你该如何提交推荐信2017申请季到了大家都了解文书的重要性可是百利天下留学提示推荐信的提交也事关重大如何正确提交推荐信确保申请材料准确无误呢今天百利天下留学特意为大家精心准备了一份关于提交推荐信的丰盛的申请餐如果你想要尝试各种口味 了解各种口感那就赶紧过来围观吧。
二是纸推提交百利天下留学解释其中网推提交是现在大多数学校优先选择的提交推荐信的主要方式 咱们先来看看网推提交都需要注意哪些吧。
在网推之前需要先把推荐信准备好准备一份wo rd版的准备一份P DF版的。这样就需要你先把推荐信打印出来百利天下留学建议如果是学校老师做推荐人那么就需要把推荐信打印在带有学校官方抬头标志的学校信纸上如果是实习单位领导做推荐人则需要把推荐信打印在带有实习单位抬头标志的单位信纸上然后签字扫描这样效果更好更能增加推荐力度。
叫RL1 RL2 RL3这一类尽量同推荐信中标题保持一致三封命名方式最好各不相同百利天下留学建议建立三个文件夹 以推荐人命名文件夹里包括w o rd版的和PDF版的命名不同的推荐信切莫传错文件提交之前有previ ew可以打开看一下确认一遍 以保万无一失。
提交时将推荐信保存在电脑桌面上 以免显示上传路径如俄亥俄州立乔治亚理工 。 自己用来提交网申的电脑最好不要用来提交推荐信可以借用同学的朋友的或学校机房的电脑。
百利天下留学建议用三台不同IP地址的电脑提交推荐信并保证电脑用户名不是以自己的名字命名这样会更好。也最好不要同时提交三个老师的推荐信尽量时间错开 以免合并了系统或者信息填写有误如果可以的话你可以花一天的时间做一个老师的所有网推。
大部分学校的网推没有截止日期可以比网申截止日期晚一点提交但如果网推迟迟未完成学校是不会受理申请材料的状态会被视为inplete个别学校的网推有截止日期或有效期会在推荐人收到的Email里显示如华盛顿大学的ME 百利天下留学提示这点一定要注意。 网申中如果没有填写推荐人信息的地方那就代表这个学校有可能是纸推如南卫理公会 或需要在别的地方进行网推如德州农工佛罗里达 总之要做到不遗漏。
竟这才是真正的推荐那对于D IY的同学们来说这些信息就一定要注意起来啦。百利天下留学真诚地希望大家不仅能从中享受美味的餐肴更能从中受益匪浅在申请的路上一路驰骋飞赴梦想院校 文章来源
/?link s=wk篇二
(申请人的学校)教授名XXXX Professor(老师职位)Department of XXXXX(所在系)学校名学校地址(申请的学校)XXXXX Department XXXXX
University Remendation Letter To whom it may concern:This letter is to supportXXXXXX application for studying in the XXXXXX program in XXXXXX
Department in XXXXXXX University(可以修改一下) (第一大段) I am an XXXXXXprofessor in the Department of XXXXXX,学校名字.(第二大段)我如何认识申请人的……我觉得申请人是一个怎么样的人……(小例子)我认为申请人的综合素质怎么样……(第三大段)具体的事例这里举一个大一些的例子能够说明问题的 比如申请人的一些道德品质专业知识。有研究项目的把项目说清楚 自己在项目里是做什么的。
申请人的特点及优势是什么?是否有一些不足?(第四大段) In c onclusion, Iremend XXXXXX to your XXXXXprogram in XXXXXX Department withoutreservation.Should you need any further information about him,please do not hesitate tocontact me.Sincerely yours,XXXXXX XXXXX Profe ssor Department of XXXXXCollege of XXXXXX学校名字写推荐信的目的首先还是说说写推荐信的目的吧为什么要写推荐信其实最主要的就是因为申请的学校需要这好像没有什么可说的但是可以想想为什么学校要我们提供推荐信呢原因相信大家也心里很明白 当然是为了更好的了解我们每一年学校都会收到上千份的申请老美就会想
工程专业Li Li Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100080,P.R.China DeanSchool of Graduate Studies and Research
Dear Colleagues:Mr.Ren Ren requested a letter of reference from me to support hisapplication for graduate studie s at your university.As his research adviser whenhe was a graduate student in my institute, I am pleased to ply with his request. I haveknown Mr.Ren since 1991,when he was admitted as a Master of Engineering candidateinto the Institute.As his research adviser, I directed hisres earch and found him a promis ing youth radiating withintelligence and creativity.During his first year,he got a very good record
in major courses.He particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as ArtificialIntelligence and Neural Network.During the following two years,Mr.Ren workedon a munication project for his degree thesis the Radio Shunting System on Railroad.Tomake the product meet the actual needs,he faced down many practical problems, suchas high reliability and volume and weight of the product.Workinghard and independently,he cracked the problems one by one,and came up with a thesisthat was characterized by academic excellence.Judging by his outstanding performancewhile he studied with me, I am convinced that Mr.Ren hasacquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which he canundertake world-class training. I therefore lend him myenthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of hisapplication.Sincerely yours Li Li Profes sor,Graduate Adviser 2.美国留学推荐信范文
