
仇恨长矛  时间:2021-03-06  阅读:()



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Howto ForgetSomeone You Real ly HateNot being able to getsomething thatbothe you outof your mind can bevery annoying! Itcan be doubly annoying if thatsomething is thoughts aboutsomeone you hate.Wouldn’ t it be better if you could forget thatpeon and so free youelf from these thoughts?

It is often said that love and hate are the two sides of the samecoin and although love mayseemtoo strong anemotionto coiderhaving fora peon you hate  there is often an emotional attachmentthatstopsyou fromjust letting go of al l thoughts and feel ings  asyou would forsomeone you didn’ tcare about.So  how to forgetsomeonethatyou have such strong emotio about?



Lose the Hate。

To forgetsomeone you real ly hate requires taking the emotionoutof the equation.Hate is a strong emotion and whenfocus is puton it the mind bel ieves and accepts it as real  and the more real itfeels the more time you wi l l find youelf focusing on it. Emotio arecreated bythe thoughts we have  but thoughts are not necessari lyfacts:we choose whichthoughts we accept as being true.Be mindfulof the negative thoughts you have forthat peon  and when youbecome aware of them entering your mind  al lowthem to pass withoutengaging with them.With practicethis wi l l become asubcocious action  requiring no cocious awareness orcognitiveeffo rt。



Question Your Behavior。

Whydoyou hate the peon?Have they real lydone something soabhorrent that itentitlesyou to bestowsuch a strong emotion onthem?Or  is itpossiblethat the hate is more a resultof whereyouare in yourworld?Areyou a happypeon  easygoing and laidback or are you quick-tempered  easi ly annoyed  and alwaysreadyfor a fight?If the lattersounds l ike you  then maybe theproblem is more aboutyourbehavior  bel iefs and interpretatio towhat happe around you  and lessabout the otherpeon.Changingthe wayyou react may help resolve yourfeel ings towards the otherpeon making iteasierto move on  and forget about them。



Find Closure。

Resolveto acceptwhat has passed:you can’ tchangethe past and negative emotio—such as hate—damagethe future.Decidetoforgive them and also forgive youelf for holding negative thoughts

aboutanotherpeon. Placeyouelf in theirshoes and coider howthingscould lookfrom their pepective. In theirshoes wouldyouagree that theyshould have such a strong emotion attributed tothem?Also putyouelf in the positionof an impartial observer;someone whodoesn’ tknoweitherof you.Howwould theyinterpret your actio?It’ s a lot harder to hold such extreme viewswhenyou look atsomething from the pepectives of othe. Is itpossible to talk to the peon?Often differences  however big theyseem can be resolved by talking with the otherpeon.

Misundetandingscan be discovered  compassioncan begiven and the peon’ sgood qual itiescan becomeapparent  if given achance.You may not become friends  trustor respect the peon but it’ s possibleto achieve a healthydowngradefrom hatingthem。



Reminde of the Peon。

Doyou have any reminde of this peon? Photos  clothes  etcthatcan actas astimulus tothoughts being created about the peon.Maybe its worth removing them from sight  either putting intostorage ordisposing of them entirely. If there are places that thepeonfrequents  coidergoing orbeing somewhere else if thatdoesn’ t have a detrimental effectonyou.This might not bepossible if youworkwiththem forexample  butoften the angerand hate wefeel fora peon candrawus to placeswethinktheymightbe.Sometimes  something as simpleas asong being playedonthe radio orasmel l of aparticularfoodcantriggerthethoughts.Although its not possible  or healthy to try to avoideverything that acts as a reminder  removing obvious reminde wi l lreducethe amountof times these triggeryour thoughts of the peon.Avoid creating more reminde by writing about them onl ine on socialnetworks orkeeping ajournal .Sometimes  writing about a problemyou have can help release the attachmentyou have with themhelping putyourthoughts into context in orderto getclosure. Justbe sure to not keep rel iving these thoughts by keeping whatyouhave written.Disposing of the pages can be a physical way of gettingrid of thosethoughts  and remember thatonceyou’ ve postedsomething onl ine there’ s more chance of whatyou’ ve writtenbeing viewed and discussed byyouelf and othe。



Refocus Your Energy。

Aimto geton withand progress inyour l ife.Use al l the energywasted on hate to puue new interests  career progression at workand peopleyou care forand enjoyspending time with.Remindyouelf thatyou are wasting time and energy hating that peon—timeand energythatcould be put to positive use  focused on peopleyou think are betterdeserving of it。

“That’ s the best revenge of al l :happiness.” ~Chuck




“活得忚乐是最痛忚的复仇方式。 ” --恰克·帕拉尼克

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