redtongueChen Yuming old Chinese medicine treatment of chronic gastritis experience

yuming  时间:2020-12-27  阅读:()

Chen Yuming old Chinese medicine treatment of chronic gastritis experience

[Abstract]Chen Yuming old Chinese medicine treatment of chronic gastritis, the cl inical classification and the performance of the combination of gastroscopy, advocates,and the stomach is expensive to transport as a complement,not beparanoid fora law,butshould be cold and heattransfer levels, complement consumption and faci l ities, orderly movements,blood simultaneously to achieve a balance of yin and yang, the sickto the effect is complex.

[Keywords:]Chen Yuming,chronic gastritis,Syndromes

Chronic gastritis is a Chinese medicine “Stomachache” ,

“ful lness” , the endoscopic and pathological diagnosis can be clearly lesion(antrum,gastric body,fundus,etc.,thedegree lesions (superficial, atrophic, acute and chronic , mi ld,moderate and severe, activities, rest, etc. and dysplasia,metaplasia (intestinal metaplasia,mi ld,moderate and severe degree. I practice traditional Chinese medicine hospital Chen Yuming fifty years old, especial ly good at diagnosis and treatment of stomach diseases, now the experiences in the treatment of chronic gastritis are presented below.


1 Qi stagnation

Main symptoms: epigastric pain and pain channeling the two threats, belching frequency for, noisy, pantothenic acid,plays disease: inflammation, acute gastric, bi le reflux, pink tongue, thin white fur,pulse string.Syndromes identified: the main disease two, basical ly conforms tongue and pulse, or main symptoms of a disease a plus times, tongue and pulse good agreement.Treatment: Imitation CHSGS.bergamot fi lm,the Soviet Union stems, plum,Cyperus rotundus, fried white peony root, dandel ion , fried Citrus aurantium, turmeric, raw abalone,such as thestagnation of heat bycremation, the main symptoms: epigastric burning pain,mouth pain, bad breath,poor stool or constipation, secondary disease: acute gastric mucosal active inflammation, congestive significant erosion,red ordark redtongue, thinyel low orgreasyfur,sl ippery pulse string. syndromes identified: two main symptoms, tongue and pulse basic compl iance with, or have a primary disease and secondary disease, the basic l ine with tongue and pulse.Governance Recipe Coptis above, l ight Zhuru,melon kernels,snake tongue grass.

Deficiency type 2


Deficiency Type:Main symptoms:epigastric pain, stomach pain hi by hi warm, food after abdominal nausea, poor appetite Eat, loose stools or diarrhea,weakness in l imbs,fatigue, time symptoms: gastric Red phase and white-based,thin mucus And more, pink tongue, thin white fur, or indentation, the pulse was fine. syndrome to determine: (1 the three main symptoms, tongue and pulse basic compl iance, (2with primary and secondary disease symptoms two one,tongue and pulse good agreement. Treatment:Astragalus Decoction Jianzhong. Astragalus, Codonopsis, Atractylodes fried, Poria, Ginger Breit, Bao Jiang, Bi Stubbs, fried white peony,bergamot fi lms,woody.

Yin Type:Main symptoms: epigastric burning pain, dry mouth, dry stool, sub-syndrome:gastric red and white sheet,mucosal thinning,mucosal dryness,mucus l ittle red tongue Shaojin, or crack , pulse smal l or thin string. syndrome to determine: (1 with primary disease two and a tongue and pulse, (2 with primary and secondary symptoms of a disease two, tongue and pulse good agreement.Treatment: Imitation Radix Ophiopogon soup . l ittoral is,Ophiopogon japonicus,peony,plum, l icorice, reed rhizome,plum,dandelion.

