exc e l保護密碼破解(絕對經典)
如果你的E xce l文件設置了保護密碼而遺忘了 ,那麼請依照下面的步驟來操作.簡 ,也許會有奇跡出現. .不需要多麼高難度的操作和專業的軟件支持 單.方便.費時一般最多兩分鐘 (建議:操作前把原文件COPY一份)
工具---宏----录制新宏---输入名字如 :aa
停止录制(这样得到一个空宏 )
删除窗口中的所有字符 (只有几个),替换为下面的内容 :(复制吧)
工具---宏-----宏,选Al l I nternalPasswords,运行,确定两次,等2分钟,再确定.OK,没有密码了! !内容如下
Publ ic Sub Al l InternalPasswords()
'Breaks worksheet and workbook structure passwords.Bob McCormick
'probably originator of base code algorithm modified for coverage
'of workbook structure/windows passwords and for multiple passwords
'Norman Harkerand JE McGimpsey27-Dec-2002(Version 1 .1 )
'Modified 2003-Apr-04 by JEM:Al l msgs to constants,and
'el iminate one ExitSub(Version 1 .1 .1)
'Reveals hashed passwords NOT original passwords
Const DBLSPACE As String=vbNewLine&vbNewLine
ConstAUTHORS As String=DBLSPACE&vbNewLine&_
"Adapted from Bob McCormick base code by"&_
"Norman Harkerand JE McGimpsey"
Const HEADER As String="Al l InternalPasswords User Message"
ConstVERSION As String=DBLSPACE&"Version 1 .1 .1 2003-Apr-
04"Const REPBACK As String=DBLSPACE&"Please report fai lure"
&_"to the microsoft.publ ic.excel .programming newsgroup."
ConstALLCLEAR As String=DBLSPACE&"The workbook should"&
_"now be free of al l password protection,so make sure you:"&_
DBLSPACE&"Also, remember that the password was"&_
"put there for a reason.Don't stuff up crucial formulas"&_
"or data."&DBLSPACE&"Access and use of some data"&
_"maybe an offense. If in doubt,don't."
Const MSGNOPWORDS1 As String="There were no passwords on"&_"sheets,or workbook structure or windows."&AUTHORS&VERSIONConst MSGNOPWORDS2 As String="There was no protection to"&_"workbook structure or windows."&DBLSPACE&_"Proceeding tounprotectsheets."&AUTHORS&VERSION
Const MSGTAKETIME As String="After pressing OK button this"&_"wi l l take some time."&DBLSPACE&"Amount of time"&_"dependson how many different passwords, the"&_
"passwords,and your computer's specification."&DBLSPACE&_"Just be patient!Make me a coffee!"&AUTHORS&VERSIONConst MSGPWORDFOUND1 As String="You had a Worksheet "&_"Structure orWindows Password set."&DBLSPACE&
"The password found was: "&DBLSPACE&"$$"&DBLSPACE&_"Note it down for potential future use in otherworkbooks by"&_"the same person who set this password."&DBLSPACE&_
"Nowto check and clear other passwords."&AUTHORS&VERSIONConst MSGPWORDFOUND2 As String="You had a Worksheet "&_"password set."&DBLSPACE&"The password found was: "&_DBLSPACE&"$$"&DBLSPACE&"Note it down for potential "&_"future use in otherworkbooks by same person who"&_
"set this password."&DBLSPACE&"Now to check and clear"&_"other passwords."&AUTHORS&VERSION
Const MSGONLYONE As String="Only structure/windows"&_"protected with the password thatwas justfound."&_
Dim w1 As Worksheet,w2 As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer,kAs Integer, l As Integer
Dim m As Integer,n As Integer, i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer
Dim i3 As Integer, i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer
Dim PWord1 As String
Dim ShTag As Boolean,WinTagAs Boolean
Appl ication.ScreenUpdating=False
With ActiveWorkbook
WinTag=.ProtectStructure Or .ProtectWindowsEnd With
For Each w1 InWorksheets
ShTag=ShTag Or w1 .ProtectContents
If Not ShTag And NotWinTag Then
MsgBox MSGNOPWORDS1 ,vbInformation,HEADERExit Sub
End If
MsgBox MSGTAKETIME,vbInformation,HEADERIf NotWinTag Then
MsgBox MSGNOPWORDS2,vbInformation,HEADERElse
On Error Resume Next
Do'dummydo loop
For i=65 To 66:Forj=65 To 66:Fork=65 To 66For l=65To 66:Form=65To66:For i1 =65To66For i2=65 To 66:For i3=65 To 66:For i4=65 To 66For i5=65 To 66:For i6=65 To 66:For n=32 To 126With ActiveWorkbook
If .ProtectStructure=False And
.ProtectWindows=False Then
PWo rd 1 =C h r(i)&C h r(j)&C h r(k)&C h r(l)&_
Chr(m)&Chr(i1 )&Chr(i2)&Chr(i3)&_
MsgBox Appl ication.Substitute(MSGPWORDFOUND1,_"$$",PWord 1 ),vbI nformation,HEADER
Exit Do'Bypass al l for. . .nexts
End If
End With
Loop Unti l True
On ErrorGoTo 0
End If
If WinTag And Not ShTag Then
MsgBox MSGONLYONE,vbInformation,HEADERExit Sub
End If
On Error Resume Next
For Each w1 InWorksheets
'Attempt clearance with PWord1w1 .Unprotect PWord1
On ErrorGoTo 0
For Each w1 InWorksheets
'Checks for al l clear ShTag triggered to 1 if not.ShTag=ShTag Or w1 .ProtectContents
If ShTag Then
For Each w1 InWorksheets
With w1
If .ProtectContents Then
On Error Resume Next
Do'Dummydo loop
For i=65 To 66:Forj=65 To 66:Fork=65 To 66For l=65To 66:Form=65To66:For i1 =65To66For i2=65 To 66:For i3=65 To 66:For i4=65 To 66For i5=65To 66:For i6=65To 66:Forn=32To 126.Unprotect Chr(i)&Chr(j)&Chr(k)&_
If Not .ProtectContents Then
PWo rd 1 =C h r(i)&C h r(j)&C h r(k)&C h r(l)&_
Chr(m)&Chr(i1 )&Chr(i2)&Chr(i3)&_
MsgBox Appl ication.Substitute(MSGPWORDFOUND2,_
"$$",PWord 1 ),vbI nformation,HEADER
' leverage finding Pword bytrying on othersheets
For Each w2 InWorksheetsw2.Unprotect PWord1
Exit Do'Bypass al l for. . .nexts
End If
Loop Unti l True
On ErrorGoTo 0
End If
End With
End If
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