Article 1 in order to standardize the behavior of domain nametransactions and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of users,the rules of this transaction shall be formulated in accordanee withthe measures for the administration of Internet domain names in China.Article 2 the meanings of the following terms in this rule are:
(1) "domain name" : registered management by the China Internet networkinf onuati on center and the In ter net domain name for the analyticservice;
(2) the z/domain name transaction management institution^ : ChinaInternet network information center, its duty is responsible forrunning and managing domain name trading systems, domain name tradingcentral database maintenance, trading service agencies to provideauthentication domain name trading services;
(3) /zdomain name registration administration〃 China Internet networkinformation center, which undertakes the operation, Hiaintenance andmanagement of top-level domain name system;
(4) "domain name registration service" : refers to the organizationthat accepts the application for domain name registration and completesthe registration of the domain name in the top-level domain database・
(5) z domain name trading service" : an organization that is certifiedby the domain name registration administration for the service of thedomain name transaction;
(6) "'domain name traders^ : the two parties to which the domain nameis traded according to this rule, including the seller and the buyer・
Article 3 domain name transaction voluntariness, honesty and credit andthe principle of openness, fairness and justice, shall not harm publicinterests and the legitimate rights and interests of a third party・
Article 4 except according to the provisions of relevant laws andpolicies shall not trade domain, all in the normal state of the domainname can be traded in accordance with the provisions of these rules・
Article 5 of the domainname trading service agencies inaccordancewiththe principle of paid services to provide domain name traders tradingservice domain, the main services include: to accept and confirm thatthe domain name application, verify the identity of the trader, anddomain name registration management institutions, and domain nameregistration service agencies need to contact for execution domainexchange a variety of technical operation, etc.
Domain name trading service agencies shall have correspondingtechnology, equipment, and in accordance with the rules of the tradingrules, to ensure the authenticity of the domain name trading,reliability and verifiable ・
Article 6 the seller of the domain name transaction shall be the holderof the domain name or the holder of the domain name; The buyer is theapplicant for the domain name of the China Internet domain namemanagement method ・
Domain name to apply for transfer or refusal, the applicant shall bein accordance with the requirements of the transaction application formsubmitted to trading service agencies trading information, and sign aservice contract with domain name trading service age ncies ・ The contract forms and procedures and methods are formulated by the domain nametrading service ・
Domain name traders shall strictly abide by its trade with the domainname service contract signed between trading service agencies toprovide true, complete and accurate transaction information andinstructions ・ For traders to the directives issued by the errorinformation or provide false, incomplete or inaccurate results in anerror transaction, the consequences shall be borne by the issuingcommands or provide information traders ・
Article 7 the domain name registration service agencies and managementagencies should be in close coordination with the domain name tradingservice agencies, to ensure that the domain name trading fast, safe andreliable. There is no valid reason for the domain name registrationservice and the registration authority to reject the domain nametransaction or to set up a barrier for the domain name transaction.Article 8 after the transaction is agreed upon and confirmed by thedomain name trading service, the domain name trading service shallretrieve the transaction code ・ The domain name transdction serviceorganization shall issue domain names to the domain name registrationservice organization and the management organization.
The domain name registration service and the registration authorityshall complete the domain name transfer procedure within 15 days afterreceipt of the notice ・ The buyer is allowed to become the domain name
holder after the domain name is received ・
Article 9 the applicant who assigns or assigns the domain name shallguarantee in the agreement signed with the domain name trading service・
(1) to abide by relevant laws, regulations, or other normative legaldocuments;
(2) to comply with the relevant regulations set by the China Internetnetwork information center;
(3) the information submitted is true, accurate and complete;
(4) the transaction domain is not malicious and will not be used forany illegal purposes ・
Article 10 for domain name trading service agencies, domain nameregistration service agencies or domain name registration managementinstitutions operating mistakes led to the incorrect transaction, thedomainnamebyrelevant institutions should inreceive legal domainnameholders within seven working days after notification of correctmistakes, restore the domain name due to the state, or according to theinstructions to complete the domain name holders of normal trad ing.Trading service agencies, because domain name registration serviceinstitutions or agencies of equipment failure and other technicalcauses trading delay or error, the relevant agencies shall be notifiedwithin 24hours after the troubleshooting domain traders, and not madeit clear that the domain name traders stop trading conditions continueto complete the transaction, or correct any errors ・
Thisrule is not applicable toa domain that is wrongfullytradedbecauseof an instruction error by the trader and an instruction issued by athird party to misappropriation the domain name holder ・
Article 11 a third party may dispute the completed domain nametransaction, which may be resolved through the domain name disputesettlement procedure or legal procedure ・
Since the decision on the dispute settlement body website officiallyannounced 10 days from the date of, domain name trading service agencies,domain name registration service agencies or registration managementinstitutions should be performed ・ But be released within 10 days fromthe dateof the complainant since the ruling, provide effective evidenceto prove that has jurisdiction of the people s court or an arbitrationinstitution has to accept the relevant disputes, the decision of thedispute settlement body suspended ・
Article 12. The domain name trading service agencies in violation ofthe rules, without the consent of the domain name holders and tradingits domain name, or without verification of the domain name registrationmanagement institution to provide domain name traders trading servicedomain, or other irregularities and illegal ACTS by the domain nametransaction management institutions give corresponding defaultprocessing.
