终结者解决局域网内的p2p终结者(Solve the P2P terminator in LAN)

局域网终结者  时间:2021-04-22  阅读:()

解决局域网内的p2p终结者Solve the P2P terminator in LANHow to solve the P2P terminator LAN but do not affect their P2PTerminator

Reward points: 100 - time: 2008-11-18 11:35

360ARP firewall prompts the attack, but the speed suddenlybecome a 5KB/S, ARP tried a lot of firewall doesn' t work, I alsoinstalled P2P terminator, control of others can guarantee thegame card, but the download speed is slow or poor, anti P2Pterminator is not can not kill, but to knowwho is, and certainlyis the P2P terminator. (a total of 4 units within the networkis my computer) but what' s the solution to his P2P terminatorbut do not affect the P2P terminator himself. A satisfactoryanswer online!

Questioner: luomiaoshuai - two best method (1) first installa ARP firewall, just the can, open to intercept external ARPattacks and IP address conflict, when you find that someone inthe firewall prompts ARP spoofing, modify your IP address tothe attacker' s IP, at this time, ARP firewall prompts IP addressconflict (normal) , then wait, your computer might not stop IPconf lict, and other computer software P2P CPU utilization willsuddenly Biao to 98% (software P2P bug, once the network fails,the CPUutilization rate will increase) , leading to false crash,at this point, the other is either forced to close P2P software,or hard reset, in addition to this, your purpose is achieved,rather than with "anti P2P terminator" better?

If you open P2P, you will give him the IP address conflict, ordirectly with his IP, I think a person' s patience is a degree,

when he fake computer several times after the crash, he willrealize the problem of P2P software, also will not use P2P tocontrol others.

Methods (2) that you used anti P2P terminator software, he alsoopened the P2P terminator software, so you are the limit! Soyou have to download a P2P Terminator (best version of thesoftware enterprise, because access is relatively large) , toreturn from his body! It also limits back to him! He wouldn'tpull ! Then pull it off he can also see how the Internet cable,he? He is cheap is not cheap? Ha-ha。 。

How to use the P2P terminator

Reward points: 0 - time: 2010-5-6 14:27

Questioner: how to use zhuxiaoyu0825 - one best answer P2Pterminator

You and others in the use of shared ADSL broadband LAN? Is notthat sometimes the speed is so slow, open a web page will takea long time, especiallywhenplaying online games, a slow speed,such as network reflected over your characters have heroicsacrifice, is not feeling depressed?

And to share with others ADSL broadband environment, if youexclude the many reasons ADSL itself and equipment or accessnumber, creating the most Suman reasons without a user controlis in the LAN using P2P software / download software (BTsoftware, eMule, fast thunder, etc. ) .

The P2P software is good, but it also takes up most of thebandwidth, and the network as long as there is a user using theP2P software, and unlimited download / upload and downloadspeed of uncontrolled words, then the other LAN users connectedto the Internet speedwill become slow. Some users do not limitthe download/upload speed, but also 24 hours a day on download,a burst of hard to look, really let other people feel verydepressed.

Meet this kind of users how to do? Buy a band limited router?But usually this router is not cheap. Real PK? If you reallywant to find him PK, at least know LAN in the end who is crazyto download. Then the author introduces a free networkmanagement software --P2P terminator, let you easily find theculprit, if you do not want to live PK, can easily limit eachother' s speed, all that you only need to click the mouse.P2P terminator is a LAN traffic management software,

Only need one computer after installation you can control theflow in LAN LAN, can also restrict any users in a LAN for webbrowsing and QQ chat and use a variety of software download.In previous versions, P2P terminator is charged, from a versionof 3.X began to provide free home users, recently launchedversion 4.01, to see the new brings us the new function.Figure 1 software installation

P2P Terminator 4 installation is very simple, when first runP2P terminator in the installed pop-up configuration wizard,the configuration wizard "card set" but not skip, only set up

correctly access the need for control of the LAN network cardto the right of the local area network control.

Figure 2 card set

In the control settings in the proposed check after startupautomatically open control network and find new hostautomatically to control it (to prevent the host from the newaccess control) , in order to avoid the ARP firewall installedby other people detected you are using the P2P terminator, tocheck the "start with anti ARP protective wall tracking mode"this option is enabled, after each other, will not be able tofind the ARP firewall ARP attack IP address control, but stillcan smooth the barrier of P2P terminator.

Figure 3 control settings

In the "interface settings" we can P2P terminator by use ofinterface and style settings.

Figure 4 interface settings

Figure 5 the main interface of P2P Terminator

Figure 6 skin effect

Enter the main interface, you only need to click on "startcontrol" button, then all the host LAN access to the Internetbandwidth are under control.

