dista欧美怀旧金曲歌词 (2)

欧美金曲  时间:2021-03-18  阅读:()

Paul Simon- El Condor Pasa

I'd rather beasparrow thanasnai l .YesIwould.If I could,Isurelywould.I'drather bea hammerthan a nai l .Yes Iwould.If I could,Isurely would.Away,I'drather sai l away Like a swan that's here and gone A man gets tied his feet on theground It gives the worldIt's saddest sound,It's saddest sound.I'd rather be aforest than a street.Yes I would.If I could,Isurely would.I'd rather f eel theearth beneath my feet,Yes I would.If I could,I surely would.

Right here waiting

Oceanapartday afterdayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voiceon the l ineBut itdoesn't stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverWhereveryou goWhatever you doI wi l l be right here waiting foryouWhatever it takesOrhow my heart breaksI wi ll be right here waiting foryouItook for granted,al l thetimesThat I thought would last somehowI hear the laughter,I tastethe tearsButI can 't get nearyou nowOh , can't you see it babyY ou've got me goingcrazyWhereveryou goWha tever you doI wi l l be right here waiti ng foryouWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI wi ll be right here waiting for youIwonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I'mwithyouI' l l take thechanceOh, can't you see it babyY ou've got me going crazyWherever yougoWhatever you doI wi l l be right here waiting foryouWhatever it takesOr howmy heart breaksI wi l l be right here waiting for youhand in handsee the f ire in the sky we feel the beating of our hearts togetherthis is our timeto rise aboveweknow thechance is here to l ive foreverforal l timehand in handwestandal l across the landwe can make this worlda better placein which to l ivehandin hand we canstart to undrestandbreaking down the wal lsthat come between usfor al l timea l i laeverytime wegive it al lwe feel the flame eternal ly inside usl if tour hands up to theskyth e morning calm helps us to l ive in harmonyfor al l timehand in handbreaking down the wal lsbetween us

Everything I do, Ido it for you

Look into my eyes -you wi l l seeWhat you mean to meSea rch your heart -searchyour soulAnd when you find me there you' l l search no moreDon'ttel l me it's notworth tryin' forYou can 'ttel l me it 's not worth dyin' forYou know it 'strueEverything I do -I do it foryouLo ok into my heart -you wi l l findThere'snothin' there to hideTakemeasIam -takemy l ifeI would give it al l -IwouldsacrificeDon't tel l me it's not worthfightin' forI can't help it-there's nothin'Iwant moreYa know it's trueEverything I do -I do it foryouThere's no love- l ikeyour loveAnd no other - could give more loveT here's nowhere - unlessyou'rethereAl l the time -al l the wayOh -you can't tel l me it's not worth tryin' forIcan't help it - there's nothin' Iwant moreI would fight foryou -I'd l ieforyouWalk the wire foryou-ya I'd die foryouYaknow it's trueEverything I do-Ido itforyou

Take me to your heart

Hiding fromthe rain and snowT rying to forget butIwon 't letgoLoo king atacrowded streetListening to my own heart beatSo many peopl e al l aroun d theworldTel l mewhere do I find someone l ikeyou girlTake meto your hearttake meto your soulGive meyour hand before I'm oldShow me what love is-haven't got aclueShow me that wonders can be trueThey say nothing lasts foreverWe're onlyhere todayLove is now or neverBring me far awayTake me to your heart take meto your soulGive meyour hand and hold meSho w me what love is -be my guidingstarIt's easy take me to your heart Standing on a mount ain highLooking at themoon througha clear blueskyIshoul d go and see somefriendsBut they don'treal ly comprehendDon't need too much talking without saying anythingAll I needis someo ne who makes me wanna singTake me to your heart take me to yoursoulGive meyour hand befor e I'm oldSh ow me what love is - haven't got aclueShow me that wonders can be trueThey say nothing lasts foreverWe're onlyhere todayLove is now or neverBring me far awayTake me to your heart take meto yoursoulGive meyour hand and hold meSho w mewhat love is -be my guidingstarIt's easy take me to your heart Take me to your heart take me to yoursoulGive meyour hand and hold meSho w me what love is -be my guiding starIt'seasy take me to your heart

My heart will go on

Every night in my dreams I see you,I feel you That is how I know you go on.Faracross the dista nce and spaces between us You have come to show you go on .Near,far,wherever you are I bel ieve that the heart does go on Once more,youopened the door And you're here in my heart,and my heart wi l l go on and on.Lovecan touchus one timeand last for a l ifetime And never let go ti l l we'vegone.Lovewaswhen I lovedyou,onetruetimeI hold to In my l ifewe' l l alwaysgo on.You'rehere, there's nothi ng I fear And I know that my heart wi l l go on.We' l l stay,forever this way You aresafe in my heart and my heart wi l l go on and on.Sealed with a kiss

