is ion imported integrated devices and through the care ful design of the software, the realization of the family security system based on short message platform, the basic realization of the system of remote alarm and control functions, achieve the goal of remote monitoring of the home,with advanced technology, reliable performance, the use of the advantage of very convenient, fully embodies the characteristics of humanization design, suitable for residential building and other occasions.Have good application prospect.

Keywords MCU TC35I  GSM modem AT order  Sensor

提速啦:美国多IP站群云服务器 8核8G 10M带宽 7IP 88元/月

提速啦(www.tisula.com)是赣州王成璟网络科技有限公司旗下云服务器品牌,目前拥有在籍员工40人左右,社保在籍员工30人+,是正规的国内拥有IDC ICP ISP CDN 云牌照资质商家,2018-2021年连续4年获得CTG机房顶级金牌代理商荣誉 2021年赣州市于都县创业大赛三等奖,2020年于都电子商务示范企业,2021年于都县电子商务融合推广大使。资源优势介绍:Ceranetwo...

IonSwitch:$1.75/月KVM-1GB/10G SSD/1TB/爱达荷州



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