A.accept -v. to agree to receive accide nt -接受n.someth ing that happe ns bycha neeor mistake;an un pla nned eve nt事故accuse-v. to say a pers on is resp on sible foran act orcrime; to make a stateme nt aga inst some one
指责activist -n.one who seeks cha nge through acti on 激进分子adm ini strati on -n. the executive part of a gover nment, usual ly headed by apreside ntorprime mini ster 政府admit -v. to accept ("admitted to the Un ited Nati on s"); to express on e's gui lt or resp onsibi l ity("He admitted that what he did was wro ng.") 承认adult -n.agrown person 成人advise-v. to help with in formati onaffect -v. to produce an effect on; to in flue nee("A lack of sleep affected the sin ger's performa nee.")
影响agency-n.an organization that is partof a largergroup("an agencyof the United Nati on s") 机构aggressi on-n.an attackaga inst a pers on orcou ntry; the violati on of a cou ntry's borders侵略agriculture-n. farming 农业airforce-n.a mi l itaryorga ni zati on using airpla nes 空军album-n.a col lection of recorded music 歌集alcohol -n.a stro ng,colorless l iquid,usual ly made from grain,used as a drug or in in dustrial products
酒精al ly-n.a n ati on orpers onjoined with ano therfora special purpose 联合体
修正an cestor-n.afami ly memberfrom the past 祖先an cie nt -ad.veryold; l ong ago 远古的anni versary-n.a yearly celebrati on orobserva nee of an eve nt that happe ned in the past周年announce-v. to make known publ icly; to declare official ly 宣布
appear-v. to showon eself; to come into sight; to seem appoint-v. to n ame; to choose(agree with; to agree to support
archeology-n. the scie ntific study of past huma n l ife and activities 考古学argue-v. to offer reas ons for or aga inst someth ing; to dispute; to disagree 争论arms-n.mi l itary equipme nt;weap ons 兵器arrest -v. to seize a pers on for legal acti on; to take as a pris oner 逮捕arti l lery-n. big guns炮assist -v. to help 帮助astro naut -n.a pers on who travels in space 宇航员astro nomy-n. the scie ntific study of stars and the uni verse 天文学asylum-n. pol itical protecti on give n bya gover nment to a pers on from ano thercou ntry 政治庇护atmosphere-n. the gases surrou nding anystaror pla net 大气层attach-v. to tie together; to connect 系上 连接attack-n.a viole nt attempt to damage, in jure or ki l l ;v. to start a fight 袭击attempt -v. to work toward somethi ng; to try; to make an effort 尝试atte nd-v. to be prese nt at 岀席automobi le-n.a vehicle with wheels used to carry people;a car 汽车average-n.somethi ng(a n umber) represe nting the middle;ad.com mon;n ormal平均平常avoid-v. to stay away from 避免award-n.an honoror prize foran act orservice 奖励balanee-v. to maketwo sides orforces equal bal lo on-n.a平衡device of stron g, l ight material that rises whe n fi l led withgas l ighterbal lot -n.a piece of paper used forvot ing 选票ban-v. to not permit; to stop;n.an official restriction bar -v. to 禁止preve nt or block 禁止阻碍barrier-n.anything that blocks or makes an action difficult base- 障碍nthan air气球based on experime nts.")battle-n.a fight betwee n oppos ing armed forces 战斗beat -v. to hit aga in and aga in 击打betray-v. to tur n aga in st; to be false to 背叛bi l l -n.a legislative proposal 议案biology-n. the scie ntific studyof l ife or l iv ing thi ngs in al l theirforms 生物学blame-v. to accuse; to hold respon sible 责备block-v. to stop someth ing from being done; to preve nt moveme nt 堵塞阻碍bomb-n.a device that explodes with great force 炸弹;v. to attack or destroy withbombs 炸弹袭击
border-n.adividi ng l ine betwee n n ati ons 边界boycott -v. to refuse to take part in or deal with 联合抵制
brief-ad.short;not long 简短的broadcast -v. to send information,stories or music by radio ortelevision;n.a radio ortelevisi on programbrown-ad.having the color l ike that of coffee budget -n.a spe褐色的nding plan 预算bul let -n.a smal l pieceof metal shotfrom agun burst -v. to break子弹ope n sudde nly 爆裂bus in ess-n.on e's work;buying and sel l i ng to earn mon ey;
