无线上网不花钱技巧Wireless Internet free money tipsHow can you get to the Internet when you bring your laptop toa strange place where there is no internet access?Do you wantto buy a cheap "e" wireless network card? In fact, no, thereare many places free of charge "hot spots. ""! How do you knowwhat hot spots are nearby?How do I see the speed of wirelessInternet connection?Many times, we rely on experience to judge,for example, each Starbucks will provide free WiFi access. Butthis choice is too narrow, can not always go out, want to goto the net, you have to go to Starbucks. Next we' ll tell youhow to find the "hot spot""!
Tip: what is "hot spot"?
The so-called "hot spot", that is, "Hotspot", refers to theprovision of free or paid access to WiFi services, in fact,means that these places installed wireless routers, wirelessinternet access signals. Airports, Starbucks, McDonald' s,Kentucky Fried Chicken, hotels, and some other places ofentertainment have "hot spots"".
1. quickly find free Wi Fi
Http://www.hoju. cn is a community web site that provides hotspots, queries, and sharing. You can f ind out where your areais hot. Open http://www.hoju.cn/v1/redianfenbu.php, select agood area, place, click "show hot spots", you can find theresults in line with your request.
In addition, the website also uses Google Maps to make anational hot spot map. Enter the http://map.hoju.cn/, enter the
city business district, or hot name in the bottom right cornerof the page search results, select one of the results, the mapwill open the hot region, and mark. Click on its logo, the pagewill show the hot detail address, contact telephone number andother information.
2. , wireless should be high-speed!
You can find some hot spots by using the Internet, but if you'realready there, would you like to know if there are any hot spotsnearby? Is actually very simple,http://www. skycn.com/soft/16456.html to download and installthe Netstumbler software, "Channels", then Netstumbler startedthe network detection, search, and wait for a moment to seeresults.
The results include SSID, MAC address, network rate (Speed) ,network access type (Type) , and whether there is WEP encryption(Encryption) and so on. With the "Speed" one, we can see thehotspot' s wireless access bandwidth. At this point, we onlyneed to access their own wireless network card to theappropriate AP, you can start surf ing the internet. It is worthmentioning that, NetStumbler can display the hidden SSIDwireless AP, in the software interface, you can see that theAP green light is flashing.
What is SSID?
SSID (Service, Set, Identifier, service set recognizer) is usedto distinguish between individual clients in awireless network.This name is created when a wireless access point / router or
network adapter is set. This name is also the name of thewireless network you wish to access.
All wireless devices that attempt to communicate with eachother must share the same SSID.
3. is the signal strong enough here?
Inaddition to scanning the wireless access point, you canalsouse Netstumbler to detect the location of the wireless signal.For example, in the home, you will be placed in the study ofwireless AP, want to know the living room, bedroom, kitchen andother places of wireless signal coverage and intensity, canchoose the wireless AP in NetStumbler, showed a period ofobservation signal, with the passage of time can intuitivelyunderstand the strength of the signal.
By this method, you can determine where the signal is betterand how to place the wireless AP so that the place to move theInternet is fully covered.
4. , my dictionary does not have "encryption" two wordsFor general software, when you encounter WEP encryption, youcan' t get the structure of the wireless network, but a softwarecalled AiroPeek can do it. AiroPeek is not a pure wireless APsearch tool, it has the network data such as Sniffer softwarepackage to steal and analysis function is to decode 802. 11a/b/gprotocol, display management information packets, controlpackets and data packets.
Decoding AiroPeek support for different length of the WEPencrypted data stream, by renaming key to air decoding,contains a convenient command line to capture the encryptedpackage file is decoded, so even if the use of wireless signalWEP encryption is still unable to escape the "finger heartAiroPeek".
Http://www1.anywlan.com/Soft/ShowSoft.asp? SoftID=165download and run AiroPeek, you can see all the nodes in thewireless network IP address, packet statistics, networktopology display AiroPeek in a schematic form, is veryintuitive to let you know the structure of the network. Thepacket contains a variety of information sources, in additionto see (Source) and the target (Destination) address, protocol(Protocol) can make us all with 802. 11 related data packets tosee after sorting, if necessary can also further to analyze thecontents of the packet
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