心理问题Analysis of psychological problems of Zhang Shaogang and Guo Jie and Zhang Shaogang(张绍刚和郭杰以及张绍刚的心理问题分析)

张绍刚郭杰  时间:2021-04-10  阅读:()

Analysis of psychological problems of Zhang Shaogang and GuoJie and Zhang Shaogang张绍刚和郭杰以及张绍刚的心理问题分析Analysis of psychological problems of Zhang Shaogang and GuoJie and Zhang Shaogang

Zhang Shaogang, a not very famous host.

But he has a psychological problem, that is, students are neverpolite.

1. Zhang Shaogang heroes must have never been abroad. Hisattitude to the returnees, there is a deep regret never beenabroad in his heart, don't think he is a good host, but in hisheart, I still love yourself is aperson I had been abroad. Thisis like "eight guardians" of Ma Dayuan' s wife, Duan Zhengchun,and one of the women I woman Yasutoshi, not their own, to getthe. So, on the psychological effects of this "sour grapes",naturally think that all returnees are "kelp (to be)", that isnot a climate that will not take himself, to his heart' s contentof sour grapes. Of course, Zhang Shaogang can deny it, but it' slike sleeping in the night to turn over. The original motiveforce of the mind is controlled by no legal person. In fact,people will compare themselves with others, although both maynot be an industry. For example, I saw the New Oriental teacherYuMinhong, I would think, if I had students more than ten years,his classmates do good (ha ha, 05 years in Beijing toparticipate in the training of New Oriental, Yu teacher, ofcourse not seen) because of his career developed, pulling a fewstudents together, but because he is a good people, everyonewhen friends; I saw a university professor of English, my heart

with him in English?When I see the students who are studyingMBA, I think, how far is the gap between me and others?You tellme, you said you never? Then you don't see anyone better thanyou, at least in some way. I believe that when Zhao Guangyi sawhis brother Zhao Kuangyin sat on the throne of the Song Dynasty,might think, when you die? Then there was the light, the axe,the shadow". When Lin Biao looked at Mao, who lived long, hemust be thinking, "how could this guy not see Marx sooner?""Put it plainly, you will compare yourself with others'strengths and weaknesses.

07 years and a famous hostess of a television station in Jiangsuto do a ceremony, she is Chinese, I am an English host. She wasvery kind to me, I didn't think of that. She likes to learnEnglish well and wants to have a good command of english. Shealso asked me if I studied english. I can see she cares.Once to Saudi Arabia, my husband and wife, two people, and Icame down from the Saudi highway to find lunch. It' s a smalltown in front of Mecca (where non muslims can' t get in and we'rearound) . No place to go to a local western fast food restaurant.There are two guys in it. One can speak English, a big boy. Onecan' t speak English, little boy. I want to eat a la carte, backand forth, and a big boy, and a boy like. Finally, I got backto the dinner table and said casually, "the little boy can'tspeak English. " I didn't expect my boss and his wife to speakwithout a word. They are here, too.

Whether you're a host or a millionaire, you always want to havewhat you don't have and what others have. That' s the case with

Zhang Shaogang.

2. treat others with an ordinary heart, don' t be preconceived.The Zhang Shaogang asked Wen to test his French, but in facthe expected his French to be good or bad. Well, no Xiaogang said.Well, Xiao Shao just had articles to do. Everyone does itbecause he wants to know the truth. First impressions are hardto avoid. Once, I most admire Su Dongpo asked Foyin said, yousay what I like? Buddha said, you like the buddha. Su Dongpoasked again. "Do you know what you're like in my heart?" ButI do not know that. Su Dongpo said, "in my heart, you're a lumpshit. ". Later, Su Dongpo went back to his family and said,"you're wrong. ". But have a heart of the Buddha, see everyoneis buddha. You have shit in your mind,

So everybody is shit. Su Dongpo quickly awakens. So, ZhangShaogang went to see the spent 10 years in France, with threedegree certificate (it is the envy of Shao Gang Zhang and can'tget) , in the end is not a real thing, it is not surprising,because Zhang Shaogang' s heart, there are a lot of shit, or hethought not. But some.

