马克思超级p2p搜索引擎让所有收费网站破产(Super P2P search engine makes all charging websites bankrupt)

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超级p2p搜索引擎让所有收费网站破产Super P2P search enginemakes all charging websites bankrupt

Super P2P search engine makes all charging websites bankruptBy: electric field View: 21229

Search Google, have you ever used it?We are using its powerfulsearch function to break through the blockade download, Googlesearch and restricted download what is the relationship, it isimpossible to achieve it? Oh, don' t believe it. Look down!Http://www.google.com/intl/zh-CN/

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The first open Google, in "index of/" keyword input boxinurl:lib (double quotes for English state) , select the searchsimplified Chinese Webpage "option, enter search, get some",do not think that this is some common page, in fact they area resource list book website, click to open it look, how?Areall the resources in the eye?

Using other keywords may get more resources:

On the search box, enter "index of / CNKI"

According to the search you can find many libraries CNKI, VIP,and other superstar entrance!

On the search box, enter "index of / ppt"

And then search, you can break through the website entrance todownload powerpint works!

On the search box, enter "index of / mp3"

Then click search, you can break through the website entrance,download MP3, RM and other film and television works!On the search box, enter "index of / SWF"

And then search, you can break through the website entrance todownload flash works!

On the search box, enter "index of /", plus the name of thesoftware to download

And then click on the search, you can break through the websiteportal download software!

On the search box, enter "index of / AVI"

By searching again, you can break through the website entranceand download the AVI video

What would you find? By the same way, what would you find ifyou changed AVI into MPEG?Ha-ha And then I don't have to teachanymore? Try your luck!

"Index of /" RMVB

"Index of /" WMA

"Index of /" MTV

"Index of /" MPEG

The following is Baidu search ranking

1. index of MPEG4

3. index of MP3

4. index of CNKI

5. index of rmvb

6. index of RM

7. index of movie

8. index of swf

9. index of jpg

10. index of admin

12. index of PDF

13. index of doc

14. index of wmv

15. index of MDB

16. index of mpg

17. index of MTV

18. index of software

19. index of MOV

20. index of ASF

23. index of Lib

24. index of VOD

25. index of rar

27. index of exe

28. index of ISO

29. index of video

30. index of book

31. index of soft

32. index of CHM

33. index of password

34. index of game

35. index of music

36. index of DVD

37. index of mid

38. index of eBook

40. index of download

Here, we may all understand, is actually a"index of" / the keywords in the role, it canbe used to direct access to all filesand folders in the web page, not through the HTTP web form, thusto avoid the limitation of the website,

Break through, limit downloads.

What' s going on? Point the right mouse button, directly usingthe Internet Express can not, are all web pages, link addressis garbled. Don' t be discouraged, you can open a hyperlink inthe page in a new window, the real address does not come out.Here is the use of Marx ie (mxie) this super P2P sharedresourcessearch engine to help you charge the site.

Marx ie simplified Chinese Web site:

http://cn.mxi e.com/down.html

Http://cn.mxie.com/mxie0400Setup_cn. exe

Marx ie (mxie)

Software size: 3307KB

Software language: Simplified Chinese

Software Categories: domestic software / free version/searchengine

Operating environment: Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP

Marx ie (mxie) is a super P2P search engine with web browserfunctionality, completely free of charge! All kinds of music,movies, cartoons, novels, pictures and other entertainmentf iles, you can f ind everything you want! Using the more advancedP2P technology, to search will be able to download, absolutelyno death! The amazing "more people download faster" feature,fully tap your bandwidth potential, to ensure high speed!Exclusive equipped with a powerful firewall penetration tool,even in the tightly protectedenterprise firewall can also passfreely.

Free, free forever!

Totally free! Forever free! Marx ie (mxie) is the free to theend! Adhere to the network of Marx doctrine, to create a videoentertainment, the Communist empire!

Editor' s note: this method uses unique skills, integratednetwork acceleration and penetration firewall P2P sharingtechnology, can infinitely enhance your network speed! Masterof nature -- a point of penetration, the rookie I don't wantto waste the words to explain, I rushed forward with thefollowing:

First, a EXE file synthesizer green partition V3. 1":


Http://www1.pcdog.com/down/Spli t3. 1.rar

Unzip to the specified folder. And then the next accelerationsoftware, speed4web":

Speed4WEB can help you speed up the browser to 300% of theoriginal! The program is simple to use, submit compact!Powerfu l!

Speed4WEB V2.2.3.2 Chinese version:

Http://www.yqdown.com/sof t/675.htm

Http://km.yqdown.com:8989/UUAuth/wlg j/Spee d4WEB_v2.H.rarHttp://www2.pcdog.com/down4/HB_Spe ed4WEBV2.2. 3.2.exe

Http://www.pcdog.com/down2/HB_Speed4WEBV2.2.3.2. exe

After decompression, click on the desktop icon to open, checkbefore all options (except "always on the top") , minimize itsoperation.

Click the desktop icon right, point attribute, point to findthe target, find its real application file "Speed4WEB. exe",copy it to the specified folder.

Select the file you want to speed up: * click the desktop iconright, point attribute, point to find the target, find its realapplication file "***. exe", copy to the specified folder.Double click to open the Green Point segmentation, "merger","merge any f ile"point+select "***.exe, Speed4WEB.exe", "set","normal, split after generation with exe files, click" savefile "select * * * documents of the original path, re named"

***. exe "you can replace the original start point, " ***. exe".Note: in the merge process, * * software is not available,otherwise the original file cannot be replaced successfully!You can't turn off Speed4WEB!

The next search tool for shared resources --the latest versionof Marx ieV.

Marx ie simplified Chinese Web site:http://cn.mxi e.com/down.html

Http://cn.mxi e.

COM / mxie0400setup_cn.exe

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最新上传漏洞通用工具V1.0http://soft. sq88.com/soft/537.htmhttp://download. sq88.com/hk/upl d.rar

动网下载中心上传漏洞利用工具http://soft. sq88.com/soft/419.htmhttp://download. sq88.com/hk/dvup.rar

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