中国人才流失仅3成留学生选择学成归国(图) -未名空间(mitbbs_com) -海外华人第一门户China brain drain only 3 ofstudents choose to return home (Figure) - unknown space
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Brain drain in China: only 3 of students choose to return homeafter their studies (map)
December 11, 2011 20:04:22 [a hodgepodge of news]
Come back, talent Mitbbs. com
"What' s the most expensive in twenty-first Century?" Talent!"Mitbbs. com
People who have seen "no thief in the world" must haveremembered Ge You' s very classic line. Although it is a funnyword, it also tells an indisputable fact that in the knowledgeeconomy dominated in twenty-first Century, whether it isbusiness or the country, talent is the key to prosperity. Thescramble for talented people on a global scale has become a warfree of war among nations. Mitbbs. com
On behalf of the "thousand plan", the Chinese government hasmade a high-profile bid to join the battle for talent. Turn onthe "thousand people plan" website with all levels of talentintroduction programs. The Chinese government has become trulythe world' s largest headhunter, and the company focuses on theChinese elite overseas. Mitbbs. com
"The motherland needs you, our motherland welcomes you, and themotherland sends hope to you. "!" This is the "thousand personplan" appears SCR is a line of eye-catching characters,reminiscent of Tsien Hsueshen and the older generation ofscientists rejected foreign material favorable conditions,breakthrough obstacles and difficulties, decided to return tothe new China all deeds.
But today' s times have undergone fundamental changes. TheChinese, today China, poor and blank, has become the secondlargest economy in the world. More importantly, there were onlya handful of people with doctorates in China in that year. In2010, China had more than 110 thousand doctoral students andbecame the world' s largest doctoral degree awarding country.Mitbbs. com
Now that we have the largest doctorate system in the world, whydo we have to invest heavily in the introduction of talent fromoverseas, especially overseas Chinese? Is China' s talentdemand is too large, must be introduced from overseas to meetdomestic demand? If so, why don't we focus on all foreignersand focus on overseas Chinese?Or is it that our trained talentsare not good enough and that we must introduce better talentsfrom overseas? This raises another question: the same isChinese, why not become talents in China, but in overseas work?Mitbbs. com
The pain of brain drain in China
No country in the world experiences sustained, large-scalebrain drain like china. Mitbbs. com
UNESCO statistics show,
Chinahas become the largest country in theworld in 2006. Thereare 1 Chinese students in almost every 7 foreign students inthe world. According to the Ministry of education, 2010The total number of Chinese students studying abroad in the yearwas 285 thousand. From the point of view of brain drain, thereis nothing to study abroad, the key is that these students(whether public or at their own expense) whether or not toreturn home after their studies.
According to the overseas Chinese study published by HuaqiaoUniversity, August 15, 2011 "(2011)", the reform and openingup from 1978 to the end of 2009, all kinds of personnel abroad(including the national public school, public school and studyat their own expense) for a total of 1 million 620 thousand and700 people, and the people returned to the total number ofmembers only 497 thousand and 400 people, accounting for about31% of the total. The report also pointed out that there arestill foreign students studying abroad
1 million 123 thousand and 400 people, 892 thousand and 900 ofwhom are studying abroad for undergraduate, master' s, doctoralstudies, or post doctoral research, academic visits, etc. , andmainly concentrated in developed countries. If in accordancewith
By the end of 2009, the proportion of returnees was calculated,and only about 350 thousand of the 1 million 123 thousand and
400 would be returned after their studies. Mitbbs.comOf course, not all foreign students are satisfied with theintroduction of talent"
Requirements. In accordance with the domestic introduction oftalent, the study of master (especially professional master' sdegree, such as business administration or public policy) ,doctoral, postdoctoral or academic visits of personnelstudying abroad is considered a talent. Take Chinese studentsstudying in the United States as an example, according to theInternational Institute for Educational Research
Education) released the latest data, in the 2010/2011 schoolyear, a total of 157558 China students in the United States,which engaged in undergraduate study accounted for 36. 2%,engaged in Graduate Studies (including master and doctor)accounted for 48.8%, nearly half. If this ratio is basicallyapplicable to Chinese students in other countries, then theyare studying at the undergraduate level or above overseas892 thousand and 900 of the Chinese, half of them are engagedin graduate studies. At this point, China has at least 400thousand people overseas.
For various reasons, the United States is the first choice forChinese students. In 2007, for example, according to datareleased by the Ministry of education, the total number ofChinese students studying abroad was 144 thousand. Datareleased by the US embassy show that 67723 of Chinese students
went to the United States
People. The two sets of data show that one out of every twoChinese students has gone to the United states. Just past the2010/2011 academic year, the number of students in the UnitedStates up to 157558people. Chinese in India came 8years later,f rom
Since 2009, it has become the largest source of internationalstudents in the United states.
