在windows操作系统中,要实现一台具有多个域名的web服务器,要使用虚拟主机。 In the windows operating system, to implement a web server with multiple domain names, it is necessary to use the virtual host.
The core exchange layer structure design focuses on reliability,scalability and openness
Wireless networks built by IEEE802. 16 require full duplex and broadband operation between base stations.
The key technologies of managing and operating broadband metropolitan area network are bandwidth management, service quality, network management, user management, multi service access, statistics and billing, IP address allocation and transformation, network security, etc. .
There are repeaters, hubs, routers, switches and so on. Network access device has network card, modem and so on
The network server does not include DOS, and DOS belongs to the workstation operating system.
There are two types of BPDU packets: one is the configuration BPDU that contains configuration information (not more than 35B) , and the other is topology change notification BPDU containing topological changes information (no more than 4B)Network development tools include database development tools,web application development tools and standard development tools
Web application development tools mainly include HTML/XML standard document development tools. Standard development tools include: Java, Visual Basic, Delphi.
The construction of large-scale network system needs to employ professional supervision company to supervise the whole process of project implementation.
In order to ensure the availability and security of the network,we can use the key data to use disk duplexing, dual machine fault tolerance, offsite backup and recovery measures, and ensure the redundancy of key equipment.
Router redundancy: redundancy of interface, redundancy of power supply, redundancy of system board, redundancy of clock and redundancy of whole equipment.
Switches can be divided into fixed port switches and modular switches
Support more than 500 nodes can choose enterprise level switch,300 can choose departmental switch, 100 below is workgroup switch
The file server uses centralized mode to manage shared files.The average number of CPU supported by departmental servers is 2-4
Network application software development and operation
environment include: network database management system and network software development tools.
Address translation technology research started in 1996.The address on Internet has two forms: domain name and IP address
IPv6 uses colon sixteen decimal. An important feature of CIDR addresses is address aggregation and route aggregation.CIDR (classless interdomain routing) : address aggregation and routing aggregation
OSPF (Routing Protocol) also has hop limit, the maximum hop number is 65536. . When the link state changes, the message is sent to all routers by flooding method
The independent hub with network management function is the basic hub
The foundation of VLAN is switching technology
In interconnecting network devices, the difference between switches and bridges is that switches connect more segments than bridges.
The failure of any node in the LAN will not affect the work of the whole network. The topology structure of the LAN is the bus type structure.
Among the main technologies that determine LAN characteristics,the most important is medium access control method.
Trunk subsystem is the nerve center of generic cabling system In the twisted pair network, the central connection device of the Ethernet is the hub.
The MAC address table of the transparent bridge records three types of information: station address, port and time
In the Windows operating system, to implement aweb server with multiple domainnames, it is necessary touse the virtual host".System security includes mechanisms: security protection mechanism, security detection mechanism, security recovery mechani sm
802. 16 the highest transmission rate is 134Mbps, the use of wireless frequency band is 10-66GHz
In the construction of broadband metropolitan area network, it is necessary to consider equipment redundancy, line redundancy,routing redundancy and"rapid diagnosis and automatic recovery of system faults" according to the requirements of carrier level operation"
User management of broadband metropolitan area network includes user authentication, access management and billing management.
Broadband metropolitan area network must have IP address allocation capability, can support dynamic and static address allocation, support network address translation NAT function.Detailed analysis of network requirements includes: network overall requirements analysis, generic cabling requirements analysis,
Network availability and reliability analysis, network security requirements and cost estimation of network engineering.
CIDR features: address aggregation and routing aggregation In the network, a host is usually connected to a router, which is the default router of the host"
The most important feature of autonomous system in Internet is that it has the right to decide what routing protocol should be adopted in the system
The inter domain routing protocol is used for routing between autonomous systems
The advantages of generic cabling include compatibility,openness, f lexibility, advancement, economy and reliability.The main connection parts used in generic cabling are divided into building group distribution frame, building main distribution frame, floor distribution frame, transfer point and communication extraction terminal.
Generic cabling consists of components of different sizes and specifications, but does not include routers, network cards The primary characteristic of generic cabling is compatibility CSM network management interface can complete the following basic management functions: to see the switch running state,VLAN configuration, port configuration.
In the CSM network management interface, click "topology" to see the topology of the switch connected with other switches.The LAN switch automatically establishes and maintains a exchange table that records the mapping relationship between the destination MAC address and the device port.
Routers, like computers, have a central processor, memory,memory and other hardware systems without a graphical user interface and no keyboard input device.
Routing table content includes: destination network address,next hop router address and destination port information, also includes default router routing information.
There are three main types of router interfaces: LAN interface,WAN interface and router configuration interface.
View the router configuration information and routing table,using show configuration and show ip route respectively
In the typical network topology of HiperLAN/2, the coverage of a cell is 30m in the room, and 150m in the outdoor
IEEE802. 11b typical solutions are: peer to peer solutions,single access point solutions, multiple access point solutions,wireless relay solutions.
Wireless LAN hardware equipment mainly includes: wireless network card, wireless access point AP, antenna, wireless bridge, wireless router and wireless gateway
The FTP server configuration parameters are: domain, anonymous user, named user, group
Boot viruses are parasitic on disk boot or primary boot areas The basic installation objects of the antivirus system include the installation of the system center, the installation of the server, the installationof the client and the installation of the management console
Network key equipment selection principle: product series and vendor selection; network scalability considerations; network technology advanced considerations
Transparent bridge features: transparent bridges are routed by each bridge itself; transparent bridges are generally used for interconnection between the same network segments of the two MAC layer protocols; the biggest advantage of transparent bridges is easy to install.
The frequency hopping rate of Bluetooth system is 1600 times /s
The uplink rate of Cable Modem is 200kbps-10Mbps
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LayerStack(成立于2017年),当前正在9折促销旗下的云服务器,LayerStack的云服务器采用第 3 代 AMD EPYC™ (霄龙) 处理器,DDR4内存和企业级 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe SSD。数据中心可选中国香港、日本、新加坡和洛杉矶!其中中国香港、日本和新加坡分为国际线路和CN2线路,如果选择CN2线路,价格每月要+3.2美元,付款支持paypal,支付宝,信用卡等!...