关机在winxp中实现远程关机(Remote shutdown in WinXP)

远程关机  时间:2021-04-14  阅读:()

在winxp中实现远程关机Remote shutdown in WinXPRemote shutdown in WinXP

In Windows XP, a new command line tool, shutdown, is added to"close or restart a local or remote computer"". Using it, wecan not only log off the user, turn off or restart the computer,but also realize the regular shutdown and remote shutdown.The syntax of this command is as follows:

Shut down, [-i, |-l|-s, |-r, |-a], [-f], [-m, [-t, xx],[\\ComputerName] ], [-c, message, ] [-d[u] [p] : xx:yy]

Among them, the meaning of each parameter is:

-i display graphical interface dialog box.

-l to cancel the current user, which is the default setting.-m ComputerName priority.

-s shut down the computer.

Restart after -r is closed.

-a abort shutdown. In addition to -l and ComputerName, thesystem ignores other parameters. During timeout, you can onlyuse -a.

-f forces the application to run off.

-m [\\ComputerName] specifies the computer to shut down.-t XX sets the timer used for system shutdown to XX seconds.The default value is 20 seconds.

-c 'message' specifies the message to be displayed in themessage area of the system shutdown window. You can use up to127 characters at most. Messages must be included in quotationmark s.

-d [u] [p] : xx:yy lists the reason codes for system shutdown.First, let' s take a look at some of the basic uses of thecommand:

1, write off the current user

Shutdown - L

This command can only log off native users and does not applyto remote computers.

2, turn off the local computer

Shutdown - S

3, restart the local computer

Shutdown - R

4, timing shutdown

Shutdown - s -t 30

Specifies that the computer will be turned off automaticallyafter 30 seconds.

5, stop the computer shutdown

Sometimes we set the computer after the regular shutdown, andif for some reason, want to cancel the shutdown operation, youcan use shutdown - A to stop. Such as:

Shutdown -s - t 300 sets the computer off in 5 minutes.Shutdown - A cancels the shutdown operation above.

These are some of the basic applications of the shutdown commandin this unit. As we have explained earlier, this command canoperate on remote computers in addition to shutting down andrestarting the local computer. But how can it be implemented?In the command format, there is a parameter, [-m

[\\ComputerName] , that specifies the name of the computer tobe turned off or restarted, and, if omitted, defaults to nativeoperation. You can try it with the following commands:Shutdown - S - M \\sunbird -t 30

In 30 seconds, shut down the computer named Sunbird; note:Sunbird is a LAN computer with the same Windows XP.

But after the command was executed, the computer Sunbird didnot respond at all, but the screen was prompted "Access isdenied" (denial of access)".

Why does this happen? In the original Windows XP the defaultsecurity policy, only the administrator group of users have theright to shut down the computer from the remote, but normallywe from other computer LAN to access the computer, only theguest user permissions, so when we execute the command, willappear "access denied".

After finding the root of the problem, the solution is verysimple, as long as you in the client computer (which can beremotely shut down the computer, such as the Sunbird) givepermission to the guest user remote shutdown. This can beachieved by using the local security policy in Windows XP' sgroup policy or management tool. Let' s introduce the grouppolicy as an example:

1, click the start button, select run, enter gpedit.msc in thedialog box, and then click OK to open the group policy editor.2, in the left pane of the group policy window, expand thecomputer configuration step by step > Windows Settings >Security Settings > local policy > user rights assignment".

3. In the right pane of the group policy window, select "forcedshutdown from the remote system", double-click it to open it.4, in the pop-up dialog box to display the "Administrators"group members only have the right from the remote shutdown;

click the dialog box below the "add user or group" button, andthen enter "guest" in the pop-up dialog box, click OK button.As shown in figure 9.

5, at this time, in the "from the remote system forced shutdown"property, add a "guest" user, click ok.

6, close the group policy window.

After the above operation,

We gave the computer Sunbird' s guest user the right to remoteshutdown. Later, if you want to remotely turn off the computerSunbird, just enter the following command in the computer inother Windows XP computers on your network:

Shutdown -s -M \\sunbird -t 30 (other arguments are the sameas above)

Figure 9

At this point, the dialog box on the Sunbird computer displaysa"system shutdown", indicating that the system is about to shutdown. Please save all the work you are running and log off.Unsaved changes will be lost. Shutdown is initiated bysunbird\guest. " There is also a timer below the dialog box toshow how much time it will be before the shutdown. In the timeof waiting for the shutdown, the user can perform other tasks,such as closing the program, opening the file, etc. , but thedialog box cannot be closed unless you stop the shutdown taskwith the shutdown – a command.


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