The University of oak Ricci
(OakRidgeAssociatedUniversities) survey data, Chinesestudents in the United States received a doctorate in scienceand engineering, 4-5 years to continue to stay, the proportionof the United States is far higher than the proportion ofstudents in other countries. In 2002, a total of 2139 Chinesestudents received doctorates in science and Engineering in theUnited States, of whom92%remained in the United States in 2007.It seems that the vast majority of talented Americans do notwant to return home for the time being.
Temptation to go abroad Mitbbs. com
Studying abroad in China has been hot for many years, "renowned"at home and abroadNewOriental, is the best witness to go abroadhot, but also one of the biggest beneficiaries of the crazeabroad. Today, the study abroad is not only a sign of fever,but there is a growing trend. According to news reports, despitethe U. S. Educational Examination Center
(ETS) in the past two years, China has added about 50 thousandTOEFL candidates per year, but the growth rate of the candidatesis far behind the growth rate of the candidates. So in the firstday of the December 3rd TOEFL registration, the test of cattle,and reselling them to test the position or registration, eachtest top price of 3000 yuan, while the TOEFL exam itself costsonly 1415 yuan.
What are the Chinese people struggling to go abroad?And reformand opening up is not the same, now the vast majority of studentsabroad are at their own expense. The Ministry of education datashow that in 2010, the number of students studying abroad attheir own expense accounted for the total number of studentswho went abroad to study in that year
93%. Most of the students studying at their own expense areundergraduate or graduate students with excellent results andlofty aspirations, and many of them are from china. If theychoose to pursue further studies at home, there will be manygood opportunities for employment or further education to waitfor them. Why did they choose to study abroad? Mitbbs. comOne of the main reasons is that our own talent training systemdoes not have enough appeal, especially in graduate education,which does not carry out a foreign scholarship system. The vastmajority of Chinese masters and doctoral students are requiredto pay tuition, even if they do not pay tuition fees, they haveto bear their own living expenses. Although the state gives aliving allowance every month, it is like a drop in the bucketin the era of soaring prices. Imagine a graduate of a
prestigious university in the countrywho has applied for a fullaward abroad after a few months. He not only does not have topay a penny tuition, but also has enough living expenses everymonth. Is he willing to stay in China or prefer to go abroad?Mitbbs. com
Another attraction is that, compared with developed countries,domestic university infrastructure is generally laggingbehind.Although the science and Engineering Colleges in the laboratoryfacilities with foreign universities has been little gap, butif we consider the whole scientific research and livingenvironment, including library books and electronic databases,sports facilities, campus environment, accommodation and so on,our university is a lot worse. Not to mention the schools inCambridge and Harvard, the scientific research and the campusenvironment of an ordinary state university in the UnitedStates, and many of our top universities can't compare with them.Mitbbs. com
Think carefully, our government spends on trillion yuan to hostthe Olympic Games and the Asian Games, World Expo, invested 100billion yuan to improve the communication ability of theInternational Year China, invested billions of dollars toestablish Confucius college in overseas, but not an input toimprove the graduate students' living allowance, to providethem with the stadium and the campus environment, first-classlibrary no wonder, our best students poured into foreign. Nowthe government has to invest heavily in attracting people whohave been well educated in china. He regret past doings?Mitbbs. com
The culture system regarded as hopeless.
However, even if we did not go abroad, and our hard environmentand the developed countries have little difference, those whohave or will become the introduction of talent, most of themcan not achieve their existing achievements. "Orange born inHuainan for orange, born in Huaibei for the orange tree", whichis more involved in the soft environment, that is, the system.If it is not timely and decisive to take effective measures toreform the current graduate education system, China' s graduateeducation will soon go bankrupt.
One major drawback of graduate education in China is to masterand doctoral education living separately, the master is thevast majority of people not to continue to engage in academicresearch, but in order to get a higher degree in order to finda job. However, the existing master education system decidesthat their education should be academic,
Instead of focusing on Vocational training. As a result, thegovernment and universities have invested a lot of manpower,material resources and financial resources, but the studentshave no motivation to study, and the teachers have no motivationto teach.
The author believes that the first step in the reform is tostrictly distinguish betweenmaster of vocational (such as MBA,translation master' s, etc. ) and master of academic, and thelatter as much as possible with doctoral education linked toearly realization of reading. In other words, China should take"2 or 6" mode, namely the occupation master Shuoboliandu for
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