Yu Kongjian criticize Chinese City Beautiful
A summary of both the North and cities, or southern town,whether it is a newtown orthe ancientcapital,manycities arebui lding a memorial and display of Landscape Avenue, themassive construction projects.Which tend to be Europe’ sBaroque urban landscape Avenue as a template,emphasizingbroad, style,and streetscape facade decoration. In this regard,Yu Kongjian deeplyconcerned about the.. .. ..
Both the North and cities,or southern town,whether it is anew town, or the ancient capital,many cities are bui lding amemorial and display of Landscape Avenue, the massiveconstruction projects.Which tend to be Europe’ s Baroqueurban landscape Avenue as a template, emphasizing broad,style, and streetscape facade decoration. In this regard,YuKongjian deeplyworried.
Landscape Avenue, designed as a traffic artery, the rightPacers are a dangerous barrier.Cut off on both sides of theroad traffic, functional cross-mixed, complex, resulting in lowefficiency of urban functions; brutal ly scratched the originalcommunication network and the city of organisms del icate
texture; demol ition of a large number of residents, costly,discard the traditional style, the destruction of cities thecommunity’ s social structure, leading to loss of workplacesex and identity. Because of its commemorative pursuit,oftenrequired on both sidesarranged a large numberof publ icandcultural bui ldings, but the formation of these structures isdifficult in the short term, in a fairly long period of time, thelandscape Avenue very much a misnomer. This landscapeAvenue and ‘ l ighting project’ The combination of ancientstreets, neon l ights and al l kinds of trees have been replacedby ornaments.
For the emergence of a large number of city square, YuKongjian disagree. Many often do not square with thepubl ic’ s leisure and activities for the purpose, but to thepubl ic as spectators, square, or plaza sculpture, square edgecity has become the main bui lding. If not the air, a beautifulsquare geometric patterns is difficult to appreciate.Square, inorder to substantial ly the United States, in order to open forthe United States, in order to not al lowed to step on the lawnfor the United States, to a new guise, the compl icatedgeometric patterns for the United States, entirely withoutconsidering the needs and security, in order to square the
Town Center Plaza, trying to be commercial activities, thedai ly life of residents excluded in pursuit of a purely formalbeauty. No sun shade for people, no chairs for people toleisure, keen to pol ish marble and granite shop, the publ ic isdifficult, rain and snow later, have become afraid to patronizeland.
Jin pi l ing up, to expensive for the United States.Thevalue ofthe materialwith the same qual ityasthe plaza,outdoor plazawi l l be done as an interior room of the house --- planedgranite floors, carved white marble rai l ing, construction of alargefountain,Chinese Lantern,and various mysterious organ,there is no place and local characteristics.Yu Kongjian saidthat this is actual ly the spirit of the city’ s image and localpol lution.
The heart of a huge amount of urban demol ition, investmenteasi ly hundreds of mi l l ions, tens of thousands of people lefttheir native land, the destruction of the social fabric. Inaddition,also caused a waste of land resources.
Yu Kongjian said that ordinary people the mastersof the city,in the landscape design and urban construction, care shouldbe.Place, landscape, leftthe person’ s use, they lose meaning,
become a lost place.
Urban rivers and waterfront areas of ‘rectification’ and
‘beautification’ , has also been criticized Yu Kongjian. In hisview, is an eco-urban rivercorridors,heritage corridors,greenleisure channel interface and the urban landscape of urban l ifeinterface. In the ‘beautification’ banner,many projects arewrong. Be summarized into nine areas:
First,water has been treated as sewage channels, garbagescene was contaminated,abandoned.
Second,predatory exploitation of the riverbed, the beautifulriver beyond recognition,endangering the river safe.
3, rivercourses have been occupied by roads and bui ldings.
Fourth, cutting the bends. Undue emphasis on short-floodchannel capacity.Only meandering flow of water only angry,there are Aura,be conducive to the protection of biodiversityand the reduction of flood disasters and emergencies.
5, river both north and south of the urban watergovernancesubstrate cement berm, embankment blade of grass,waterself-purification abi l ity disappeared,water, soi l, bio-materialand energy cycle between being completely destroyed,biological homeless.
6, dam water, changing water to stagnant water, destroyed
the continuity of the river, affecting downstream riverlandscape,habitat destruction, loss of water in natural form.
7, somewil l beopen channel intoaculvert,on bui lding roadsor bui ldings and ‘beautification’ project,despite the waterin the stream, resulting in the beautification of the urbanenvironmentand ecologyof losingthemostvaluable resource.
