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Howto ForgetSomeone You Real ly HateNot being able to getsomething thatbothe you outof your mind can bevery annoying! Itcan be doubly annoying if thatsomething is thoughts aboutsomeone you hate.Wouldn’ t it be better if you could forget thatpeon and so free youelf from these thoughts?
It is often said that love and hate are the two sides of the samecoin and although love mayseemtoo strong anemotionto coiderhaving fora peon you hate there is often an emotional attachmentthatstopsyou fromjust letting go of al l thoughts and feel ings asyou would forsomeone you didn’ tcare about.So how to forgetsomeonethatyou have such strong emotio about?
Lose the Hate。
To forgetsomeone you real ly hate requires taking the emotionoutof the equation.Hate is a strong emotion and whenfocus is puton it the mind bel ieves and accepts it as real and the more real itfeels the more time you wi l l find youelf focusing on it. Emotio arecreated bythe thoughts we have but thoughts are not necessari lyfacts:we choose whichthoughts we accept as being true.Be mindfulof the negative thoughts you have forthat peon and when youbecome aware of them entering your mind al lowthem to pass withoutengaging with them.With practicethis wi l l become asubcocious action requiring no cocious awareness orcognitiveeffo rt。
Question Your Behavior。
Whydoyou hate the peon?Have they real lydone something soabhorrent that itentitlesyou to bestowsuch a strong emotion onthem?Or is itpossiblethat the hate is more a resultof whereyouare in yourworld?Areyou a happypeon easygoing and laidback or are you quick-tempered easi ly annoyed and alwaysreadyfor a fight?If the lattersounds l ike you then maybe theproblem is more aboutyourbehavior bel iefs and interpretatio towhat happe around you and lessabout the otherpeon.Changingthe wayyou react may help resolve yourfeel ings towards the otherpeon making iteasierto move on and forget about them。
Find Closure。
Resolveto acceptwhat has passed:you can’ tchangethe past and negative emotio—such as hate—damagethe future.Decidetoforgive them and also forgive youelf for holding negative thoughts
aboutanotherpeon. Placeyouelf in theirshoes and coider howthingscould lookfrom their pepective. In theirshoes wouldyouagree that theyshould have such a strong emotion attributed tothem?Also putyouelf in the positionof an impartial observer;someone whodoesn’ tknoweitherof you.Howwould theyinterpret your actio?It’ s a lot harder to hold such extreme viewswhenyou look atsomething from the pepectives of othe. Is itpossible to talk to the peon?Often differences however big theyseem can be resolved by talking with the otherpeon.
Misundetandingscan be discovered compassioncan begiven and the peon’ sgood qual itiescan becomeapparent if given achance.You may not become friends trustor respect the peon but it’ s possibleto achieve a healthydowngradefrom hatingthem。
Reminde of the Peon。
Doyou have any reminde of this peon? Photos clothes etcthatcan actas astimulus tothoughts being created about the peon.Maybe its worth removing them from sight either putting intostorage ordisposing of them entirely. If there are places that thepeonfrequents coidergoing orbeing somewhere else if thatdoesn’ t have a detrimental effectonyou.This might not bepossible if youworkwiththem forexample butoften the angerand hate wefeel fora peon candrawus to placeswethinktheymightbe.Sometimes something as simpleas asong being playedonthe radio orasmel l of aparticularfoodcantriggerthethoughts.Although its not possible or healthy to try to avoideverything that acts as a reminder removing obvious reminde wi l lreducethe amountof times these triggeryour thoughts of the peon.Avoid creating more reminde by writing about them onl ine on socialnetworks orkeeping ajournal .Sometimes writing about a problemyou have can help release the attachmentyou have with themhelping putyourthoughts into context in orderto getclosure. Justbe sure to not keep rel iving these thoughts by keeping whatyouhave written.Disposing of the pages can be a physical way of gettingrid of thosethoughts and remember thatonceyou’ ve postedsomething onl ine there’ s more chance of whatyou’ ve writtenbeing viewed and discussed byyouelf and othe。
Refocus Your Energy。
Aimto geton withand progress inyour l ife.Use al l the energywasted on hate to puue new interests career progression at workand peopleyou care forand enjoyspending time with.Remindyouelf thatyou are wasting time and energy hating that peon—timeand energythatcould be put to positive use focused on peopleyou think are betterdeserving of it。
“That’ s the best revenge of al l :happiness.” ~Chuck
“活得忚乐是最痛忚的复仇方式。 ” --恰克·帕拉尼克
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