
vps免费体验  时间:2021-04-29  阅读:()


(Answers in bold. )

1. My family is a little unusual. Some people might evensay we're nuts.

2. My mother is extreme when it comes to neatness. She can' tstand to see even a speck of dust in the house.

3. Mom is really strict with us when it comes to householdchores. Every day, we have to do a couple of hours ofchores to keep things neat.

4. My father loves to barbecue. He' s definitely a fanatic.He can' t live without his barbecue grill.

5. One time, I accidentally broke Dad' s grill. Hecompletely freaked out. He was so upset, he couldn' teven wait a day to buy another one.

6. My sister, Alicia, is avegan. She not onlyavoids meat,but also any animal products, like milk and eggs.

7. Sometimes Alicia and Dad argue because they haveopposite interests. She’ s as devoted to her vegetarianismas he is to his barbecuing.

8. Some of my other relatives are a little strange, too.I've got an aunt who thinks she can see the future and a

cousin who does four hours

of bodybuilding exercises every day!

9. My family might be a little irritating to some people,but they don' t bother me much. After all, they're the onlyfamily I've got.


1. She has a very particular diet.

2. He is a clown at heart.

3. She is a fanatic about her hobby.

4. He likes to pretend he is a TV or movie character.Answers

1. She makes her cat follow a vegan diet.

2. He makes balloon hats when he' s not working./

His duck follows him everywhere.

3. She keeps the dolls in their boxes.

4. His family is worried about him.


1. a family dinner, just for her

2. a professional clown,

kids' birthday parties

3. collecting dolls,from floor to ceiling

4. TV and movies,be a character

1. My sister is a really strict vegan. It' s not forreligious or health reasons. It' s just she' s just alittlenuts. Every time she comes over fora family dinnerwe have to make a special dish just for her. And if, like,the fork we've used to serve some meat even touches herplate for a split second, she freaks out and has to getanotherplate. Recently, she started thisnewthingwhereshe can' t even eat any vegetables that are cooked. Theyhave to be raw. And she put her cat on a vegan diet, too.The poor thing only eats vegetables. Every time I go overto her place, the cat looks at me with these sad eyes,


"Meat . . . please?"

2. My cousin Pat is a professional clown. He goes by thename PattyCakes. He gets hired to do special events likekids' birthday parties. The thing about Pat is that hejust can' t stop being a clown even when he' s not working.He' ll show up at his friend' s house and start makingballoon hats for everyone. And then there' s his pet duck,Phoebe. Pat uses Phoebe in his clown act, but sometimeshe doesn' t have time to take her home after work, so hejust brings her along wherever he' s going. It' s just sostrange to see Pat walk in somewhere with Phoebefollowing behind him wearing a diaper.

3. My Aunt Samantha collects dolls. She' s a real fanatic.Most people have hobbies, you know, like sports or musicor movies, but Aunt Samantha spends all her money on dolls.She has one room in her apartment completely devoted toBarbie dolls. I mean, the whole room is wall-to-wallBarbies! She' s got over a thousand of them lined up onshelves from floor to ceiling. The dolls are all inperfect condition. She stores them in their boxes andnever takes them out. It' s kind of scary, actually. When

you walk into that room, you just feel

surrounded by them. It' s like they're all watching you orsomething.

4. MybrotherAndrew is really into TV andmovies and, um. . .How can I put this nicely?He can get pretty extreme aboutit. He' s always pretending to be a character from a movieor TV show. Now, when he was twelve or thirteen, he usedto watch the TV show Star Trek all the time, and he'd goaround talking exactly like Mr.Spock. Like if I'd say,"Andrew, get out of my room. I'm studying. You're soirritating. " And he'd say, "Irritating? Ah, yes, one ofyour earthling emotions. " Stuff like that, a line rightout of Star Trek. Now, sometimes, it' s funny. Like nowhe' s doing Harry Potter voices. But we worry about hima lot. I mean, does he even know who he is? He' s alwaysacting like someone else.

Real world listening


Lydia: 300-400 Greg: 11


1. Abigail, Greg' s aunt: She lives nearby. Greg doesn' t

know her well. She' s kind of crazy. She has fifteen cats.

2. ChiaLin, Lydia' s aunt: She lives in Shanghai. Shewouldn' t miss it for the world. Her mother wouldn' tforgive her if she didn' t come to the wedding.

3. Lydia' s Dad:

He is in the restaurant business and has lots offriends and associates.

He has many suppliers and customers.

He is getting along very well with his associates.He thinks that his friends and associates will getinsulted if they are not invited.


(Answers in bold. )

1. Pamela is pregnant with her first child. She has to





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