Ccab inet -n.agroup of mini sters thathelps lead agovernment 内阁camp-n.a place with temporary hous ing 露营campaig n-n.a competition byoppos ing pol itical candidatesseeking supportfromvoters;a conn ected series of mi l itary acti ons duri ng a war 活动can cel -v. to end; to stop 取消can cer-n.a disease in which dan gerous cel ls growquicklyand destroyparts of thebody癌症can didate-n.a pers on who seeks or is nomin ated foran office oran honorcapital ism-n.an economic system in which the production of most services is owned and goods andoperated for profit by private citize ns or compa nies 资本主义capture-v. to make a personoranimal a prisoner; to seize ortake byforce; to getcon trol of捕获case(court) -n.a legal acti on 案例case(medical)-n.an in cide ntof disease("There was onlyone case of chicke n poxat the school .")病例cause-v. to make happe n;n. the thi ng or pers on that produces a result 导致ceasefire-n.a halt in fight ing,usual ly by agreeme nt 停火协议celebrate-v. to honor a pers on or eve nt with special activities 庆祝ceremony-n.an act orseries of acts done in a special way establ ished bytradition
仪式chairma n-n.a pers on lead ing a meeti ng oran orga ni zed 主席groupchampi on-n. the best; the winner 冠军cha
cheer-v. to shout approval or praise 欢呼chemicals-n.eleme ntsfound in n ature ormade bypeople;substances used inthe scie neeof chemistry
化学物质chemistry-n. the scie ntific studyof substa nces,whattheyare made of,howthey act un derdiffere ntconditi ons,and howtheyform othersubsta nces 化学chief -n. the head or leaderof a group 首领;ad. leading;most important 主要的civi l ia n-ad.n ot mi l itary 平民
brief-ad.short;not long 简短的civi l rights-n. the pol itical ,economic and social rights given equal lyto al l people of a natio n公民权力
claim-v. to say somethi ng as a fact 声明clash-n.a battle
冲突 v. to fight or oppose 发生冲突 神职人员.气候coal iti on -n. forces,groups or n ati onsjoined together 联盟coast -n. land on the edge of the ocea n 海岸colony-n. la nd con trol led byano thercou ntryorgovernmentcomb ine-v. to mixorbr ing together 联合结合
命令comal m-na.nads-ovl i.dtobloarcdkesr;utbosthaavneepouwsedr oavsefruseol methicomme nt -v. to saysometh ing about; to express an opinion aboutsometh ing论committee-n.a group of people give n special work 委员会commu ni cate-v. to tel l ; to give orexcha nge in formati oncommu nity-n.agroup of people l iving togetherinone place orareacompare-v. to exam ine社区what is differe ntorsimi lar 对比compete-v. to try to do as wel l as竞争complex-ad.of or hav ing many parts that are difficult to un dersta nd;not simple杂的compromise-n. the settleme nt of an argume ntwhere each side agrees to accept less tha n firstdema nded 折衷concern-n. in terest,worry("express concern about") ;v. to fear ("to be concern ed")关注关心condemn-v. to say a pers on oracti on is wrong or bad 遣责condition -n.something declared necessary to complete an agreement 条件;aperso n's health 身体状况conference-n.a meet ing 会议con firm-v. to approve; to say that someth ing is true confl ict -n.a 确定
Congress-n. the organization of people elected to make the laws of the United
States(the House of Represe ntatives and the Sen ate);a simi larorga ni zati on inother cou ntries 议会conservative-n.one who usual ly supports tradition and opposes great change
守派con stituti on-n. the writte n gen eral laws and ideas thatform a n ati on's system of gover nment宪contain-v. to hold; to in clude 包容container-n.a box,bottle orcan used to hold someth ing 容器continent -n.any of the seve n great land areas of the world 大陆con trol -v. to direct; to have power over 控制conven ti on-n.a large meeti ng fora special purpose 大会
法cooperate-v. to act or work together 合作
撞crash坠-毁v.创to造fal l violently; to hit with great forcecreate-v. to make; to give l ife orform tocreature-n.any l iv ing being;anyani mal orhuma n 生物credit-n.an agreementthat payments wi l l be made at a latertime crew 信用-n.a group of people work ing together 全体人员crime-n.an act that violates a law 罪行criminal -n.a person who is responsible fora crime 罪犯crisis-n.an extremely important time when something may become much better orworse;adangerous situati on 危机criticize-v. to say what is wrong with somethi ng or some one; to condemn; to judge
