
sd读卡器  时间:2021-03-10  阅读:()


??Since you came to a9, post your previous posts and post themin the following three BBS postsegfullcodesa9

The Ngc SD card reader also cannot be used as ordinary card,only a few a few games support, animals of the Japanese versioncan use it as a photo storage, but beauty does not line up.But the importance of the SD card reader is not at present, butis that it is lovers own NGC program and completing an importanthardware soft direct reading, because it can make NGC andcomputer through the SD card data exchange. This will bementioned later in the article.

Need tools:

Assemble the record card, any capacity

The computer USES an SD card reader, which is usually sold inthe computer town for 25 to 30 yuan

A small screwdriver

A roll of glass

5.502 glue

Electric soldering iron, conductor

Ngc gold finger Action Replay any version

Use a small screwdriver to remove the screw from the NGCassembly recording card and remove the recording card from thecard box.

2.0 takes the computer' s SD card reader apart and also takesout the circuit board.

Ready for welding. Be careful when welding, do not be too quickto cause short circuit.

First, the definition of the gold finger on the SD card. Placethe sd card on the table with the diagonal facing to the left,and the gold finger facing itself. The gold finger is definedas follows (left to right) .

?? DAT2 / NC third data line? ? The Data Line 2 Unused?? DAT3 / CS slice? ?? ? Chip Select/Slave Select (SS)?? 2. CMD/DI?? Data command feet? ?Master Out Slave In (MOSI)?? 3. VSS 1? ? Grounding? ?? ????? Ground

?? 4. The VDD? ? Power supply feet? ?? ? Supply Voltage

?? 5. CLK? ? The clock? ?? ????? Clock (SCK)

?? 6. VSS2? ? Grounding? ?? ????? Ground

?? Data Line 0 Master In Slave Out (MISO)

??DAT1 / IRQ second data line? ?The Data Line 1 Unused or IRQ??

3.2 next explains the gold finger definition of the Ngc recordcard. Record the Ngc on the top, gold finger to the right, andthe gold finger is defined as follows (top down) .

?? 1. The sense

?? 2. The ground

?? 3. The interruption of int

?? 4. 3.3 v power supply

?? MOSI data read out the foot

?? 6. The power supply 5 v

?? The MISO data read in the foot

?? 8. 3.3 v power supply

?? 9. Slice to choose

?? Grounding 10.

?? 11. The clock

?? 12. Sense

The NGC record chart is as follows:

Connection of the 4.0 data line

To connect VSS1 and VSS2 on the SD card reader, connect the 1and 6, and then receive the 2 or 10 on the NGC record cardThe VDD 4 on the SD card reader is received on the record cardwith a 3.3v

The CLK clock on the SD card reader is placed on the clock onthe number 11 on the record card

4.4 put the CARDS on the SD card reader, CS1, and the 9 on therecord card

4.5 put the data on the SD card reader on the feet and the 5feet on the record card

4.4.6 reads the data on the SD card reader into the feet of thefeet MISO7 and the number 7 on the record card

4.7 connect the 1 and 12 of the NGC record card. Note: you mustconnect, otherwise you can't use it

You don't have to break down the records, so long as the directdrought is on the recorder' s feet and the SD card is pulled,it can be normal

The record card is used and will automatically become an SD cardreader.

4.9 if you have interested can give readers a two lamp, between

4.5 and4.6when weldingrespectively add two diodes canachieveread data read instructions.

4. 10 check for short circuit or virtual soldering, and thedetailed circuit diagram is as follows:

I do my SD card reader ^_^

I made a small hole in the back of the recorder

To plug the SD card reader into the computer and insert an SDcard, we need to process the SD card


Format the SD card: do not right-click the format of the Windows,and use the command style under the console

. According to the following steps: start - > run - > CMD - >format x: / fs: fat/a: 512 (x is your SD card drive, my SD cardis f dish, I was in the DOS window to perform the format: f/fs:fat/a: 512) .

5.2 the sdloader. Rar solution out, put in d disk, follow thesesteps: start - > run- > CMD - > d: ---- > CD sdload > sdpatchx: (x is your SD card drive)

Don' t worry about your SD card, your SD card can still be used.

5.5. copy sdloader.bin to the root directory of your SD card

6.0 put your SD card reader in the A slot in Ngc, and the goldfinger is added to the gold finger, and the gold finger areaselects the United States

The name of the game is SDLOAD, the first gold finger is called(m)? Note: it must be called (m) otherwise it won't be used.I did it for half a day at that time

Content is as follows:

? ?? ? 7 cameras - RKZZ - MH6W5

? ?? ? D26A xx2w PE4J - 1 -

? ?? ? 6 p00g ZJHY B1ZH -

Create a second gold finger named SDLOAD

Content is as follows:

? ?? ? AF4H JPF5 - H1B5J

? ????? 7 tqe - ABZPB MVAB -? ????? V2CK QQ1A - Y6P72

? ????? 9 eurt M5N6 CMMH -? ????? 0 JFM - 3 a6c - VZ6VK? ?????

? ?? ? KYV8 JGV 0-0 gr1n

? ????? 2 egu HVKF - NDMCN? ????? 7 ah0 J9JZ - HHGNJ? ????? 4 mhu G8XT - ZRYCJ? ????? 9474 - KF41-8 kg34? ?????

? ?? ? QMEV G90N - A8RV0

? ????? D46 QHV KD4G - 5-74? ????? Q - Y4TEY V97K - 652? ????? 6 m4w - 9 GPT - E99NG? ????? QPFY DJAF - E01FV

? ?????

? ?? ? 2 z6e P2WY - 24 wv4? ????? 6 NHW G3NH - HP31Y? ????? A2KF MCKN - D645J? ????? 7 GFQC K5V8 EF9W -? ????? T - VH5NE XTU3-269? ?????

? ?? ? 6 fgf9 H9GP C4PP -? ????? HF77 R45C - ZXPDV? ????? 22 y3 D98C - 50 ajm? ????? WTWZ EC88 - U5ZTV? ????? 36 g1 - UGDG - J2G84? ?????

? ?? ? 15 kr - DXJ8K DUMT -? ????? Z02t JV55 vf5 6-2

? ????? D4R8 MVJ5 - QGR21

? ????? 1 g3c - cuvd APD7-1

Altogether 29 lines, this work is very tired, andmust not losethe wrong, if the wrong is not to record the new gold finger,only the whole rightness the AR will let you record.

7.0 restart Ngc, gold finger select SDLOAD, ok, you see theSDloader picture

Using the 8.0 SDloader, you can copy the dol files to your SDcard, and the SDloader can execute the files directly. Forexample you can put the gcos. Dol is copied to the SD card, useSDloader execution, and then can achieve soft direct readingof NGC, can not change machine is D version, and like the soundof naruto is restored, and 9 direct reading. You can also usean SD card for MD and SFC ROM to play with Ngc, and that' s fine.I didn't pretend to have a viper. I always read it in a softstraight.

Finally, the good news is that the author of sd, Costis, claimsthat in the next version of SDloader he will make the sd cardavailable as a regular record card. By then we can stop buyingthe record card, haha. Now a 251 card record is about the sizeof 2m, and the 16m SD card is equal to eight 251 bars.

10.0 the troubleshooting

A lot of people ready to SD card reader can't normal use, verydepressed, but I also has a problem, and made a long time to


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