计算机专业From:Jiao Shou Department of the SPECIAL CLASS GIFTED forYOUTHS University of Science and Technology Hefei,Anhui 230026,P.R.ChinaJuly 1, 1998 Dear Sir or Madam: I take great pleasure in remending Ren Ren,one of myfavorite students,for admi ssion into your distinguishe d graduateprogram.Mr.Ren was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS forthe GIFTED YOUTHS,my university s unique program that caters to the intellectualneeds of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rare privilege he earnedwith his nearly impeccable academic performance through the yearsof his elementaryand secondary scho ol.(转自wWw.cDfDs.千池锝范文网:美国推荐信ip)He impressed me almost as he enteredinto my university,a major cradle of china s scientific and technological talents.At the time,members of the Gifted C lass all had to spend half a month studyingby themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we couldevaluate their self-study capability.Mr.Ren scored the highest grade in that exam.Healso exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions.To my regretat the time,his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics.But I noticedhe made a point of working especially hard in improving his English during his fiveundergraduate years with us.By now,he seems to be at least as pro ficient in Englishas mo st of his former classmates in the Gifted C lass. In my experience with Mr.Ren, I was impres sed with not only his extraordinary intelligence butalso his ambitions and persistence. I am sure that Mr.Ren will be an outstanding studentin any doctoral program that he may care to eoll in.So I would like to support himfirmly in his que st remendation into account when considering hisapplication. I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.Yourssincerely Jiao Shou Professor and Deputy Head 3.美国留学推荐信范文
教育学专业Dear Colleagues:As the tutor for Miss Furnival Hanin writing her undergraduate thesis, I greatly appreciate her for her solid groundingprofessional knowledge. I found it my duty to remend her for further studies abroadwhen she asked me to do her the favor. I began to know Miss Han when I received amendatory letter from a private ly-run school.Ourdepartment has all along organize d student servic e programsin a munity.Her class was engaged in a mutual aid program at a private school,andMis s Han played a vital role in the program.F irst of all it was her sincere attitude
that won her class the honor of serving in the program out ofmany class collectives.Asthe program organizer,Miss Han did much investigation work prior to the inaugurationof the program.For example, she acquired information from the college leadershipin advance and distributed the workload according to practical conditions (dividing theclass into different groups according to age and according to studycapacitie s).The program was carried out in proper order and yielded goodeffects,winning unanimous go od ments from„both the collegeleadership and the munity.Besides,Miss Han s leadership capacity isalso worth mentioning.She began to assume the post of a study mittee member when shewas a third-year student.Her gifted affinity and personal charms soon won her the creditfrom her classmates. In less than in semester,her class leapt from the last to the topof all classes in the same grade in terms of academic records and style of study.Thanks toits outstanding performance, the class was appraised as the top best in study stylein the whole college.Sure enough,extracurricular management and organizing tookup much of her time,but she made proper arrangements so that she was among the best inher academic performance in her class and she was excellent in GPA specialty above all.When writing her Bachelor Degree thesis she told me she was greatly interested in thestudies on Thomas Hardy(1840- 1926). I was really shocked when she asked me thestartling question whether on earth Hardy was a fatalist or not.This was because fewstudents would ever think of raising such an in-depth question at that time.So Iencouraged her to probe deeper into the que stion. In between she thumbed through manyworks by and about the English novelist and poet.This embraced some highlysophi stic ated contents that taxed great prehens ion efforts.But in defianceof all difficulties she finished reading a dozen of very difficult books, jottingdown detailed notes in the me anwhile.Enc ountering hard nuts tocrack, she would ask for instructions modestly and I was only too glad to probe deep withher because it was always so pleasant to municate with her.Her optimism makes her veryagreeable and affectionate to others.The strict logic and acumen of thought made theprocess of thesis preparations in good order.Although she graduated several years ago,she shows great respect for her teachers and es to visit me from time to time. I alsolike this student very much.Due to limitations of re search conditions in Chinatoday, I am very eager that an excellent student like her may have the chanceto study abroad and make contribution to future researches in China.篇三
