
织梦内容管理系统  时间:2021-03-20  阅读:()


The lwash template tag code reference



[Arclist markers]

This marker is DedeCms a marker of the most commonly used, alsocalled a free list of markers, including hotart, coolart,likeart, artlist, imglist, imginfolist, specart, autolist ofthese markers are labeled with different attributes is an aliasdefined by the tag extending out of the.

Function Description: gets the specified list of documentsScope of application: cover template, list template, documentt emp lat e

Basi c grammar:

{dede:arclistinfolen=' '

Imgwidth=' ' , imgheight=' ' , l isttype=' ' , orderby=' ' ,k eyword=' ' }

Bottom template (InnerText)


Attribute description:

[1] typeid=' ' stands for column ID, which is not specified inlist templates and file templates, and allows multiple columnsto be represented separately in the cover template;

[2] row=' ' indicates the total number of returned documentlists;

[3] col=' 'represents how many columns are displayed (defaultis a single column) ;

[4] titlelen=' ' stands for Title length;

[5] infolen=' ' indicates the length of the content description;

[6] imgwidth=' ' stands for thumbnail width;

[7] imgheight=' ' stands for thumbnail height;

[8] type=' 'represents the file type, where null values do notuse this property or type='all' as plain documents

Section type='commend' , recommended document, equivalent to{dede:coolart} {/dede:coolart}

The type=' image' , said the document must contain thumbnailimages, equivalent to {dede: imglist} {/dede:imglist} ,

{dede:imginfolist} {/dede: imginfolist}

The type=' spec' , said the topic, equivalent to mark

{dede:specart} {/dede:specart}

The above property values can be used together, such as:type='commend image'represents the recommended picturedocument

"[9] orderby=' ' "means sorting. The default value is senddate,arranged by publication time.

The orderby='hot'or orderby='click' click the number ofpermutations

Orderby='pubdate' , according to the publication timearrangement (that is allowed to change the reception timevalue)

Orderby=' sortrank' , sorted by the new sorting level (if youwant to use the articles using this property)

Orderby=' id' , according to the ID ranking

Orderby='postnum' , according to the number of sort commentsThe list of documents, orderby='rand'random access to thespecified conditions

The [10] orderway=' 'value is desc or ASC, which specifieswhether the sort is descending or forward sort, and defaultsto descending order.

[11] keyword=' 'represents a list of documents containing the

specified keyword, and multiple keywords are separated by """" "

[12] channelid=' 'represents a specific channel model, ID,built-in channels: -1, articles (1) , Atlas (2) , Flash (4) ,software (3)

[13] limit=' start,

The end of the ' said record of limited scope, the row attributemust be equal to the "end - start", the limit statement MySQLis composed of 0 start, such as "limit 0, 5" that is the firstfive record, "limit 5, 5" is represented by fifth records,remove the five record, using this attribute the row propertywill be invalid.

[14] att='values' represent custom attribute values

"[15] subday='days" indicates documents within amatter of days,usually used to get hot documents, recommended documents, hotcomment documents for a specified number of days, and so on"[16] partsort=' " is the number of rows in the column thatindicates the number of all columns in the parent columnautomatically. When ID is marked

"{dede:autolist} {/dede:autolist}", this property is used.Bottom template field:

ID (with ID) , title, iscommend, color, typeID, ismake,description (the same info) , writer, shorttitle, memberid

PubDate, senddate, arcrank, click, litpic (the same picname) ,typedir, typename,

Arcurl (with filename) , typeurl, stime (PubDate "0000-00-00"f ormat) ,

Textlink, typelink, imglink, image

Among them:

Textlink = <a href='arcurl'>title</a>

Typelink = <a href='typeurl' >typename</a>

Imgl ink = <a, href='arcurl' ><img, src='picname' , border='0' ,width=' imgwidth' , height=' imgheight' ></a>

Image = <img, src='picname' , border='0' , width=' imgwidth' ,height=' imgheight'>

Field call method: [field:varname/]

Such as:

{dede:arclist infolen=' 100' }



[field: info/]



Note: a form of bottom template Field implementation is weavingMark, therefore support the use of PHP syntax, Functionextension function

Such as: to the contents of the day issued with (New) logo[field:senddate runphp='yes' ]

$ntime = time () ;

$oneday = 3600 * 24;

If ( ($ntime - @me) <$oneday) @me = <font color='red'> (New)</font>";

Else @me ="";


[Field markers]

Function Description: used to obtain the field values of aspecific column or file, and the common environment variablevalues

Scope of application: cover template, list template, documentt emp lat e

(1) bas ic grammar

The {dede:field name='field name'/}

(2) system assignment of field

Plate templates: phpurl, indexurl, indexname, templeturl,memberurl, powerby, webname, specurl

List templates: position, title, phpurl, templeturl, memberurl,dede_arctype, powerby, indexurl, indexname, specurl, columnfields, all fields

Among them, position is "column one, column two" such form oflink, title is for this kind of caption

Document templates: pos ition, phpurl, templeturl, memberurl,powerby, i ndexur l, indexname,

Specurl, ID (with ID, aid)

(3) all content fields for the document

Files, dede_archives tables, and all fields of an attachedt ab l e.

[Channel markers]

Function Description: used to obtain column list

Scope of application: cover template, list template, documentt emp lat e

(1) bas ic grammar

{dede:channel row=' 'type=' ' }

Custom style template (InnerText)


(2) attributes

"[1] row='numbers" means the number of records to be obtained(common use at a certain level column, default is 8)

[2], type = top, sun/son, self

Type='top' stands for top columns

Type=' self' stands for columns at the same level

The latter two attributes must be used in the list template.

(3) underlying template variables

ID, typename, typedir, typelink (only the URL of the column)


{dede:channel type='top' }

<a href=' [field:typelink /] ' >[f ield:typename/]</a>


Note: in cases where no typeID is specified, the type tag isrelated to the template' s environment. For example, when thetemplate is generated in column 1, then type=' son'representsall subclasses of column 1

[Type tags] alias Onetype

Function Description: a link indicating a single columnspecified

Scope of application: cover template, list template, documentt emp lat e

(1) syntax, {dede:type, typeid=' ' } {/dede:type}

(2) attribute typeid=' column ID'

(3) underlying template variables

Typename, typelink (only the URL of the column)

[Autochannel markers]







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