主题 关于“IT计算机”中“P H P资料”的参考范文。
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正文ignore表达的中文是什么意思ignore这一个看起来比较难的单词我们可以通过它表达的中文意思是什么来记忆。为此百分网小编为大家带来英语ig nore表达的中文意思。
及物动词忽视丌顾; [法律]驳回(诉讼)
英[?g?n?:(r)] 美[?ɡ?n?r -?nor]
第三人称单数 ignores现在分词 ignoring过去分词 ignored过去式 ignored
丌理睬然后根据游戏需要决定该对象对下列敌方目标是采取攻击(Attacek)、防御(Defend) 、 避让(Evade)还是丌理睬(Igno re)如果选择的是友方目标则指定该对象保护(Protect)所选友方目标如果选择的`是敌方目标则指定该对象的目标(T a rg e t)是所选敌方目标
If you ignore someone orsomething you pay no attention tothem。
.Shesaid herhusband ignored her.
.The government had ignored hisviews onthe subject.
If you saythat an argumentortheoryignores an importantaspectof a situation you are criticizing itbecause itfai ls to coiderthat aspectorto take it into account。
.Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimaterespoibi l ity lay。
1.Dou should have learned to ignore the buzzing and rumbl ingof thegossip mi l l。
2.But thatdoes not mean we can afford to ignore orabandonthe export market as a key driverof economic growth。
3.Canada's Parl iament approved a nonbinding oppositionmotionon Mondaydemanding anelection next February ademand the minority Liberal government has already said itwi l lignore。
4. Itseems people cannot afford to ignore China whenevertheytalkof economic potential。
5. I thinkshe started to ignore her maternal itinct and at timeshercaring sideand she became herowncaricature。
6.And officials involved in the overal l welfare of young peopleshould not brushsuch matte underthe carpetor tryto ignorethem。
7.Those who enjoytalking about her rumored earlycareer l ifeignore herstruggle as a nobody to become a professional actress。
8.The situation would probablychange if othercountries wakeupone morningwith afancyto ignorethe Chinese landmarkandprowl in its territory。
9.Commission membe hopethe reportwi l l force Peruviato dealwith a darkchapter intheir historythat many have tried to ignore。
为提高学习交流本文整理了相关的词汇范文有 《英语单词ignore的中文是什么意思》、 《kiss hug表达的中文是什么意思》、 《goodnice用中文表达是什么意思》、 《hugme表达的中文是什么意思》、 《英文lose表达的中文是什么意思》、 《no show表达的中文是什么意思》、 《英语单词mb表达的中文是什么意思》、 《英文bear表达的中文是什么意思》 读者可以在平台上搜索。
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