Stasis and permit:Main symptoms: epigastric pain, pain


has given place, refused to press, stomach pain unhealed course of time, positive fecal occult blood or black stools,plays disease:mucosal congestion and swel l ing,accompanied by bleeding or bleeding, tongue dark red or dark purple, or petechiae, pulse string astringent. syndromes identified: two with the main symptoms, tongue and pulse basic compl iance with, or have a primary disease and secondary disease, the basic l ine with tongue and pulse.Treatment:Original Recipe Participation notoginseng, Curcuma,white and, red peony,Oujie. - severe atrophy, intestinal metaplasia is with white British,Tri, soi l Ful ing, iron and old Link,Curcuma, in order to prevent mal ignant transformation.Poxue general lyconsidered cured Curcuma Jun stasis more effective than, in fact, its placid nature. the treatmentof chronic gastritis,andwith the number of antipyretic,dandel ion mostappropriate, less heatand bitter cold,andthe role of a stomach.

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3 Treatment experience

Shen teacher advocates treatment for your stomach to transport the fi l l . Because of the Central Standing Committee emerged in cl inical phaseand thesyndrome, such ascoldand heat mixed, both the actual situation is, l ift out of order, qi


stagnation, so the treatment can not be paranoid a law, but should be cold and heat transfer levels, complement consumption and faci l ities, l ift, orderly and blood simultaneouslyto achieve a balance of yin and yang, the sick to the effect is complex.

Flat cold and heat: chronic gastritis,mixed cold and heat syndromes persee,as in the pastaversion tothe eating habits of pregnant hot, cold food every thing that Weiwanxiashu ful lness, you see the mouth pain, dry mouth, yel low greasy tongue coating thermal imaging,ororal ulcers. In this regard,Shen teachers often choose BanxiaxiexinTang change with the disease.predecessors cal led ita “Acrid bitter drop” of power,Acrid who Breit, the Xin Jiang to open the hot,bitter drop by berberine,baical in the bitter cold of the dynasties of.can also be left Kanemaru, take Coptis and Evodia,a hotone cold,cold person Masaharu,with heat from the rule, therefore effect relative economic standing.

Complement consumption and Shi: The syndrome of chronic gastritis, there are many who see both the actual situation. If Qi is known as the hungry, less gas weakness of the spleen and stomach qi deficiency, thereepigastricswel l ing of the l iver plug, fresh air of stagnation after the pain . simply


is not conducive to consumer inflation tonic pain, and stubbornlystagnant broken gas l ine in the air isnotconducive to recovery, the cl inical teacher, Shen, ginger, l icorice with Magnol ia Pinel l ia Ginseng rule, both prescription Magnol ia,Ginger, Pinel l ia cured evi l in addition to stagnation gas, there are ginseng, l icorice fi l l in the complex in the gas, the treatment of ful lness of the virtual stagnation of the prescription. In addition, Six Gentlemen Decoction,Xiangsha Liujunzi are blending soupconsumption in the meeting of the prescription,butIn the appl ication,depending on the number of actual situation, or make el imination half, or three make seven away,do not delayfi l l,el imination without consumption.

Blood of both:upperabdominal pain,ful lness is a common disease and syndrome of chronic gastritis, the pain is mainly due to blood stasis, the so-cal led “Qi stagnation is swel l ing,blood stasis is pain” , but not necessari ly,Qi stagnation can also be students pain,blood stasis mayalso increase inflation.only more stagnation and l iver were uncomfortable with the flankview,wi l l appear belching,burp,etc.Al l the pain of blood stasis, teachers often take Danshen Yin Shen rule. side Salvia take blood circulation,combined with sandalwood,Amomum qi pain,gas Blood Circulation l ive,Wei Qi had been taken, the


pain from the mitigation, such as the Jin Ling Liu Zi Powder Hejian, side to take sub-Liver Qi Jinl ing,Yan Hu stasis,qi and blood circulation for the pain of the prescription.who have given at the epigastric pain with those who see the dark purpletongue as the preferred prescription.

Cl inical to the attention of four issues: (1 must be clearly the nature of syndrome should be the premise of this method,(2 syndrome dose how much depends on theactual situation,cold and heat, l ifting the varies inside, (more than 3 episodes of chronic gastritis and seasonal variation related to addition and subtraction according to six airchanges, and(4 episodes of chronic gastritis and diet section on, it can be added with the card coke xanthan, betel nuts,Gal lus gal lus domesticus,rhubarb, radish seed and otherhelp digestion.

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