Web production process
1 Introduction
The development of network technology for today' s global information exchangeand sharing funding source in the establishment of contacts and provide morechannels and possible. Homes will be known world affairs, according few keyboardor a few mouse clicks can be distant friends thousands of miles away exchanges,and online communications, Internet browsing, on-line interactive, e-commercehas become a modern part of people' s lives.
Internet era, has created the new people' s work and lifestyle, the Internet,openness and sharing of information model, breaking the traditional mode ofinformation dissemination many barriers for people with new opportunities. Withcomputers and the advent of the information age, the pace of the advance of humansociety in gradually accelerated. In recent years the development of web design,fast people occupied. To design aesthetic and practical web site should bethoroughly master the building techniques. In building site, we analyzed thewebsites of objectives, contents, functions, structure, the application of moreweb design technology.
2, the definition of website
How definition of websites 2. 1
Web site identified the tasks and objectives, the building site is the mostimportant issue. Why people will come to your website?You have aunique service?They will come back? All these issues must be taken into account when the sitedefinition of the problem. Definition site to, first of all, the entire sitemust have a clear understanding of what the design should understand in the end,the main purpose of the mission, how to carry out the task of organization andplanning. Many websites in the face of strong competition from high-qualityproduct is the greatest long-term competitive advantage. An excellent Web siteshould have the following:
(1) users visit Web site is faster.
(2) Attention to the feedback and updates. To update the content of the websiteand timely feedback
(3) Home design to be reasonable. Home to the first impression left by visitorsis importanth
, the design must be attractive in order to have a good visual effect.
2.2 The contents of the website and function
Content of the web site is to be a new, fast, all three sides. Website contentis determined in accordance with the nature of the site, in the design of thesite, commercial websites, popular science site, company websites, teaching andexchange websites, the content and style are different. We have establishedwebsites with the nature of these types of sites are not the same.
2.3 The structure website
(1) site structure;
(2) definition of navigation;
(3) Visual Design;
(4) framework and design pages.
4. Construction on the site Experience
After conducting systematic analysis End, we should carry out systemdesign. Web page design similar to the development of software design,top-down, bottom-up and continuous updating, and other design methods. Themain task is to design the content of the sites, including the websiteinformation organization structure, appearance, content block, navigationand links, directory structure design. System design is the site ready beforethe concrete realization of the website to further the realization of morespecific requirements, the overall effect on the website, local details havea clearer idea. This entire process is the key site planning.
Next is how to achieve their own Web site design issues. The realizationof the site, I think the need to be considered in two parts: the realizationwebsite; Web servers can be achieved. In the process of achieving website,technology selection is very important. Former major use HTML language, thestronger the interactive website, the proposed use of ASP, JSP, PHP and otherprogramming to help achieve, the more complex Web site may also have its owndatabase. The latter is based on all kinds of different operating systemsused Web server software installation and debugging. This stage is the wholeprocess of the most important and most time-consuming part.
When we completed the work, the need for website released. At this stageof the production on the website drawing to a close, the main task is to doa good job in the website release to the network, the web site for finalmodifications, testing, homepage can guarantee noh
hrmal operation of the network.
Published in the website after website to deal with various aspects ofthe tests, including thepossibility of anydifferentwebbrowsers, differentvisitors have shown normal, ASP, JSP, PHP normal procedure can work, and soon. This stage is the website of trial operation period, the website at thistime should be to make up for various shortcomings, the website will be moreperfected.
After a period of operation, the site entered thenormal operation period,themaintask is toupdate outdated informationwebsite, thevisitor' smessagetimely feedback to further improve the website, the introduction of newtechnologies constantly update website, visit web pages more quickly, moreaesthetic appearance, Information Resources richer.
Above is the establishment of the stationtoroughly followthe seven steps,seven steps are complementary, but can be the basis of ease of website andcomplexity of a weakening or strengthening appropriate link. In short,building a successful web site is not an easy task, it needs all-roundconsideration, the Composite various factors.
An alternative to using cloth simulators is to actually model the clothesyou want your character to have, and create the wrinkles with a Blend Shapedeformer. This technique gives you predictable control over your model andworks well in most situations. In fact, it was used in the movie "The One"togetacontrolled, slow-motionlooktotheclothingontheCGpoliceofficersin the fight scenes with Jet Li' s "Yulaw" character. The workflow for thistechnique goes like this.
Convert the geometry to polygons (it is much easier to create irregularwrinkles using polygons) . IF youwill be using a low-polybase shape connectedto a smoothed high-resolution shape for animation purposes you may need tocreate some extra geometry for wrinkles Smooth-Bind the character and theclothing to your skeleton Paint skin weights to get the clothes and yourcharacter to deform correctly at the joints Create a Blend Shape node andaMorph Target for your clothing Pick a joint and create wrinkles in the MorphTarget Drive the Blend Shape slider with the rotation of the joint Repeat6 - 8 for all necessary joints In this tutorial, we will be starting atstep 5. However, we will not be going in depth on how to accomplish this step,because there is an excellent tutorial onSmoothBinding inthe ' InstantMaya:Character Setup' section of the user guide (press 'F1' inside of Maya) . Weh
hare only going to discuss the desired results here.
Before we start, I must explain the optional Step 3. A common workflowin animation is to have a low-resolution base shape that you use to animate.
This drives a hiddenhigh-resolution model that only gets unhidden at rendertime. This is usually accomplished with a wrap deformer, or with the connectpoly shape plugin for Maya 3.x and 4.0, or with the new Smooth Proxy featurein Maya 4.5.
If you are using this technique, you may not have enough geometry tocreate distinct wrinkles in your model. Take a look at the image to the left.
