网卡蹭网卡百科名片(Rub card)

蹭网卡  时间:2021-04-20  阅读:()

蹭网卡百科名片Rub cardRub card


body. "Rub network card" search principle comes from the BBmachine in a digital era, but also through the disseminationof counterfeit information, interception of signal resources,and thus access the internet.

are virtual) 2, its farthest transmission distance, outdoorfield test reached 3600m. 3, more professional rub networktools, support all kinds of encryption. 4, more powerful clientconnection device, can be connected to large gain antenna. 5,more perfect performance, can support soft AP function. Rubnetwork equipment has launched several generations of products,"card" core chip upgrade from 5G to 8G is currently the mainchip is RTL8187L and RTL8187B is based on RTL8187L compatiblemode a little more. The internal data cache handles a bit morethan L, but not WOL (network wakeup) .

basically useless.

router to get on the Internet, always feels the net speed ismuch slower than day, later only then knew that this is someonein"rubs the net". In this way, I spent the same amount of money,but the treatment of enjoyment was obviously reduced!" Theexpert points out, rub network behavior will not only lead tothe loss of telecom enterprises, for consumers more hiddenthree risks: first, if not civilized neighbors, with othersalso open BT will seriously affect the download speed; two isif the malicious use of the extra pay project. There may be lossof money; if three is more likely to exist a variety of hackers,cyber source password theft, chat records were opened, and eventhe stock, deposit stolen, and bring serious consequences.

It has become a new choice for both convenience and heartbeat.The wireless network is not to spend their own money Why not?,more let rub family of nets is bored, "rub network tips", "rubnetwork concise guide", "10 minutes wireless router passwordcracking step" and "exchange of experience" emerge in anendless stream, let them clearly pleased with oneself.

has stolentheresources stillhas disputes inthe legal circle.China' s Telecommunications Regulations also provide that:stealing other people' s telecommunications lines, copyingother people' s telecommunications code number, the use ofknowingly stolen, copied telecommunications facilities or codenumber, belonging to disrupt the order of thetelecommunications market behavior. Therefore, operatorsshould boldly step forward and assume the responsibility ofeffective supervision. It is reported that the higher thesensitivity of the rub network card, the greater the scope ofthe search, its power is greater, the greater the harm to thehuman body may be. Now on the market hot rub network card isa high-power wireless network card, its power reached 500MW,the market is 10 times the ordinary wireless card, obvious harmto the human body. Therefore, from the point of view of humanbody safety, this kind of equipment is better to use less ornot. "The higher the sensitivity of the network card, the morecan not use, power means great harm to the human body. ". "

At present, consumers are faced with an embarrassing situation:No, the password is cracked and forced to "share"; regardlessof laissez faire, slow speed of efficiency; the most difficultis that the rub network is difficult to obtain evidence, thelaw also has some controversy, on the other hand, due to theamount of the alarm is not worth much, rights, there are certaindiff iculties.

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