美国留学推荐信范文下面是一篇精彩的美国留学推荐信范文推荐信要突出个人亮点。在推荐信中并不是把这个人的优点写得面面俱到就是好推荐信 因为这样并没有突出申请者与众不同的亮点。 同时在国外的院校里他们每天要收到很多封推荐信有亮点的信自然会吸引人的注意。
一封推荐信中有一个主要的闪光点并有具体例子佐证申请者的优点即可这样会给招生人员留下较为深刻的印象。我们下面就来看一篇美国留学推荐信范文。To Whom It May Concern: I am very pleased to remend Martha
Holden for admission to your university program.As herguidance counselor for three years I have watched this young woman develop bothacademically and personally into a mature individual ready in every way for her collegeyears.Martha is bright,energetic,pass ionate and genuine ly well rounded.Her gradeshave been consistently above average in all of her courses,and she hasactively particip ated in a diverse assortment of extracurricular activities ranging
from track and field and chorus to the school yearbook and our drama club.Martha hasalso spent considerable time outside the school involved in the munity.This has includedwork with Meals on Wheels and volunteering 10 hours a week at one of our area sshelters for battered and abused women.They think so much of her at the shelter theyhave offered her a paid internship for next summer.Previously, this internship had neverbeen awarded to anyone before the endof their college sophomore year.Despite all the preparations that will be required forgoing off to college next fall,Martha told me she is absolutely thrilled aboutthis opportunity and fe e ls it will enhanc e her university studies.Unlike many studentswho are not sure which field to pursue,Martha has made clear to us all that her goal is todo Social Work.To this end she has worked tirelesslyin our pilot program for mentoring Special Education students mainstreamed into ourschool.In clo sing, let me take a moment to recount an incident which I believe speaksvolumes about the superior nature of this candidate.Two years ago I was returning fromlunch to my office when I saw ahead of me in the hallway 90 pound Martha,arms stretched out between two 180+pound students,one a Special
Ed student and the other a school bully.Other students were standing by motionlessor laughing while Martha showed the leadership and courage to immediately putan end to the emb arrassing fight that had erupted. It is clear to me as I hope it is to youthat this young woman,Martha Ho lden, is an exc eptional candidate,one that wouldcontribute greatly to any program. I wholeheartedly remend her and wish her thevery best in all future endeavors.Sincerely,Jean Atkins Senior Counselor AlexanderHamilton High Schoo l以上就是一篇优秀的美国留学推荐信范文最后我们还要提醒大家一点的就是许许多多的推荐信都犯着一个相似的错误那就是几乎满篇都是溢美之词但却不举一件事例来证明。推荐信切忌写得过长一般来说500800英文字以内是比较理想的篇幅能排在一张A4信纸并上下留出写抬头和签名的充足空间。篇四
2.必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久)认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系上下级关系 同事等)。
3.对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价这是推荐信的核心。主要包括被推荐者的天赋学习成绩工作经验研究能力学习精神组织能力 品行及个性方面。
1、美国留学推荐信Dear Professor To Whom It May Concern(通用表达方式)这两种称谓使用起来非常得心应手而且应用的推荐人人群比较广泛。一般来说无论教授的背景如何亦或是公司领导及其他社会人士基本都可以用这种称谓。其中 Dear Professor这种用法是将对方学校录取办的所有老师统一成为教授。 (现实中一般也都是教授)所以这种方法比较通用。 To whom it may concern这种用法是作为公函的一种相对官方格式。如果我们用Microso ft Word做推荐信的话我们会发现基本在开头打出“To Whom”这两个单词的时候后面的“it may concern”会随之而出。这进一步说明这种方式国外人的信件中也是比较常用的。
2、美国留学推荐信Dear Admission Committe e,Dear Admiss ion Office,De arCommittee/Officer一般情况下对留学申请和对方大学的招生录取机构的构成比较了解的教授作为推荐人的时候采用较多的是这种方式。 比如你的推荐人本身就是国外大学毕业的或者说和国外的某些大学经常会有一些学术交流活动的话是可以考虑用以上三中称谓之一的。反之如果你的推荐人是你公司的boss没怎么出过国从国内大学毕业出来后直接下海经商的那种在其推荐信开头很官方的写出“尊敬的录取委员会”是不是感觉有点不靠谱呢?
