Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(20points)
PartⅡReading Comprehension(30points)
Directions:There are four passages in this part. Each passage is fol lowed by somequestions or unfinished statements. Foreach of them, there are 4choices markedA,B,C and D.Read the passages careful lyand decide onthe bestchoice.Thenmarkthecorresponding letter onANSWER SHEET 1.
Passage 1
There has been a lot of hand-wringing overthe death of El izabeth Steinberg.Without blaming anyone in particular,neighbors,friends,socialworkers,the pol iceand newspaper editors have struggled to define the community’ s responsibi l itytoEl izabeth and to other battered chi ldren.As the col lective soul-searching continues,there is a pervading sense that the system fai led her.
The fact is, in NewYork State the system couldn’ t have saved her. It is almostimpossible to protect a chi ld from violent parents,especial ly if they are white,middle-class,wel l-educated and represented bycounsel.
Why does the state permit violence against Chi ldren?There are a numberofreasons. First,parental privi lege is a rational ization. In the past, the law was givingits approval to the bibl ical injunction against sparingthe rod.
Second,whi le everyone agrees thatthe state must act to remove chi ldren fromtheir homeswhen there is dangerof serious physical oremotional harm,manychi ld advocates bel ieve that state intervention in the absence of serious injury ismore harmful than helpful.
Third,courts and legislatures tread careful ly when their actions intrude orthreatento intrude on a relationship protected bythe Constitution. In 1923, the SupremeCourt recognized the “l ibertyof parentand guardianto directthe upbringing andeducation of chi ldren under their control .” More recently, in 1977, it upheld theteacher’ s privilege to use corporal punishment against schoolchi ldren.Readtogether, these decisions givethe constitutional imprimatur to parental use ofp hysical fo rce.
Under the best conditions, smal l chi ldren depend utterly on their parents forsurvival.Underthe worst, their dependency dooms them.Whi le it isquestionablewhether anyone or anything could have saved El izabeth Steinberg, it is plain thatthe law provided no protection.
To the contrary,byjustifying the use of physical force against chi ldren as anacceptable method of education and control, the law lent a measure of plausibi l ityand legitimacy to her parents’ conduct.
Morethan 80years ago, in the teeth of parental resistance and Supreme Courtdoctrine, the New York State Legislature acted to el iminate chi ld labor law.Now,the state must act to el iminate chi ld abuse bybanning corporal punishment.Tobreakthe vicious cycle of violence,nothing less wi l l answer. If there is a lesson tobedrawn from the deathof El izabeth Steinberg, it is this: spare the rod and sparethechi ld.
21 The New York State law seems to provide least protection of a chi ld fromviolent parentsof______.
A.a fami ly on welfare
B.a poor uneducated fami ly
C.an educated blackfami ly
D.a middle-class white fami ly
22 “Sparing the rod” means______.
A. spoi ling chi ldren
B.punishingchi ldren
C.notcaring about children
D.not beating chi ldren
23 Corporal punishment against schoolchi ldren is______.
A. takenas i l legal inthe NewYorkState
B.considered being in the teacher’ s province
C.official ly approved by law
D.disapproved by school teachers
24 From the article we can inferthat El izabethSteinberg is probablythevictimof______.
A. teachers’ corporal punishment
B.misjudgment ofthecourt
C.p a re nts’ i l l-t re at m e nt
D. street violence
25 Thewriterof thisarticlethinksthat banning corporal punishmentwi l l inthelong run______.
A.prevent violence of adults
B. save more chi ldren
C.protect chi ldren from i l l-treatment
D.better the system
21 D文章第二段最后一句话指出 it is almost impossible to protect a chi ld fromviolent parents,especial ly if they are white,middle-class…也即中产阶级的白人家庭。
22 D这一段陈述的是为何允许对孩子的体罚。法院同意the bibl ical injunctionagainstsparing the rod等同于允许对孩子进行体罚。注意此处的against 所以sparing the rod不体罚是相对的。 Sparethe rod and spoi lthechi ld棍棒下面出孝子/孩子丌打丌成器。
23 B第五段提到it (the Supreme Court)upheld the teacher’ s privi lege to usecorporal punishment against schoolchi ldren。最高法院维护教师体罚学童的特权由privi lege一词可以看出体罚学生被视作教师的职责之一了。
24C第六段提到儿童完全依靠父母生存因而当父母有虐待倾向的时候厄运难逃。其后提到因为法律没有提供保护什么都救丌了El izabeth Steinberg。本段幵未提及教师、法庭或者街头暴力的直接作用且第七段中提到her parents’ conduct 据此可推测她死于父母的虐待。
25 A选项D从语法上就已丌符合题意。最后一段作者提到为了breakthevicious cycleof violence nothing less (than el iminating chi ld abuse by banning corporalpunishment)wi l l answer。可知作者认为禁止体罚可直接消除虐待儿童的现象然后可以打破暴力的恶性循环。选项B和选项C是禁止体罚的直接影响选项A为隐含的长期作用。
Passage 2
For laymen ethnology is the most interesting of the biological sciences for thevery reason that it concerns animals in their normal activities and therefore, if wewish,we can assessthe possible dangers and advantages in our own behavioralroots. Ethnology also is interesting methodological ly because itcombines in newways very scrupulous field observations with experimentation in laboratories.
The field workers have had some handicaps in winning respect for themselves.For a long timetheywere considered as l ittle betterthan amateur animal-watchers—certainly not scientists, since their facts were not gained by experimental
procedures:theycould not conform to the hard-and-fast rule that a problem setup and solved byone scientist must be tested by other scientists,under identicalconditions and reaching identical results.Of course manysituations in the l ives ofanimals simplycannot be rehearsed and control led inthisway.The fal l flocking ofwi ld free birds can’ t be,orthe roving animals over long distances,oreven detailsof spontaneous fami ly relationships.Sine these never can be reproduced in alaboratory, they are then not worth knowing about?
The ethnologists who choose field work have gotthemselves out of thisimpasse bygreatlyrefining the techniquesof observing.Atthe start of a project al lthe animals to be studied are l ive-trapped,marked individual ly,and released.Motion pictures,often in color,provide permanent records of their subsequentactivities.Recording of the animals’ voices byelectrical sound equipment isconsidered essential,and the most meticulous notes are kept of al l thatoccurs.With this material other biologists, far from the scene, later can verifythe reports.Moreover, two field observers often go out together,checking each other’ sobservations rightthere in the field.
Ethnology, the word, is derived from the Greekethos,meaning thecharacteristic traits orfeatureswhichdistinguish a group-any particular group ofpeopleor, in biology,a group of animalssuch asa species. Ethnologists havetheintention of studying “the whole sequence of actswhich constitute an animal ’ sbehavior.” In abridged dictionariesethnology is sometimes defined simply as
“the objective study of
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