
eaccelerator  时间:2021-04-17  阅读:()

phpcms缓存使用总结(memcached、 eaccelerator、 shm)A template compilation cache

Reference documents include/globalfuncphp andinclude/templatefuncphp

The principle of template cache is simple if the template isfirst compiled directly compile it, if not the first is tocompile the template file ($tplfile) and template cache file($compiledtplfile) modify time if the template cache filemodification time is greater than the compiled template fileis compiled template or not compile the template to improve theprogram' s execution efficiency

Copy code

The code reads as follows:

Function template ($module = phpcms, $template = index){

G lobal $CONFI G;

$compiledtplf ile =


If ($CONFIG[templaterefresh] )


$tplfile =

PHPCMS_ROOT/t emp lat es/$CONFIG[defaul ttempl ate]/$module/$t emplatehtml;

If ( ! File_exists ($compiledtplfile) | | @filemtime

($tplfile) > @filemtime ($compiledtplfile) )


Require_once PHPCMS_ROOT/inc lude/templatefuncphp;

Template_refresh ($tplfile, $compiledtplfile) ;



Return $compiledtplfile;


B generates static cache files within a dynamic page

Similar to the caching principle of C, the name of the filegenerated here is relatively fixed

Take the question module as an example

For access

This directory contains indexphp files in the current directory

to determine whether there is a file called index_cachehtml if

there is no failure period directly to include this file orPrivate Const SMART_Iwww.qushu6.comNVALID_BUFFER As dynamicLong =4 "Bad buffer (null invalid addr. . ) read after the datasaved as index_cachehtml file for the next use.

What is in the file indexphp?

Copy code

The code reads as follows:


Require_once /include/commonincphp;

$lastedittime = @filemtime (index_cachehtml) ;

$lastedittime = $PHP_TIME$lastedittime;

$autoupdatetime = intval ($MOD[autoupdate] ) ;

//$MOD[autoupdate] comes from the contents of the cache filedata/cache/wenba_settingphp

If (file_exists (index_cachehtml) & &



Echo "include cache file"";

Include index_cachehtml;




Echo "read dynamic page"";


How to determine whether the file is invalid, filedata/cache/wenba_settingphp has the following settings, inwhichthe value of the fieldAutoUpdate is the file failure time,unit is seconds, in the background can be set

The file wenba_settingphp is going to come from it are installedautomatically when the various modules of the data saved to thedatabase installation generated when the cache data in theinclude/commonincphp cache_all function can also generatebackground cache settings when cache will be automaticallyupdated

Copy code

The code reads as follows:


Return array (. . .

Higth_score = >

Anybody_score = >

Answer_give_credit = >

Vote_give_credit = >

Highscore = >

Vote_give_actor</p> <p> </p>=>white-collar workers <p> </p><p> won the imperial wizard generals </p> <p> vagabondAutoUpdate = >

Name = > a s k.

Moduledir = > Wenba

Moduledomain = >

Linkurl = > /opensource/phpcms_sp_gbk/phpcms/wenba/

) ;



Update module settings function

Copy code

The code reads as follows:

Function module_setting ($module $setting)


G l ob al $db$MODULE$LANG;

If ( ! Is_array ($setting) | | ! Array_key_exists

($modul e$MODULE) ) return FALSE;

If (isset ($setting[moduledomainPrivate, Const,

MAX_IDE_DR IVESwww.mnmm8.c omAs, Long=, Max, number, of, driv es,assuming, primary/secondary, master/slave, topology])){

$moduledomain = $setting[moduledomain] ;

$db>que ry ("UPDATE", "TAB LE_MOD ULE", "S ET,moduledomain=$modul edomai n, WHERE, module=$modul e") ;

Unset ($setting[moduledomain]) ;


$setting = addslashes (serialize (new_stripslashes

($setting) )) ;

Will / more than one set of values for a module. After arrayserialization is stored in a field in setting

$db>que ry ("UPDATE", "TABLE_MODULE", "S ET, s et t i n g=$s et t i n g,WHERE, modul e=$modu l e") ;

Cache_module ($module) ;

Cache_common () ;

Return TRUE;


C generates static cache files within a dynamic page

With the principle of B is similar to the cache file name isgenerated according to the calculated $PHP_SELF and

$PHP_QUERYSTRING value of MD generated file name relative toall PHP dynamic pages are the same thought classic comparisonshould be signed by

Take the question module as an example

The file call order is indexphp> jsphp >adphp> globalfuncphpFor access

This directory contains indexphp files in the current directoryto determine whether there is a file called index_cachehtml

directly if this file is included if it doesnot exist this fileare dynamically read after the data stored in theindex_cachehtml file for the next use.

When accessing the above URL, the page contains the followingline of JS code

<script language=, "JavaScript",

"/opensource/phpcms_sp_gbk/phpcms/data/jsphp", "id=",src=, ></script>

This JS code is actually a dynamic call to the content of thePHP page

The contents of the jsphp file:

Copy code

The code reads as follows:


Chdir (/ads/) ;

Require /adphp;


Adphp content

Copy code

The code reads as follows:


D ef i ne (SHOWJS) ;

Require /include/commonincphp;

Require MOD_ROOT/include/globalfuncphp; </p> <p>$placeid =i ntval ($i d) ; </p> <p>$qu ery = "SELECT * FROM" TABLE_ADS "ASa LEFT"JOIN"TABLE_ADS_PLACE AS P ON(aplaceid=pplaceid) WHEREaplacei d=" $p laceid "AND afromdate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP (AND)atodate>=UNIX_TIMESTAMP (AND) ppassed= AND apassed= ANDachecked= ORDER BY aaddtime";

$ads = $db>ge t_one ($query "CAHCE") ;

I f ( ($ads) ex it (documentwri te (")") ; </p>, <p>$db>query("UPDATE", "SET, views=views+, WHERE, adsid=", $ads[ads id] ) ;</p> <p>$content = ads_content ($ads) (TABLE_ADS) ;

$templateid = $ads[templateid]? $ads[templateid] : ads;Include template (ads $templateid) ;

Phpcache () ;


Adphp which calls the phpcache function reference file


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