学生最新原创2018-2019年 新译林 3B 全册精品教案(130页)

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Unit 1 In class

The first period

一、 教学内容 Story time.

二、 教学目标

1、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用词汇 door.

2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用祈使句 Stand up. Sit down. Open/Close the door.

3、使学生能正确地连读祈使句 Stand up.


1、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用词汇 door.

2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用祈使句 Stand up. Sit down. Open/Close the door.


1、祈使句Stand up.的连读。



歌曲《Stand up》 ; door的图片。


Step 1. Greeting.

T: Good morning, class.

S: Good morning, „

Step 2. Leading in: Listen to a song: Stand up.


Step 3. Teaching the sentence: Stand up.

1. Lead Ss to find the new sentence in the song, then write iton the blackboard.

2. Lead Ss to read it by themselves.

3. Teach Ss to read it, then choose someone to read one by one.

4. Teacher does the action, lead Ss to guess the meaning of it.

5. Listen to the song again, try to sing it.

6. Sing after the computer sometimes. (The students only singthe sentence: Stand up. The teacher sings the others. )

76. Sing it without the music.

87. Ss sing it in pairs.

9. Choose some pairs to sing.

10. Teach Ss to(连读)

Step 4. Teaching the sentence: Sit down.

1. Write the sentence on the blackboard, then lead Ss to readit by themselves.

2. Teach Ss to read it, then choose someone to read one by one.

3. Teacher does the action, lead Ss to guess the meaning of it.

4. Give Ss the music, ask them to try to use this sentenceinstead of ‘Sit down’ , then sing the song again. (Two times)

5. Ss try to sing the song together. (Two times)

6. Choose some groups to sing.


Step 5. Practice the two sentences.

1. Lead Ss to sing the song with the two sentences.

First, ask Ss try to sing in groups, then sing it together.At last, choose some groups to sing together.

2. Lead Ss to know themeaning of the fourwords: stand sit,up down.

3. Ss read the words one by one. At the same time, teach Ss todo the action of them.

Step 6. Teach these words: open, close, door.

1. Teach the word: door.

(1) . Show Ss the card of the word, then ask Ss to try to readit by themselves.

(2) . Teach Ss to read it some times.

2. Teach the words: open, close.

(1) .Write the two words on the blackboard, then ask Ss to tryto read them by themselves.

(2) .Teach Ss to read them some times.

(3) . Do an exercise: Read and match.open 关上close 打开

(4) . Help Ss to remember the two words.

3. Practice.


(1) . Make phrases with the three words.

(2) . Sing the song ‘Stand up. ’ with the two sentences: Openthe door. Close the door.

Step 7. Consolidation.

Sing the song ‘Stand up. ’ with the four sentences: Standup. Sit down. Open the door. Close the door.

1. Give Ss some minutes to sing it in groups.

2. Ss sing it together.

3. Choose some groups to sing.

Homework: Sing the song ‘Stand up. ’ with the foursentences: Stand up. Sit down. Open the door. Close the door.板书设计

Unit 1 In class

Sit down.



The second period

一、 教学内容 Story time.


1、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用词汇 a window, a blackboard, Mr,please.

2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用句型 I’ m sorry. Come in, „


4、使学生了解和“Mr”、 “Gr een”相关的文化。


1、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用词汇 a window, a blackboard, Mr,please.

2、使学生能听懂、会说、会运用句型 I’ m sorry. Come in, „





window, blackboard的图片。


Step 1. Greeting.

T: Good morning, class.

S: Good morning, „

Step 2. Sing the song: Stand up.

Ss sing the song with the teacher.

Step 3. Revision.

1. Lead Ss to find these sentences in the song: Stand up. Sitdown. Open/Close the door. (When Ss say about them, the teacherwrite them on the blackboard. )

2. Ss read the four sentences together.

Step 4. Teaching the new word: window.

1. Show Ss the card of the word, then ask Ss to try to read itby themselves.

2. Teach Ss to read it some times.

3. Choose some one to read it.

4. Lead Ss to make phrases and sentences with the word.

5. Ask Ss to try to sing the song ‘Stand up. ’ with the twonew sentences ‘Open the window. ’ ‘Close the window. ’ ingroups.

6. Choose some groups to sing the song.


7. Ss sing the song together.

Step 5. Teaching the new word: please.

1. Ss read the sentences on the blackboard together.

2. Lead Ss to think how to give these orders politely, then showthem the word: please.

3. Ask Ss try to read this word by themselves.

4. Teach Ss to read it some times.

5. Choose some one to read it.

6. Lead Ss to think how to use it.

7. Practice it: Ss make sentences with it.

Step 6. Teaching the new word: blackboard.

1. Show Ss the card of the word, then ask Ss to try to read itby themselves.

2. Teach Ss to read it some times.

3. Choose some one to read.

4. Ask Ss to make phrases and sentences with it.

Step 7. Learning the story.

1. Watch the cartoon, then find the new words and sentences inthe story.

2. Teach the new words and sentences: Mr, I’ m sorry. Come in.

(1) . Ss spell them one by one, the teacher writes them on theblackboard at the same time.


(2) . Ss try to read them by themselves.

(3) . Teach Ss to read them.

(4) . Watch the cartoon again, guess the meaning of them.

(5).Tell Ss the culture of ‘Mr. ’ .

(6).Tell Ss the culture of ‘Green’ .

3. Read the book, then answer the question:Why Mike says ‘I’ msorry. ’ ?

4. Listen to the tape, then answer the question: How many ordersdoes Mr. Green give? What are they?

5. Ss read the story after the tape.

6. Ss read it in groups.

7. Show Ss the pictures of the story, then lead them to repeatall the story.

8. Ss practice in groups.

9. Choose some groups to act.

Homework: Read the story.


Unit 1 In class

Please Open/ Close the door/ window. ,



Look at the blackboard.

Come in.

I’ m sorry.

The third period

一、教学内容 Story time Rhyme time, Checkout time.


1、使学生能熟练运用Story time中的句型 Stand up. Sit down.Open/ Close the door. I’ m sorry. Come in, „

2、使学生能熟练地复述Story time中的故事。

3、使学生能基本会说歌谣 Open the window.





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