Tho we gonna say goodbye for the summe rdarling I promi seyou thisI ' l l sendyouall my loveeveryday in a lettersealed with kissYes it's gonna be a cold lonelysummerBut I' l l f i l l the empti nessI' l l send you al l my dream s(love)Everyday in aletterseale d witha kissI ' l l seeyou in thesunl i ghtI' l l hearyour voiceeverywhereI' l l run to tende rly hold youBu t darl ing you won't be there I don'twannasay goodbye for thesumme rKnowing the love we' l l missOh let us makeapledge to meet in SeptemberAnd sealed with a kissIdon't wannasay goodbye forthe summe rKnowing the love we ' l l missO h let us make a pledge to meet inSeptemberAnd sealed with a kisss ealed with kisss ealed with kisss ealed withkisssealed with kiss

Tears in Heaven

Wouldyou know my nameif I saw you in heaven?Would it be the sameif I saw youin heaven?I must be stron g and carry on'Cause I knowI don't belong here inheaven...Would you hold my handif I saw you in heaven?Would you help me standifI saw you in heave n?I' l l find my way throu gh night and day'CauseI knowI just

can't stay here in heaven...Time can bringyou down,time can bend your kneesTimecan break your heart,have you begging please...begging pleas eBeyond the doorthere's peaceI'm sureAnd I knowthere' l l be no more tears in heaven...Would youknow my nameif I saw you in heaven?Would it be the sameif I saw you in heaven?Imust be strong and carry on'CauseI knowIdon't belong here in heaven.. .Here inheaven.. .shakin'steven-because i love youif i gotdown on my knees i 'mbeing withyouif i cross a mi l l ion oceansjustto bewithyou.wouldyou ever let me down.if i cl imb the highest mountainjust to holdyou tight.if i said that i would loveyou every single night.would you ever let medown.wel l i 'msorry if it sounds kind of sad,just that worryi 'mso worrythatyoulet me down.because i loveyou , loveyou,loveyou so don't let me down.if i swamthe longest riverjust to cal l your name.if i said the way i feel foryou wouldneverchange.wouldyou ever fool around.wel l i 'msorry if it sounds kind of sad,just thatworry i 'mso worry thatyou let me down.because i loveyou, loveyou,loveyou sodon't let me down.wel l i 'msorry if itsounds kind of sad,just that worry i 'msoworrythat you let me down.because i loveyou, loveyou,loveyou loveyou, loveyou,Hey jude

Hey Jude don't make it badTake a sad song and make it betterRemember to lether into your heart Then you can start to make it bette rHey Jude don 't beafraidYou were made to go out and get herTh e minute you let her under yourskinThen you' l l begin to make it betterAnd any timeyou feel the painH ey Juderefrain,don't carry theworld uponyourshouldersForwel l you know that it'safoolWho plays itcool by making hisworld a l ittlecolderNa na na na na na na nanaHeyJude don't let me downYou have foundher now go and get her(let it out anlet it in)Remember (hey Jude) to let her into your heart Then you can start tomake it bette rSo let it outand let it inHey Jude begin, you'rewaiting forsomeoneto performwithAnd don't know that it'sjustyouHey Judeyou' l l do,themovement you need is on your shouldersNa na na na na na na na na yeahHey Judedon't make it badTake a sad song and make it betterRemember to let her underyour skinBetter, better, better, better, better, aah...Yeah, yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah...Na na na na na na naNa na na naHey Jude(Jude,Jude...Yeah,yeah,yeah...Yeahyou know you can make it JudeJudeyou're not gonna break it!Gonnamake it bette r Jude!Take a sad song and make it bette r!Jude, Jude, heyJude...Make it Jude!Yeah,yeah,yeah...)Na na na na na na naNa na na naHeyJudeYesterday once more

When I was youngI'd l isten to the radioWaiting for my favorite songsWhen theyplayed I'd sing along,It make me smi le.Those were such happy times and not solong agoHow I wondered wherethey'd gone.But they're back againjust l ikea longlost friendAl l the songs I love so wel l .Every shalala every wo'wostil l shines.Everyshing-a-l ing-a-l ing that they 're start ing to sings o f ineW hen they get to thepartwhere he's breaking her heartIt can real ly make me cryjust l ike before.It'syesterday once more.(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking bak on how it was in yearsgone by And the good times that hadma kes today seem rather sad,So much has

changed.It was songs of love that I would sing to themA nd I'd memorise eachword.Those old melod ies sti l l sound so good to meAs they melt theyearsawayEvery shalala every wo'wo sti l l shinesEvery shing-a-l ing-a-l ing that they'restartingTo sing so fineA l l my best memor ise come back clearly to me Some caneven make me cryju st l ike befor e.It's yesterday once more .(Shoobie do langlang)Every shalala every wo'wo sti l l shines.Every shing-a-l ing-a-l ing thatthey'restarting to sings o f ineE very shala la every wo'wo sti l l shines.Everyshing-a-l ing-a-l ing that they're starting to singso f ine


