
网络地址  时间:2021-03-03  阅读:()




? 掌握静态NAT的配置实现局域网访问互联网


公司欲发布WWW服务现要求将内网Web服务器IP地址映射为全局IP地址实现外部网络可访问公司内部W eb服务器。


? 网络地址转换NAT Network Address Tran slation 被广泛应用于各种类型 In ternet接入方式和各种类型的网络中。原因很简单 NAT不仅完美解决了I P地址不足的问

题而且还能够有效地避免来自网络外部的攻击 隐藏并保护网络内部的计算机。

? 默认情况下 内部IP地址是无法被路由到外网的 内部主机10.1.1.1要与外部in ternet通信 I P包到达NAT路由器时 I P包头的源地址10.1.1.1被替换成一个合法的外网I P,并在NAT转换表中保存这条记录。当外部主机发送一个应答到内网时 NAT路由器收到后查看当前 NAT转换表用10.1.1.1替换掉这个外网地址。

? NAT将网络划分为内部网络和外部网络两部分局域网主机利用 NAT访问网络时是将局域网内部的本地地址转换为全局地址 互联网合法的IP地址后转发数据包。? NAT分为两种类型 NAT 网络地址转换和NAP T 网络端口地址转换IP地址对

应一个全局地址 。


?动态NAT:定义一个地址池 自动映射也是一对一的。现实中用得比较少

?NAP T:使用不同的端口来映射多个内网 IP地址到一个指定的外网IP地址多对一。



1、 R 1为公司出口路由器其与外部路由之间通过 V.35电缆串口连接 DCE端连接在R2上配置其时钟频率为64000

2、 配置P C机、服务器及路由器接口 IP地址

3、 在各路由器上配置静态路由协议让 P C间能相互p ing通

4、在R 1上配置静态NAT;




Rout er>en

Router#conf t

Enter configuration commands,one p er line End with CNTL/Z

Router(config)#hostname R 1

R 1(config)#int faO/O

R1(config-if)#ip add 192168 1 12552552550

R1(config-if)#no shut

%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernetO/O,changed st ate to up

%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface FastEthernetO/O,changed state to up


R1(config)#int s2/0

R1(config-if)#ip add 22201 12552552550

R1(config-if)#no shut

%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial2/0,changed state to down


%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial2/0,changed state to up

%LINEPR0T0-5-UPD0WN:Line protocol on Interface Seria 12/0, changed state to up



R1(config)#ip route 2220202552552550222012 //配置到222020网段的静态路由



%SYS-5-CONFIG_l:Configured from console by console

R1#show ip route


C-connect ed,S- static, I - IGRP,R-RIP,M-mobile,B—B GP

D-EIGRP,EX-EIGRP external,O-O SPF, IA-O SPF inter area

N1 -OSPF NSSA external type 1,N2-OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 -OSPF external type 1,E2-OSPF external type 2,E—EGP i - IS-IS,L1 - IS-IS level-1,L2- IS-IS level-2, ia- IS-ISint er area

* -candidat e default,U-p er-us er static rout e,o-ODR

P-p eriodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set

C 192168 10/24 is directly connected,FastEthernet0/0

C 222010/24 is directly connected,S erial2/0

S 222020/24[1/0]via222012




Enter configuration commands,one p er line End with CNTL/Z

R 1(confi g)#int fa0/0

R1(config-if)#?arp Setarp type(arpa,probe, snap)ortimeoutbandwidth Set bandwidth informational parametercdp CDP interface subcommandscrypto Encryption/Decryption commandscustom-queue-list Assign a custom queue list to an interfacedelay Specify interface throughput delaydescription Interface specific descriptionduplex Configure duplexoperationexit Exit frominterface configuration mode

fair-queue EnableFairQueuingonanInterfacehold-queue Setholdqueuedepthip Interface Internet Protocol config commandsmac-address Manually set interface MAC addressmtu Set theinterfaceMaximumTransmissionUnit (MTU)no Negateacommandorset itsdefaultspriority-group Assign a priority group to an interfaceservice-policy Configure QoS Service Policyshutdown Shutdown the selected interfacespeed Configure speed operationtx-ring-limit Configure PA level transmit ring limitzone-member Apply zone name

R1(config-if)#ipaccess-group Specify access control for packetsaddress Set theIP address of aninterfacehello-interval Configures IP-EIGRP hello intervalhelper-address Specify a destination address for UDP broadcastsinspect Apply inspectnameips CreateIPSrulemtu Set IP MaximumTransmissionUnitnat NAT interface commandsospf OSPF interface commandssplit-horizon Perform split horizonsummary-address Perform address summarizationvirtual-reassembly Virtual Reassembly

R1(config-if)#ip nat?inside Inside interface for address translationoutside Outside interface for addr es s translation

R1(config-if)#ip nat inside?


