ishelpfulXiaoMi Game Center Guide - 小米开放平台

小米开放  时间:2021-05-08  阅读:()

MiTV and MiBox Game DeveloperGuide(for Single Player Game)



Modify history:

Definition of Terms:

1.XiaoMi gamecenter

1.1. Introduction

Xiaomi gamecenter is released foral l Miphone,MiBox,MiTVand MIUI users byxiaomicompany.The whole center, striving to create a betterAndroid ecosystem, includes manyqual ity resources such as MIUI system,develop SDK,internetwebsite,xiaomi Forum etc..

Xiaomi game centerprovidesan easyand quickaccessof downloading, searching,charging(supportonl ineand single player)of games, it isthe bestchoiceforgamedevelopers.


Mibi is issued byxiaomi company,used forvirtual production payment, l ikeQbi . Mibi hasthe characteristicsof circulation in al l xiaomi virtual production platform.Users could chargethroughxiaomiaccounts(BuyMibivia RMB),and payforal l the production inxiaomi and itsco-company production platform.

1RMB=1Mibi, thesmal lestunit is1cent, so something could bepriced at0.01Mibi .

The Mibi amountspent byusersfor appl icationsarethe basisforsettlementfortheincoming of developers.

1.4.Quick start

Before reading the belows, it is highlyrecommended thatyou instal l thetwo Demoprograms(MiBox_SDK_Demo_Offl ineGame.apk and MiBox_SDK_Demo_Onl ineGame.apk)distributed with this document into MiTVor MiBox.Because the two programs demonstrate thewholeworkflowof xiaomi game SDK,and it ishelpful to understand ourSDKpayment flow.

2.Production Design and Implementation

2.1.Single Player Game

2.1.1 Flowof single playergame

Thedevelopersof single playergamesneed neitherto managethe users' login nor recordthe login status.Al l theyneed to do isto invokethe miUniPayOffl ine() nested in SDKwhenusers do the payments.SDK itself processes the logic of users' login, registration, insufficientmoney,purchased and so on.Atypical businessflowisasfol lows:

2.1.2 Position of game icons for MiBox and MiTV

Create fourdirectories in directory'res'of apk forthe two game icons(For MiBox and MiTV):


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Put the icon forMiTVin drawable-hdpi and drawable-xhdpi

Put the icon for MiBox in drawable-mdpi and drawable-tvdpi

2.1.3 SDKinvoke methods

Asfordevelopers,onlyneed to add thefol lowing codeto realizethe single playergamepayment.

Please obtain AppId and AppKey first, then invoke the following SDK initialization code to initialize theoperation.

Put MiGameCenterSDKService.apk of SDK package into the'assets'directory of application,and SDK's jarthe'libs', referenced in buildpath, then initialize SDK.(Note:Check whether the package name of the game is thesame with the package name of xiaomi server c onfiguration,whether the Appid and Appkey are c onsistent withthe applied. If not consistent, it would be failed when invoke login and other SDK interfaces.).

Init()method is invoked in Application.onCreate!

ThepermissionthatSDKneedstoadd: payment of Xiaomiaccount login Consumable production(Production that can be re-purchased, such as blood bottleand magic bottle) Non-consumable production(Production that cannot be re-purchased, such as gamelevel)

Parameter Description: SDK's main entrance

SDK's main entrance adds customerservice,game forumsand guide functions(Pleasecontactusforthe location of main entrance.)

2.1.4 Server interface

If needed, itcould also provide the notification addressof receiving order payment resultforsingle playergames. Optional  notification interface Process Description:

This interface isdeveloped bydeveloperand should be configuredin xiaomi game centerbefore releasing.

Aftersuccessful paymentof the order,xiaomi game centerwi l l notifythe developer'sserverprovided in advance with the payment result. If the developer's servercannot be accessed,within a certain period of time,game centerserverwould do the checking cycle(Theformer10times,notifying oncea minute; then oncean hour)

Specific procedures are as fol lows:

Note:Duetothe asynchronous notification model,(3)and(4)maynotfol lowthe sequence,so(4)and (5) need to be checked cycl ical ly,or use the interface to querythe payment result.

Compared to the later-mentioned developer'sactive queryordermode,we recommendusingthisone. and Parameters Description

Interface address:each developer's server's notification address(Appl ied in advance,configured in xiaomi game center)

Request Parameter Description

Response Parameter Description

Note:Developers must guarantee that product be del ivered onlyonce forthe same order'smultiple notifications.

Interface Format Description

Request mode:HTTP GET

Input parameters: ?parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2&. ..&parameterN=valueN,


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