Who do not abide by the rules and find out

From the "host list", we can see clearly the bandwidth usagefor each host in the lan. If some host is not displayed, youcan click "scan network" to refresh the list of hosts. FromFigure 7 we can see that the IP address is 192. 168. 1. 3 machinecalled "MYHOME" host download bandwidth to the "216. 76KB/S",almost all occupied bandwidth of 2M ADSL broadband, it is nowonder that the speed is so slow. Find arch-criminal, pleaseconsult with each other, in order to LAN a maintenance.Figure 7 occupy most of the bandwidth of the host

Everyone to comply with the established rules

What?Each other verbally agreed, but still insists on the flowof the download, don' t get excited, no real PK, there was noneed to pull each other' s lines, these methods we don't offendpeople. We have to limit his speed on it. The speed of operationwithout restrictions on the other side of the computer. Oh, youcan directly use the P2P terminator.

We look at each other to limit the speed, but we also need notall time constraints, can still be opento himat afull downloadin the early hours of the time, it' s good for everybody.First we have to create a time plan, which is set to run whatrules in what period of time. Click the "system settings, time,plans to set up new plans to enter the time settings, selecttime to take effect on it.

Figure 8 creating time plan

The control rules then create the corresponding time plan."System settings, control rules setting new access controlrules setup wizard. The first is to set the name and thecorresponding time plan, here is a good setting that must haveat least one "time plan", otherwise it is impossible toestablish control rules. I thought the time had no choice plancan default to full time monitoring.

Figure 9 control rule set

The next step is to set the limit value 2M ADSL broadband,broadband downlink speed recommended limit is 50KB/S (thedefault is 512KB/S remember change Oh, otherwise in the 2M ADSLbroadband equivalent to no limit) , of course you want to limiteach other to speed dial-up when it.

Figure 10 broadband limit value is set

P2P software is the need to limit the next choice, you can seeincludes the use of bandwidth more network video download tools,tools, software, nothing special demand directly select.Figure 11 P2P download limit

Chat tools may also be limited, do not want to chat with others,can check the limit here. (*^__^*) hee hee. . . . . . See the newFetion, but did not see the Baidu Hi, Ali Wangwang is also notlisted here.

Figure 12 instant messaging limit

Limit the download tool, it can restrict the direct use of IEto download the file type, to be limited, EXE, zip, rar of thethree but recommended to join the other file types to choosef rom.

Figure 13 average download limit

P2P terminator can also WWW access restrictions (web browsingrestrictions) , you can edit the prosecution can browse orbrowse URL white /black list, also can let the controlled hostbe able to browse the web page.

Figure 14 white list editor

The ACL rule set allows you to set the control protocol typeand port range.

Figure 15 ACL rule set

Download speed down, do not affect normal Internet

Edit the rules, only need to switchback to the host and networkinformation system operation list to find the control console,click the right mouse button in the menu to select the "rules"for the selected host, and then select a need to apply to thehost' s rules, can be used to set the rules to control the hostinthe timeperiod setbythe networkingactivities. If you finda successful host without restrictions, there is no a tick in"network host list" in the corresponding host, one is not toclick on "start control" button, and other use of the ARP

firewall. Speaking of ARP (the specific firewall, tested thenew version of the P2P terminator can control used to installthe ARP firewall of the host, is still failed to control thetest results. For the installation of the ARP firewall of thehost, the new version of P2P terminator is still incapable ofaction) .

Figure 16 the control rules and specify the host applicationFigure 17 will limit the bandwidth to the specified host 50KB/Seffect

The implementation of the control of a computer, even if theother use Thunder download can only reach the highest speed of50 KB/S.

This "rule" concept is good, but when users just want to limitthe bandwidth of a host, rather than the old version of the listis set directly on the host to the fast speed limit, let thehost be confined in a speed range, to create "control rules",and create a "control rule" and "the first time", far betterthan the old version is convenient.

Figure 18 the other download speed

When a new LAN host added, you can let P2P automatically controlterminator rules applied to the new host. The specificoperation "system settings -advanced options to find new hostcontrol settings automatic assignment rule".

Figure 19 the discovery of new host automatic assignment rule

P2P terminator log function, the user can intercept the rulesaccording to the log to view the LAN users are committed. Thereis a "network bandwidth map" in the form of a graph of networktraffic report to you.

Figure 20 control log list

Fig. 21 diagram of network bandwidth

Some netizens ask, if LAN has two or more than two users areusing P2P terminator, what is the result?The following messageterminator P2P tell you the answer.

Figure 22 tips"

Then the above problems, the author came to see the officialwebsite, the official website of the interpretation, thefollowing quotes content from the official website of P2Pterminator. "The network management authority is a conceptnewly introduced version 4, because in a network if there aremany people at the same time the need to run the P2P terminator,You need to determine who has the right of network management,the computer can perform a higher authority, and the authorityof lower computer need to exit the software. Managementauthority is divided into 5 levels: the lowest, lower andhigher,the highest, the software is installedby default is theminimumpermissions. " How to improve the access method let the authorsurprised, quotes the same content from the official websiteof P2P terminator. "P2P terminator provides the network

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