Article 13 the China Internet network information center and the domainname trading service provide the public inquiry service for theinformation of domain name transactions ・ Applicants without a specialstatement, trading, transaction time domain of state and trade servicessuch as information will be used by domain name transaction managementorganization and registered service entry can be public database
queries ・
Article 14 the domain name trading service shall formulate detailedtrading rules in accordance with this rule and send the China Internetnetwork information center for the record ・
Article 15 the interpretation and revision of these rules shall becarried out by the China Internet network information center ・Article 16 the rules shall take effect on February 4, 2005.
Annex -一the domain name trading process
According to the nature of the Internet domain name and relatedtechnical requirements, the domain name trading process isdivided into the following steps:
Deal preparation:
(1) the trading service provider shall provide the trading platformand other relevant transaction preparation;
(2) the transaction services agency shall authenticate the buyers ・Trade request:
(1) prior to selling the domain name transaction, the seller agreesto accept the relevant terms of the transaction made by the tradingservice organization;
(2) the seller shall submit the application for the transaction and
the state of the domain shall be "normal" in the state of"non-tradable"state;
(3) trading service agencies after accepting applications, the domainstatus from 〃nomial〃to ztrading pending verification" state, in thisstate, the domain name registration information can be changed, but theother transaction service agencies cannot submit the domain nameapplication.
Verify the request:
(1) the transaction service organization shall verify the validity ofthe seller s identity, the validity of the trading domain and thevalidity of the trading time; Effective exchange of 15 days after thetime range for the domain name registration to the domain name priorto the maturity of 15, namely the user activate the domain nametransactions start time must be after 15 days after the domain nameregistration, domain name transaction end time must be in the domainof 15 days before the expiration;
(2) when the seller carries out an E-mail and a domain passwordverification,
The status of the domain is z/traded for verification z for' 'transaction.z
(3) the transaction service agency notifies the seller to resume thetransaction process and the domain name is normal" ・
Locking the domain name:
The domain name is placed in the /transaction / when the domain nameis locked, and no information on the domainname will be modified duringthis period.
Make a deal :
(1) the buyer and seller shall negotiate the transaction according tothe trading procedure establishedby the trading service organization;
(2) if the bargaining is completed within the effective time limit,it shall enter the next step;
(3) the status of the domain name is "nonnal” in the
z transact io n〃 ・The transaction is terminated and the seller canresume the transaction process ・
Trade confirmation
(1) the time of trading is over, and the buyer, seller and the tradingservice shall sign the agreement ・
(2) the transaction service organization confirms that the transactionis completed and the domain status is placed in the ' ' transactionconfirmation〃 ・
Trading code
The domain name trading manager transmits the transaction code to thedomain name trading service after the transaction has been submittedby the domain name trading service ・
Domain names
(1) trading service agencies in accordance with the requirements ofthe domain name registration service agencies submitted to confirm thechange registration information necessary to review materials andtransaction code, a certified service after the success of thevalidation completedwithin 15 days (verification) , registered servicepassword change domain name, and modify the re leva nt registrationinformat io n.
(2) the transaction service provider shall issue the domain name tothe buyer ・unlock
After the registration service is completed, the domain name is.
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