8,many of the city’ s water system is a continuum,withwetlands, lakes and mountains suburban landscape to form acomplete system. Continuum have often been cut in urbanconstruction, so that flowing water losttheir l ives.
9, thewatersystem,a clean fi l l,and could reclaim thecityl ife,part of the most used roads or bui ld a house, or kinds offlowers, is the largest city,unfortunately.
The construction of a park for the beautification of thepracticeYu Kongjian thinkthis is also undesirable.Beautifythecity park under the guidance of the construction ideas,emphasizing that the memorial,mechanical and forms ofsexual display the nature of the park and the park, the parkgreen space separating the organism from the city. In fact, thetrue meaning of urban greening is to provide a recreation forcity dwel lers, l iving and working environment, not the themearea.Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download
Manual ly to replace the natural, is the construction of amajor city park errors.When the Town Planning would be apiece peri-urban forest classified as parks and beautify thedisaster comes along. The only natural to transform into agarden-l ike park; to the purpose of making a tourist spot tobui ld the park is a common problem in manycities.Does notseem to plants that, rareantiquescan not be into it as park.
Yu Kongjian said that in the new residential area, the real l ifeand inhabit for the occupants and the beautification of thecommunity are rare. The abundance is the glorification ofmodel-oriented demonstration areas, the purpose is todemonstrate the performance for the visitors; profit-orientedcommercial landscaping, landscaping to attract tenants tried.Both oriented and l iving environment of residents regardedasthe exhibits, focusing on displayand visual form, in particular,was very popular in a time of classical European style,copyingthe various styles of ‘diorama’ , ignored the landscaping ofthe occupants of the dai ly the meaning of l ife and l iving,leading to beautify the residential areas into the wrongdirection.
The wind should be transplanted trees have died. Yu
Kongjian view, as one of its Su Chengfa and effective move,and endless disasters.Trees,old trees are not taken from thenursery, is actual ly a kind of off-site at the expense of theenvironmentattheexpenseof dismantl ingthe behaviorof theEast meeting theWest; transplanting must-How do you look,combined with long-distance transport, survival difficult, ifonly survived end up Brokeback Venus, and the cost of noaccount. Each tree is a complete eco-system, its growth in thetree removed, the entire ecological community relations wi l lsurely be severely damaged. In addition, Yu Kongjian thaturban ‘beautification’ is also reflected in many otherareas,including l ighting engineering, sculpture, street, sculptureparks.As an urban art, they are of positive significance inmany ways, but if the pursuit of beautification and
‘beautification’ ,would be counterproductive.
‘Anti-planning’ ,Urban Landscape Road
Yu Kongjian stressed that in the urban landscapeconstruction, the most urgent need is to improve theecological environment, first of al l a solution to pol lution,greening the environment,with the vital ity of the green andshade,with fresh water and air, have a real beauty.This city isthe real eco-city.
China’ s urbanization and urban expansion wasLiaoyuanzhishi, the prospects for urban expansion andecological security concerns, requires that urbanpol icy-makers with strategic vision. Yu Kongjian proposed
‘anti-planning’ of the notion that urban planning anddesign should give priorityto planning and design of urbanecological infrastructure, rather than the traditionalconstruction of land-use planning.
In his view, in urban ecological infrastructure constructionshould pay special attention are: the maintenance andreinforcement of the overal l landscape pattern of continuity;the protection and the establ ishment of diverse native habitatsystem; maintenance and restoration of rivers and thewaterfront areas of natural patterns; the protection andrestore wetlands systems; the peri-urban shelter system andthe combination of urban green space system; establ ishmentof non-motor vehicle green channel; the establ ishment ofgreen corridors of cultural heritage; open dedicated greenspace, improve the urban green space system;dissolved Park,making it the city’ s green matrix;dissolved cities,protectionanduti l ization of high-yieldfarmlandasan integral partof thecity; the establ ishment of native plant nursery.
Yu Kongjian said that the strategic urban ecologicalinfrastructure itself and the understanding of future urbandevelopment trend is to establ ish forward-looking urbanecological infrastructure premise. In a given citysize and landwithin the ecosystem to achieve a sound infrastructure isbound to encounter concepts, regulations, and managementdifficulties.The most crucial is the traditional method of urbanplanning and chal lenges. Planners increase in the level ofawareness,pol icy-makers extraordinary vision and breadth ofvision, as wel l as urban planning and management of theexisting laws and regulations improvementisto bui ld strategicurban ecological infrastructure protection, whi le the
‘anti-planning’ approach is to urban ecologicalinfrastructure bui lding approach. Reposted elsewhere in thepaperforfree download
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