批评crowd-n.a large n umberof people gathered in one place 人群crush-v. to damage or destroy by great weight; to defeat completely 压碎curfew-n.an orderto people to stay off the streets orto close their bus in esses
^严current -n.movement of air ,water or electricity 水流 电流;ad.belonging to theprese nt time目前的("Shefound the report in a curre nt publ icati on.")custom-n.a lon g-establ ished bel ief or activity of a people 习惯风俗customs-n. taxes on imports 入关税dam-n.a wal l bui lt across a riverto hold backflow ing water 大坝damage-v. to cause injuryordestructi on 摧毁;n.harm; hurt or injury, usual lytothi ngs毁坏deaf-ad.not able to hear 聋的debate-v. toarguefororagainstsometh ing;n.apubl icdiscussionorargume nt
争论debt -n.somethi ng that is owed; the con diti on of owing declare- 债务v. to say; to make a stateme nt 声明decrease-v. to make less in size oramou ntdefeat-v. to cause to lose in a battle orstruggle;n.a loss; the con diti on of hav inglost打败defe nd-v. to guard or fight aga inst attack; to protect 防卫deficit -n.a shortage that results when spending imports are is greater than ear orgreater tha n exports 赤字defi ne-v. to give the meaning of; to expla in 定义delay-v. to decide to do someth ing at a latertime; to postp one; to cause to be late延迟delegate-n.one sent to act for ano ther;one who represe nts ano ther 代表
要求dema nd-v. to ask by orderi ng; to askwith forcedemocracy-n. the system of gover nment in which citize ns vote to choose leaders orto make other
importa ntdecisi ons 民主dem on v. to make a publ ic showof opinions orfeel ings ("The crowds trate
dem on strated in supportof huma n rights.")示威 to expla in byusing examples("The teacher dem on strated the idea with an experime nt.") 示范denounce-v. to accuse of being wrong or evi l ; to criticize severelydeny-v. to declare that someth ing is not true; to refuse a request 否谴认责depe nd-v. to n eed help and support 依靠deplore-v. to regret str on gly; to express sad ness 表示悲痛deploy-v. to move forces orweap ons into positi ons foracti on 咅E署(军队)depressi on-n.severe un happ in ess;a period of reduced bus in ess and econo micactivitydur ing which many people lose theirjobs 衰退describe-v. to give a word picture of somethi ng; to give detai ls of somethi ng
述desig n-v. to pla n orcreate pla ns for 设计desire-v. to want very much; to wish for 愿望destroy-v. to break into pieces; to end the existe nee of develop
-v. to grow; to create; to experie nee progress device-n.apiece of equipme nt madefora special purpose独裁者日常饮
diet -n.usual dai lyfood and dr inkdiplomat -n.a pers on who represe nts his or her gover nment in deal i ng with another gover nment夕卜交官d i rect -v.");adpath is direct.")directi on-n. the way(east,west,no rth,south);where some one came from orwent to or something
方向dirt -n.earthorsoi l 泥土disappear-v. to become un see n; to no lon gerexist 消失disarm-v. to take awayweap ons; to no lon gerkeep weap ons; to make a bombharmless by remov ing its explod ing device 解除武装discuss-v. to talk about; to excha nge ideas 讨论disease-n.a sickness in l iv ing thi ngs,oftencaused byviruses,germs orbacteria
疾病dismiss-v. to send away; to refuse to con sider 解散dispute-v. to oppose stron gly byargume nt;n.an angrydebate 争论disside nt -n.a pers on who stron glydisagrees with his or hergover nment见者document -n.an official piece of paper with facts written on it,used as proof orsupportof somethi ng 文件drown-v. to die un derwater 溺水drug-n.anything used asamedic ineorin making medic ine;achemicalsubstaneeused to ease pai n or to affect the mi nd 药品dust -n.pieces of matter so smal l that they can float in the air 灰尘
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