R1(config-if)#ip nat inside


R1(config)#int s2/0

R1(config-if)#ip nat outside?


R1(config-if)#ip nat outside






Enter configuration commands,one p er line End with CNTL/Z

R1(config)#ip?access-list Named access-list

default-network Flags networks as candidates for default routesdhcp ConfigureDHCP serverandrelay parametersdomain IP DNSResolverdomain-lookup Enable IP Domain Name System hostname translationdomain-name Definethedefault domainnameforward-protocol Controls forwarding of physical and directed IP broadcastshost Addanentrytotheiphostnametablename-server Specify address of name serverto usenat NAT configuration commandsroute Establish static routestcp GlobalTCP parameters

R1(config)#ip natinside Inside address translationoutside Outside address translationpool Definepoolof addresses

R1(config)#ip nat inside?source Source address translation

R1(config)#ip nat inside source?list Specify access list describing local addresses static Specify staticlocal->glob al mapp ing

R1(config)#ip nat inside source static?

A B C D Inside local IP addresstcp Transmission Control Protocoludp UserDatagramProtocol

R1(config)#ip nat inside source static 192168 12?

A B C D Inside global IP address

R1(config)#ip nat inside source static 192168 1222201 3<cr>

R1(config)#ip nat inside source static 192168 1222201 3 R1(config)#end

R1# //配置内网到外网的静态 NAT映射%SYS-5-CONFIG_l:Configured from console by console

R1#show ip nat?statistics Translation statisticstranslations Translation entries

R1#show ip nat translations

ProInsideglobalInside local Outsidelocal

--- 22201 3 192168 12 ---


R1#show ip nat translations

Pro Insideglobal Insidelocal Outsidelocal Outsideglobal

---22201 3 192168 12tcp 22201 3:80 192168 12:80 222022:1025 222022:1025


R1#show running-config

Buildin g confi guration

Current configur ation:753 bytes

!version 122no service timestamps log datetime msecno service timestamp s debug datetime msecno service p as sword-encryption

!hostname R1 interface FastEthernetO/Oip address 192168 1 12552552550ip nat insidedup lex aut ospeed auto

!int erface F ast Ethernet 1/0no ip addres sdup lex aut ospeed autoshut down

!int erface Seri al2/0ip address 22201 12552552550ip nat outside

!int erface Seri al3/0no ip addres sshut down

!int erface F ast Ethernet4/0no ip addres sshut down

!int erface F ast Ethernet 5/0no ip addres sshut down

ip nat inside source static 192168 1222201 3ip classlessip route 2220202552552550222012 line con 0line vty 04login

!en d



Rout er>

Rout er>en

Router#conf t

Enter configuration commands,one p er line End with CNTL/Z

Router(config)#hostname R2

R2(confi g)#int fa0/0

R2(config-if)#ip add 2220212552552550

R2(confi g-if)#no shut

%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/0,changed state to up

%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0,changed state to upR2(config-if)#exit

R2(config)#int s2/0

R2(config-if)#ip add 2220122552552550

R2(confi g-if)#no shut

%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial2/0,chan ged state to up

R2(config-if)#clock rate 64000


%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface Seria 12/0, changed state to upR2(config-if)#



R2(config)#ip route 192168 10255255255022201 1

R2(confi g)#end


%SYS-5-C0NFIG_l:Configured from console by console

R2#show ip route

Codes:C-connected, S- static, I - IGRP,R-RIP,M-mobile,B-BGPD-EIGRP,EX-EIGRP external,O-O SPF, IA-O SPF inter areaN1 -OSPF NSSA external type 1,N2-OSPF NSSA external type 2E1 -OSPF external typ e 1,E2-OSPF external typ e 2,E-EGPi - IS-IS,L1 - IS-IS level-1,L2- IS-IS level-2, ia- IS-IS inter area

* -candidat e default,U-p er-us er static rout e,o-ODR

P-p eriodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set

S 192168 10/24[1/0]via22201 1

C 222010/24 is directly connected,Serial2/0

C 222020/24 is directly connected,FastEthernet0/0



Packet Tracer PC Command Line 10

PC>ip config

IP Address :222022

Subnet M ask :2552552550

Default Gateway :222021

PC>ping 192168 12

Pinging 192168 12 with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out

Reply from 192168 12:bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=126

Reply from 192168 12:bytes=32 time=17ms TTL=126

Reply from 192168 12:bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=126

Ping statistics for 192168 12:

P acket s:Sent=4,Receiv ed=3,Lost=1 (25%los s),

App roximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

M inimum=15ms,M aximum=19ms,Average=17ms


P C 1-WEB:



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