防火墙2003 由于不可识别问题 windows无法显示windows防火墙设置解决方法(2003 Windows cannot display the windows firewall settings solution because of an unknown problem)

windows防火墙设置  时间:2021-03-18  阅读:()

2003 由于不可识别问题windows无法显示windows防火墙设置解决方法2003 Windows cannot display the windows firewall settingssolution because of an unknown problem

Must be poisoned, please check the virus and rogue software.If antivirus is still the case, then try this method:Firewall entry to registry

If you correct the registry, you can warn of Serious problemsby using the registry editor or by using other methods. Theseproblems may require reinstalling the operating system.Microsoft can not guarantee that these problems can be solved.It takes you at your own risk to modify the registry.To add the Windows firewall entry to the registry, follow thesesteps: 1. copy the following text to Notepad, and then save thefile as Sharedaccess.reg:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5

[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servi ces\SharedAccess]


"DependOnGroup", =hex (7) : 00,00

"DependOnService", =hex (7) : 4E, 00,65,00, 74,00,6d,

00,61,00,6e, 00,00,00, 57,00,69,00, \ \

6e, 00,4d, 00,67,00,6d, 00,74,00,00,00,00,00

"Description" = Provides, network, translation, addressing,name, resolution, and/or, intrusion, prevention, address,services, for, a, , home, or, network. , small, of fice""DisplayName" = "Windows, Firewall/Internet, Connection,Shar ing (ICS)""

"ErrorControl" =dword:00000001

"ImagePath", =hex (2) :

25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d, 00,52,00,6f, 00,6f,00, \

74,00,25,00,5c, 00, 73,00, 79,00, 73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c, 00, 73, \ \

00,76,00,63,00,68,00,6f, 00, 73,00, 74,00,2e,

00,65,00,78,00,65,00,20,00,2d, 00, \ \

6B, 00,20,00,6e,


"Obj ectName" = "LocalSyst em""

"Start" =dword:00000002

"Typ e" =dword:00000020


"Epoch" =dword:00002cd0


"ServiceDll", =hex (2) :

25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d, 00,52,00,6f, 00,6f,\ \

00,74,00,25,00,5c, 00, 53,00, 79,00, 73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c, 00, \ \

69,00,70,00,6e, 00,61,00, 74,00,68,00,6c, 00,70,00,2e,00,64,00,6c, 00,6c, 00,00, \ \



[hkey local machine _ _ \ currentversion \ sharedaccess \parameters. f irewallpolicy domainprofile] .

[hkey local machine _ _ \ currentversion \ sharedaccess \parameters. f irewallpolicy \ domainprof ileauthorizedapplications] .

[hkey local machine _ _ \ currentversion \ sharedaccess \

parameters. f irewallpolicy \ domainprof ileauthorizedapplications \ list] .in windir% \ \ system32 sessmgr.exe "="%windir% \ \ system32sessmgr.exe: : : : xpsp2res.dll, 22019 also. "

[hkey local machine _ _ \ currentversion \ sharedaccess \parameters. f irewallpolicy standardprof ile] .

[hkey local machine _ _ \ currentversion \ sharedaccess \parameters. f irewal lpolicy \ standardprofi leauthorizedapplications] .

[hkey local machine _ _ \ currentversion \ sharedaccess \parameters. f irewal lpolicy \ standardprofi leauthorizedapplications \ list] .in windir% \ \ system32 sessmgr.exe "="%windir% \ \ system32sessmgr.exe: : : : xpsp2res.dll, 22019 also. "

[hkey local machine__\currentversion\sharedaccess \setup."serviceupgrade = 0000000 1 dword.

[hkey local machine__\ currentversion\ sharedaccess \ setupinterfacesunf irewalledatupdate] .

"all" = 0000000 1 dword.

[hkey local machine__\ currentversion\ sharedaccess \ enum.

"0" = "root" sharedaccess _ \ \. . . "

"count" = 0000000 1 dword.

"nextinstance = 0000000 1 dword.



4.然后单击确定、 开始,键入cmd,和运行.


6.然后单击确定、 开始、 键入f irewa l l. cpl,和运行.




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