Yesterday,al l my troub les seemed so far awayN ow it looks as though they'rehere to stayOh,I bel ieve in yesterday.Suddenly,I'm not half the man I used tobe,There's a shadow hanging over me.Oh,yesterday came suddenly.Why she hadto go I don 't know shewould n'tsay.Isaid somet hing wrong, now I long foryesterday.Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play .Now I need a place tohide away.Oh,I bel ieve in yesterday.Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn'tsay.I said something wrong,now I long for yesterday.Yesterday, love was such aneasy game to play.Now I need a placeto hide away.Oh,I bel ieve in yesterday.Mmmm mm mm mm.

Mermaid Song

We could be together Everyday together We could sit forever As loving wavesspi l l over The moon is ful ly risen And shines overthesea Asyou gl idein my visionThe time is stand ing sti l l Don’t shy away too long This is a boundless dream Comeclose to me my reaso n I’ l l takeyou in my wings We could be together EverydayForever We belong together Furtherseas and over In the garden of the sea I seeyou looking over With my wistf ul melody You leap into the waterIt is no breathssighing This is the merma id song The singing of my sisters The sea has drown forlong

Say you, say me

Say you,say me Say it for always That's the way it should be Say you,say me Sayit together,natural ly I had a dream,I had an awesome dream People in the parkPlaying game in the dark And what they playe d Was a masqu erade But frombehind the wal ls of doubtA voicewas crying out Sayyou,say me Say it for alwaysThat's the way it shoul d be Say you,say me Say it together,natural ly As we godown l ife's lonesome highway Seemsthe hardest thingto do Is to find a friend ortwo That helping hand Someone who understands When you feel you've lost yourway You've got someone there to say I' l l show you oo,oo,oo Say you,say me Sayit for alway s That 's the way it shoul d be Say you , say me Say it toget her,natural lySo you thinkyou know theanswers Oh no!Wel l thewholeworld'sgotyadancing That's right I'm tel l ing you It's time to start bel ieving Oh Yes!Bel ieve inwho you areYou are a shini ng star...oh Say you,say me Say it for always That'sthe way it should be Say you,say me Say it together,natural ly

The cup of life

Do you real ly want it?(Yeah!)Do you real ly want it?(Yeah!)Do you real ly want it?(Yeah!)Go,go,go (Go,go,go)Ale,ale,ale(Ale,ale,ale)Go (Go)Go (Go)Go (Go)Go(Go)Here we go!The cup of l ife,This is the one.Now is the time,Don't everstop.Push it along ,Gotta bestrong,Push it along ,Right to the top .Como Cain yAbelEs un parti do cruelTienes que pelea r por una estre l laConsigue con honorLacopa del amorPara sobreviviry luchar por el laLuchar por el la(Yeah!)Do you real lywant it? (Yeah!)Here we go! !Ale,ale,aleGo,go,goal! !Ale,ale,aleArriba va! ! Elmundo esta de pieGo,go,goal! !Ale,ale,aleLa vida esCompeticionHay que sorSercampeonLa copa esLa bendci ionLa ganarasGo go goAndwhen you feel the heat,Theworldisatyourfeet.No one can hold you downIf you realyl want it!JuststealyourdestinyRight from the hands of fate.Reachfor the cup of l ife'Causeyour name ison it!Do you real ly want it?(Yeah!)Do you real ly want it? (Yeah!)Tu y yo,Ale,ale,ale!Go,go,gol !Ale,ale,ale!Tonight's the night!We're gonna celebrate!The cup ofl ife!Ale,ale,ale!Gottago and get it.Do you real ly want it?Gottago and get it.Doyou real ly want it? (Yeah!)The cup of l ife,This is the one.Now is thetime,Don'tever stop.Push it along,Gotta be strong,Push it along,Right to the top.Como Cain yAbelEs un parti do cruelTienes que pelea r por una estre l laConsigue con honorLacopa del amorPara sobreviviry luchar por el la(SI!)Luchar por el la(SI!)Luchar porel la(Yeah!)Do you real ly want it?(Yeah!)Herewego!Ale,ale,ale!Go,go,goal!Ale,ale,ale!Tonight's the night!We'regonnacelebrate!Thecupof l ife!Ale,ale,ale!Un,dos,tres!Ole,ole, ole!Un,deux,trois!Ale,ale,ale!Arriba va! !El mundo esta depieGo,go,gol! !Ale,ale,ale!Ale,ale(Ale,ale)Ale,ale(Ale,ale)Ale,ale(Ale,ale)Ale,ale,ale!


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