Be fair to others, not preconceived. Good returnees, we support;not good to be human, those managers don't accept it; for weare despised the dummy. But just through an interview, you arealways on the right side, and you must be sure that others arewrong and too arbitrary.

3. Guo Jie inexperienced, interpersonal skills is not high, theability not to improvise; education is also unknown; Tianjinstation is also unknown whether deliberately hype.

In the lens, indeed saw, Guo Jie has fainted, only then pours.He was on TV, met a host of First impressions are strongest andsome opinionated, HR managers and executives (can be confident,but sometimes, a lot of human resource manager is opinionated,onTV, it is easier to over confident) , he' s nervous, and stressof listening comprehension, expression. Therewill be a"blank"phenomenon. This tension, Zhang Shaogang has not realized,because he is a mature host, although approved by the upper hand,more and more famous. Not in the media, public work, televisionmust be nervous. I will do now, whether it is in the box or withsimultaneous speaker stand consecutive (even tens of thousandsof audience, I'm not nervous. ) . Because of the growth, and overthe tension that stage.

If Guo Jie find a human consultant to guide what started witha few fluent French awed the audience, talk fast, even the Yidid not understand, Zhang Shaogang did not understand (Englishdid not pass) , they must shut up. Why? Because contemporarypeople owe shock, do not owe lukewarm water. And Wen Yi' s Frenchis really not good, just say from the mouth of the beautifulwoman, the ordinary people think she is very good. And if 08years of speech in France that young man to come over (when theFrench Boycott of the Chinese Olympic Games, the young man inParis, France, called on China and France want to understandeach other, passionate people. Politicians Sarkozy finallysacked, he was at the Olympic Games "China government and Daraitalk well, I will consider to go to Beijing to participate inthe Olympic Games", finally lost to all sense of shame alsoattended the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games) ,the estimation of these humanresources and executive, will the

other side face of the mouth. Therefore, to be a good person,but also show your excellent.

The Guo Jie, sociologists do not know, do not know about theirsubjects also cannot explain, familiar, that is too bad. LearnEnglish Department, do not know Saussure, but you can not donot know Chomsky, LG Alexander, Zhong Daolong, Wang Zuoliang,Xu Guozhang, Li Funing, Lu Gusun, Yu Minhong etc. ; learn EnglishChinese Si, it should notbeheardJeanHebbel Daniel, AI Giles,Danika Seleskovitch, Lidere, etc. . The little Guo Jie was askedto be worried about him. Guo Jie, if you are ambitious andcapable, please list your professional certificates online, orsend your French speaking videos to Youku to show you.In addition, Zhang Shaogang' s work, so far, a program fearlessof death for a just cause, up, Tianjin Taiwan estimated veryhappy.

Zhang Shaogang so condescending style of hosting, I think itwill change, because he will grow, hemay also slowly to himselfis not to pay attention to the students, will not be good atenglish. To be fair, if people are not playing well, but thereis a level?What if they really have a level and can't expressit?If the family level isnot good, not irony, tell him directly,you are the sea, you can, you should study again, on the line.Besides, they fainted,

You should look at the pulse and do first aid according to theperson. And that one, "are you acting?"" It makes people feelcool. When in 2055, Zhang Shaogang was interviewed, suddenly

fainted, and then the host said, "Zhang presided over, are youin the show?" Are you showing us, of course, that Guo Jiefainted?"

And, say, Guo Jie fainted here, with speculation, out of place.You how strong this program, must come here fainted, hype?Morethan the hype in this program, yes, really.

Of course, if all this is packaged, then I write this article,it is better to recite a few words, read a few English videos.Yes and no, I really look forward to the truth! There is a saying,"rather to give up a Persian throne, than to have a trueexpl anat ion. ".

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