刚才有在"Linode 计费周期应该有所调整 保持账户余额充足"文章中提到Linode商家的计费扣费模式,于是我特意还去看到另外一款我们常用的Vultr VPS云服务器商家。这个主机商也是采用小时计费的模式,我们可以随意随时的删除已经开通的机器根据使用过的量计费。
Vultr VPS 商家可以按月支付,也可以按小时支付。很多朋友有些不理解,在选择的时候都是按月计费的,这个因为,如果我们不用的时候删除掉机器,这样就以使用的时间结算,后面不使用的是不会计费的。如果我们使用满月的话,那就按照月计费。关于这个问题,我还特意从官方找到文档整理,看看和之前的计费方式和包括流量超过的部分计费方式有没有变化。
All servers on your account are billed hourly up to the monthly rate cap. The hourly rate is determined by dividing the monthly rate by 672 hours (28 days). If your server is online for more than 672 hours in a calendar month, you will only be billed the monthly rate. Accumulated charges are invoiced to your account on the 1st of every month.
If your plan has 1000GB allocated to it, the amount of transfer per hour for overage calculations is 1000 / 672 = 1.48GB/hour. Your pending charges will reflect the overage calculated by this formula. Note: In some cases it may be less expensive to leave your instance running than to destroy it and be assessed overage charges.
Bandwidth utilization in excess of instance allocation is charged at $0.01 per GB in North American and Western European locations. Due to higher regional costs, Singapore and Tokyo (Japan) overage are priced at $0.025 per GB and Sydney (Australia) as well as Seoul (Korea) overages are priced at $0.05 per GB.
在北美和西欧,超出实例分配的带宽利用率按每GB 0.01 USD收费。 由于较高的区域成本,新加坡和东京(日本)的超量价格为每GB 0.025美元,悉尼(澳大利亚)和首尔(韩国)的超量价格为每GB 0.05美元。
这个需要看我们选择地区,超过的部分然后单独计费。实际上如果我们流量确实不够的话,建议,我们可以选择较大的配置,可以升级配置。这样还划算一些。以及我们还可以参考"Vultr VPS流量用完被单独计费及如何控制服务器流量告警"设置流量超过阈值的告警提示。
第三、Vultr 计费周期
Invoices for cloud hosting services prior to January 1st 2017 00:00 UTC represent start and end times in the United States Eastern Standard Time zone. All invoices after this date will reflect start and end times in UTC.