Open imagination from milletto Meizumicroblogging marketing
Research papers Download News: ful l sprint l istedSina Weibo, is constantly demonstrating its commercialvalueto theoutsideworld, the latest endorsementfor themicroblogging.3 Meizu May26,2099setsout Meizu MX3launched flash on Sina Weibo share, for the first time besold via social platform from the initial mi l let Meizu now,and even flash purchase microblogging microbloggingmarketing imagination becomes moreabundant.
Meizu microblogging hit itoff
Face mi l let offensive, in February this year announcedthe return of Meizu chapter founder Huang Huang Zhangadmitted that the company’ s marketing to do bad, thenMeizu moves frequently, relatively conservative marketingstrategies have changed significantly.
Meanwhi le,after more than fouryears of developmentWeibo critical moment final ly came l isted in theprospectus Weibo wrote, through the microblogging,companies can attract fans and create brand awarenessand enhance interest, conversion sales, expand loyalty
marketing, and stimulate participation of potential andexisting users. Currently, there are over 40 mi l l ionbusinesses opened official micro-blog.
In the prospectus said these words, that companiescan be understood as the official Sina Weibo is notjust aspread position, but wi l l spread, services,marketing andsales tools,whi le inside, the core part of the payment hasbeen , completed last optimization, and had severalattempts,whi lethefuture is to do these processes form acomplete closed-loop, reducing user operatingprocedures, enhance the user experience, based on themicro-Bo has completed al l internal processes. bui ld andstrengthen the closed loop, so that existing customers (iebusiness enterprises) re aware of the value ofmicroblogging,whi le attracting more business enterprisesto participate in social marketing through marketing.
A To strengthen marketing, a closed loop tostrengthen marketing, Meizu cooperation with Sinamicroblogging hit itoff.Purchasethis microblogging flashMeizu first time sel l ing through social platforms,whichshows the emphasis on Sina Weibo.Messages sources,this is onlythe beginning of theflash optionsfor bi lateral
cooperation, the future Meizu wi l l come up with moreproducts and try new ways of microblogging,microblogging and flashoptionsbyphoneorwi l l becomethe norm.
One-stop business service
From mi l let to Meizu, the baton is passedmicroblogging flash again to purchase mobi le phonemanufacturers, just morethan a year later,microbloggingbusiness environment has changed significantly,microblogging successful ly created the “Browse -Interest - Order - Payment - Share “Closed-loopmarketing for businesses to bring one-stop services, butalso closer to the needsof users.
First, the growing popularity of microblogging hasbecome a topic of concern about the weaponmanufacturing businesses.An appropriate topic can helpbusinesses more accurate coverage of the target users,some users wi l l develop into this node spread,expandingactivities influence, such as Meizu this Fan#pushing backa burning mi l let can change Meizu#, directed at “feverand students” mi l let,PK between fans and fans continueto promote the topic of heat, bring a lot of attention for
the activity.
Fol lowed by the payment of enhanced features, fi l ledthe microblogging marketing largest short board closedloop. Januaryof thisyear,microblogging open an accountwith Paypal, users can be bound by a simple operationWeibo accountwith Paypal,either in the mobi leterminalor PC-related products can be easi ly purchased,significantly increasing the efficiency of microbloggingpaid in the purchase of microblogging flash,Meizu wi l llaunch an initial appointment cent redemption activity,the purpose is to al low users to become fami l iar with themicroblogging payment process , so as to enhance theactivities of the final conversion rate.
In addition,both sti l l in the process of topic spread thepayment of microblogging, users can keep an eye on ifyou are interested, subscription businesses microbloggingquickly bui ld relationships,whichfor businessesto bui ld asecondary service and marketing channel, fol low-throughfan service platform to interact with the fans remain.before the market had sl ightly Bora new, traditionalcognitive micro-channel service, and now this knowledgewi l l be broken, the official micro-through activity, topic,
event planners gathered over the fans, not only in theinteraction During the interaction, and the latter can alsobe the same as the corporate CRM system for users tomanage and provide services.
Relativeto ayearago mi l let,Meizu flash purchase l ikea combination of boxing, to provide a richer reference forother companies. Every reason to bel ieve, based onone-stop service, at least on the microblogging flashpurchase,mi l let is a starting point,Meizu is by no meanstheend.
Future marketing microblogging
Meizu counterattack mi l let as an important measure,the share of this flash is equal ly Weibo has significancebecause it is in the enhanced payment experience,wasfirst closed loop marketing microblogging brands are runthrough,but before the media people know ghosts Sevenfeet have to try to sel l books on the microblogging andmore demonstrative effect on SMEs.
This month announced the opening of micro-channelpayment interface appl ications, it is foreseeable thatmicroblogging wi l l inevitably accelerate the pace ofopening up,more businesses to create a joint payment
microblogging scene, it also provides other services for its020 open up a lot of room for imagination.Continue Inthe mobi le phone industry, for example, buying themicroblogging mobi le users, l ine the store goods, evenoffl ine storeto buy directlythrough the microblogging bepaid, these games are played is not impossible, but thesegames are played the same can be copied to otherindustries.
Compared to micro-channel closed and openmicroblogging has clearly create a complete closed-loopmarketing, and the show is more micro-channel tradingand customer service, there is a natural missing onmarketing and diversion, so the micro-channel businessesneed to seek from other platforms Flow in the pol icy, theofficial micro-channel micro-channel is not alwaysemphasized marketing tools, and the publ ic accountfolding, l imiting theamount released microblogging thenhas encouraged business enterprises through enhancedsocial marketing services to enhance the effect.
Microblogging is another good, that theyacknowledge the remodel ing. Before many companiesthat, through scripts or “chicken” rose pink
microblogging marketing is al l,but mi l let,music television,ghost foot seven, Meizu’ s attempt to providing animportant reference,whi le Ping Zhaoqing, Beijing Subwayand other government agencies to win the reputation ofthe case through the microblogging service companiesalso formed no smal l irritation, Fun Fans economywi l l nolonger bea puzzl ing proposition.
Both products differ in social orientation, is bound tobring corporate marketing and services bring differentresults,and wi l l also affectthe process O20, let uswaitandsee(Source:Sina
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