You can imagine how hard it would be to create believable wrinkles with sucha small amount of geometry to work with. I used the 'Split Polygon' tool tocreate some extra edges where I thought my fabric would need to wrinkle.
Compare the image here with this image. You' ll see what I'm talking about.
Step 5. Now it is time to bind your character and his or her clothes. Beforeyou do so, create a copy of your clothing and translate it to the side of yourmodel. Place it on its own layer so you can turn the visibility on and off.Creating a copy of your clothing now before you bind it is not necessary, butit will save you from headaches in Step 6.
Use the Paint Skin Weights tool to get your bends looking correct, as inthe image to the right. Try to imagine what you want your finished product tolook like and start to really shape the way the fabric bends from there.
Step 6. Now you need to create a Morph Target for the Blend Shape node.When the skeleton deforms your geometry as much as it does here, it is veryimportant that the geometry is in the exact same position it was before you boundit when you go to create your morph targets. However, we got around this bycreating a duplicate of our clothes before we bound our skin. The only otherway to accomplish this is to return the skeleton to the bind pose by turningoff the evaluation of constraints, expressions, IK handles and anything elsethat controls your skeleton first, then duplicating the clothing, unlocking alltheattributes onthe duplicatedgeometry andfinallytranslating it to the side.Now aren' t you glad you didn' t have to go through all that?
Now you need to make a duplicate of your duplicate to edit. The originalduplicate (hmm. . . an oxymoron) will serve as our reference from here on out tocreate new morph targets, so move it somewhere where you won' t accidentally editit.
Now it' s time to link this new shape to the original clothing as a morphh
htarget by creating a new Blend Shape node. However, Maya has a bug in it thatwill not allow you to do this from the Deform pullh
hdown menu in the Animate panel. Instead, we have to go (Window>AnimationEditors > Blend Shape . . . ) This should bring up the Blend Shape Panel whichshould have nothing in it at this point.
Select theduplicatedshape, thenshift-select theoriginal clothing. Then,from the Blend Shape panel go ( Edit > Create Blend Shape ) . This creates a newBlend Shape node and adds the duplicated geometry as the first morph target.To add additional targets later, you must first select the target, then theoriginal geometry and go ( Deform > Edit Blend Shape > Add ) .
In some cases this doesn' t work correctly, and you will have to go to theAdd options and manually type in the name of the Blend Shape node as in the imageto the left.
Step 7. Now it' s time to decide what joint you're going to work on first.Once you've decided, go ahead and bend the joint to it' s tightest angle. I'mstarting with the knee. Imagine that. Next, go ahead and push the slider allthe way up to 1 in the Blend Shape panel as per the image on the right. Thiswill allow you to immediately see the changes you make in the target shapereflected in the base shape (the original clothing) .
Now comes the fun part. . . start pushing and pulling faces, edges andvertices on the target shape until you like the look of the base shape. I alsomoved some of the vertices forward below the knee to give the appearance thatthe fabric is tightening and pulling against the calf.
Step 8. When you are happy with your work, it' s time for the final step.We're going to set a driven key on the rotation of the joint that will drivethe envelope of the Blend Shape node. A driven key interpolates the values ofthe driven attribute through the specified range on the driver attribute, andis independent of time.h
Your joint should still be bent to the extreme angle, so go ( Animate >Set Driven Key > Set > ) . This should bring up the Set Driven Key panel. Selectthe joint and clickLoadDriver. Then, in the Blend Shape panel, click the Selectbutton under the slider. Back in the Set Driven Key panel, click Load Driven.
Now, highlight the rotation value of the proper joint axis in the Driversection of the Set Driven Key panel. This should be the Z-Axis, but may be theY-Axis depending on how you built your skeleton. Then select the name of theBlend Shape target under 'envelope' in the Driven section of the Set Driven Keypanel. Remember to always select the Driver attributes first, modify them ifnecessary, and then select the Driven attributes and modify them. Once you haveboth attributes selected, click Key.
Next, move the skeleton back to the fully extended position. Then in theBlend Shape panel, move the slider down to 0. Back in the Set Driven Key panel,clickKey. You should now see that if youmove the joint the wrinkles will slowlyform as it approaches the extreme angle. You can now hide or delete the targetshape (if you don' t want to make any more modifications to it) .
That' s it! Now you just have to repeat steps 6 - 8 for all joints that willcause wrinkles in the clothing. Finally, the finished effect (QuickTime,double-click to play) :
You can see how driven keys and Blend Shape nodes can really enhance yourcharacter setup. You could also use this technique to create other effects likebulging muscles. The possibilities are endless!h
网络技术的发展,为今天全球性的信息交流与资在建立源共享和交往提供了更多的途径和可能。足不出户便可以知晓天下大事,按几下键盘或点几下鼠标可以与远在千里之外的朋友交流,网上通信、 网上浏览、 网上交互、 网上电子商务已成为现代人们生活的一部分。
2、 网站的定义
2. 1如何定义网站
在进行完系统分析之后我们就应该进行系统的设计。 网页的设计类似于软件开发的设计有自顶向下、 自底向上和不断增补等设计方法。主要任务是网页内容的设计包括网页的信息组织结构、外观、 内容分块、导航与链接、 目录结构等设计。系统设计是网站具体实现前的准备对网页的实现进一步提出更具体的要求对网页的整体效果、局部细节有更明确的设想。这个过程是整个网站规划中的关键。
接下来就是如何将自己设计的网站实现的问题。对于网站的实现我认为需要考虑两部分 网页的实现 Web服务器的实现。在网站实现的过程中技术选型很重要。前h
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