3、美国留学推荐信Dear S ir or Madam这是一种比较偏重于社会性的公文称谓。s ir和mad am一出其商业气息就已经很明显了。这种称谓方式一般用于公司的领导或者其他社会性质很深的人做推荐的时候经常使用。
4、美国留学推荐信Dear colleagues这是一种很不“谦虚”的称谓方式。如果你的推荐人是一名在国内和国外都很知名享有很高声誉的教授那我们可以用这种称谓方式。使用这种称谓方式的推荐人首先一定是教授。因为只有教授与教授之间一般才用“同事”相称。其次用这种方式的推荐人最好是国内外知名教授。从某种意义上说这种称谓会把推荐人放在一个很高的位置上 即不失谦虚的风度又能体现出其身份。
美国推荐信推荐信写法的详细介绍几乎所有的大学都会要求美国留学申请人提出推荐信(Re me nd atio n Le tter),评审委员借着推荐者的文字描述,可以了解申请人的背景状况。它可说明各种成绩单数字以外的其它意义,补充过于计量化、公式化审核的一种评估方式。
推荐人的职务,并不一定愈高愈有利,相反地,认识你愈久而职称不高,内容又适当地表达你的个性(Pers onality),才是上乘的推荐。 以下,我们将提供你推荐信需注意的要点,帮助你着手起稿推荐信
如果你要推荐者能掌握你的优点,你得提供充份的信息。 自然,要尽量具体避免空洞地陈述。 同时,你也该提供你申请学校截止日期给推荐者参考,以免推荐者耽误了你的申请。
一是英文老师。又如,如果你申请常春藤名校(IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL),推荐者若也是常春藤名校出身,则其推荐信将更有力。
Dear Sir/Madam;To Whom It May Concern:
It is a pleas”u“re to remend to you(name),a former student of mine at(nameof university). I an very happy to have this opportunity to remend(name),who ispresently app”l“ying for admission to your graduate(or undergraduate)program in(nameof program). I understand that (name) is applying for admissions to yourgraduate(undergraduate) sc”ho“ol,and has requested that I write this letterof remendation for her/him. In my capacity as professor at xxxx Uni”versity, Ihave known xxx for three years,as both his/her advisor and profe ssor.
“ (nam”e) too“k two o”f”m“y courses during the 1984-85 academic year,as follows;xxxxx an“d xx”xxx “. (N”a”me)was eolled in一three of classes from September 1984 toJune 1986 xxx and xxx .接下来,教授写 些有关申请人在课堂上的表现,如完成的研究计划、实验室研究、研究报告、考试的成绩、课堂态度、讨论课的参与等,举“出实例。
In my class (es), (name)did excellent work.She always listened attentivel“y,participated activitely in class,and handed in very good written assignment. Inparticular,his/her research paper on(topic)was of exceptionally highquality,and sho”wed that s/he fully understands and has a strong backgroundin his/her field.如果推荐人是工作主管,首先一定要仔细陈述申请人的工作职责,并对“申请者工作表现作一评估。如果可能的话尽量列举实例。
When(name)held the position of(job title) in this pany she was one s/he was oneof my best employees.His/herjob responsibilities included(describe”t“hem),and s/hecarried out his/her duties with exceptional skill and professionalism. S/he not
only did his/her own work,but also helped other employee”s,and made m一anyvaluable contributions to the efficient running to our firm.第二段最后 段
I w”“as rate(name) s academic ability as in the top 10%o f his/herclass. Compared against other students that I have taught, I would say that(name)ranksin“the upper 10%.接下来,推荐者可对申请人能否成功完成学业提出看法。举例Based on his/her previous performance”, I“am certain that(name)would be avery successful student at your university. I believe that(name)possesses all thequalities necessary to make an excellent graduate studen”t in his/her chosen field,and amsure that s/he will make a fine addition to your campus.
(五)最后,以几句结尾作总结 “There fore, I am happy tohighly and without reservation remend(name)for admission to your graduateprogram.Yo”ur“kind/serious consideration of his/her application would be mo stappreciated. I am thus pleased to give my full support and remendation to
(name) s applic ation for admission to your”scho o l. If any further informationis require.签名
Sincerely,S incerely yours,Very truly yours,With best regards,下面结合上面的部分内容给出一篇推荐信样例(被推荐的同学是数学系的)Dear Sir/Madam: Iam writing this letter of remendation for Mr.Caleb,my former student. Ihave known Mr.Caleb for more than 6 years since his freshman year at University ofMinnesota.At that time,he took the course--Mathematical Analysis,which Itaught mainly for j unior students maj oring in Mathematics.To my surprise, I found hewas among the few students in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures.Moreover,he often posed thought-provoking questions during the course.Thus it wasnatural that I liked discussing with this young man and became familiarwithhim.The more I knew him, the more I found he was talented at mathematics.As you cansee,he got excellent scores on the course. In fact,he ranked No. 1 onthis 270 hours course in the talented student class which has 34 intelligent others.Withhis outstanding talent and solid mathematical background,he also did quite well inmost other courses during his undergraduate study.By the way,you may wonder why hisundergraduate scores look not so good pared to other Chinese applicants. It is easyto explain,because he belonged to the talented student class,which were required toendure harder test papers and stricter grading than most other college students didat least at University of Minne sota.He even served as Prof.Linda s
Research Assistant for one year.No one could deny his mitment to his j ob.As a matter o ffact,Prof.Linda s electronic lab happened to be neighboring my office and I couldalways see him working in the lab,either repairing the instrumentsor helping Prof.Linda collect lab reports.Maybe one more example will demonstrate his
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