
ldap是什么  时间:2021-02-28  阅读:()

L DAP简介什么是目录

Outline and objectives

This article lays a foundation for understanding what LDAP is.The goal is to get you tomaster basic terminology and concepts,not as materials for further learning of LDAP. LDAP, it' sLightweight directory access protocol.

This article includes the following aspects:

* basic definitions of directories

* understand what directories can and cannot do

* 2 directory examples

* summarize checksum tables using directory services

Two. Basic definitions

A directory is a specialized database that serves a variety ofapplications, including LDAP (Lightweight Directory AccessProtocol) directory and X. 500 based directory. These ones hereDirectories are generic, standard directories. They are notsuitable for specific operating systems and applicationpurpose s.

No matter whether they know what it means or not, most peopleare familiar with a wide variety of catalogues, such as

telephone directories, yellow pages, TV guides, shopping listsand maps

Library card catalogue. We classify this catalogue as our dailycatalogue. A directory in a computer is called an onlinedirectory.

The directory service is the software and hardware, game theoryand management group. Directory services include at least thefollowing aspects:

* information contained in the directory

* save the information on the software server

* act as a software client for accessing information

* run server, client software hardware

* support systems, such as operating systems, device drivers,etc.

* connect the client to the server and the networkinfrastructure between the servers

* strategy. Who provides access to, who can update, who canaccess and so on

* software for maintaining and monitoring directory servicesTerminology catalogs and directory services are often


Three. What is the directory and what it can do?

The following application types cannot be categorized asdirectories:

* database

* file system

* Web Services

* FTP services

* DNS services

Compare to database

Although directories are also known as special databases, theyare different from real databases. Most of the operations inthe directory are read operations. If your application wantsto write big

For quantitative data, you should consider selecting a databasefor implementation. Directories support relatively simpletransaction processing. Instead, databases are designed tohandle large amounts of each

A variety of transactions. If your application requires suchheavy transaction support, you should select the database

instead of the directory.

On the other hand, if your application does not require suchheavy workload transactions, write occasional simpletransaction information. At this point, the directory is idealChoice。 It will be more effective and simpler.

Compare to file system

The directory is considered a poor filesystem. Files areusually large, several megabytes, or even larger, althoughdirectories are optimized to access very little information.Application to block

Mode access file. The file system supports various calls--likeseek () , read () , and write () , so that you can write informationabout a part of a large file. Catalog

This random access access cannot be provided. Directory entriesare divided into various attributes. You can get differentattributes separately. You can' t get apartial value of an item,Starting from the first few bytes.

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