俞孔坚和他的土人景观Yu Kongjian and his native landscapeYu Kongjian and his native landscape"
The subject of landscape design in mainland of China startedlate, but it developed very fast. Among them, the leading figureis the current director of the Institute of landscape design,Peking University, Beijing natives landscape and architecturalplanning and Design Institute president Yu Kongjian.
In Yu Kongjian' s mind, the ideal state of landscape design isthat the city is becoming more and more artistic". And hispragmatic, firm and self-confidence, is the Chinese people' sliving environment, ecological environment and urban planningstep by step toward a more modern and scientific direction.In May 1st this year, the attention of the people of Shanghai,World Expo kicked off the curtain. The beauty of weeds, theculture of the foot, the return of the beach, the place of humannature and the value of the industrial heritage". . . . . . Whenpeople use these words to explain the landscape design of thecore area of Expo Park in Shanghai, they will mention a person,that is, its designer - Yu Kongjian.
As the first Chinese design of Harvard University PhD, he wasthe first to introduce the concept of landscape design China,published 15 books, the design works around the world, not onlycontributed to the landscape designer to become officiallyrecognized national occupation, but also promote theestablishment of the discipline of landscape design in theChinese. When it comes to achievement, Yu Kongjian always putshis inspiration down to land.
Love the land, love the deep "returnees. ""
An ordinary peasant family Yu Kongjian grew up in Zhejiang inJinhua, home of the stream and let him from the marsh land havespecial feeling. "Whenever I see big, tall weeds, I can' t helphugging them. I even want to grow up among them and experiencetheir beauty endlessly and always. ". "
In 1980, Yu Kongjian, 17, was admitted to the Department oflandscape architecture at Beijing Forestry University. He wasthe first college student in the village. Prior to departure,the mother took a handful of soil from the front of the villagein the woods, wrapped in red paper solemnly handed over to YuKongjian, said far away, with his home soil will not "Theclimate does not suit one". He took both hands, carefullycarried the bag into the bag and carried it to Beijing. 12 yearslater, when he left for the Harvard University, he did notforget the package and brought it home to the United States andeventually brought it home from the United states.
In December 31, 1996, he received his Ph. D. in design fromHarvard University, and Yu Kongjian, the landscape architectand project manager of the SWA group, suddenly announced hisdecision to return home to his wife"!
The moment, the wife thought he got it wrong, because YuKongjian has got a green card, cause on the upgrade. However,Yu Kongjian said, "my pursuit is to design a harmonious livingenvironment between man and nature in the Chinese land, and thisideal can only be achieved by going back to the motherland. ". "
In January 8, 1997, Yu Kongjian gave up 100 percent of thecountry' s generous salary, and the family returned home."Actually, when I go out, I know I must be back. ". On the plane,as soon as I heard China' s airspace, I burst into tears. I wasnot what the great patriotic thought, just think I finallyreturned to the familiar land. "
"I am a fellow villager, "he said. "Why do my eyes often containtears, because I love the land deeply?" it expresses my feelingsfor the land. " Yu Kongjian has always believed: "if it islandscape design, farmers born of students will be better thanthe city students, because he has a feeling of land, this isnot taught to teach. ". "
InMay 1999, Yu Kongjian made a cultural square project in Hebei,Handan. In search of design inspiration, he decided to sleepin the suburbs.
At eight or nine in the evening, a group of Yu Kongjian cameto the site of Zhao' s tomb. "It' s just a Loess Plateau,surrounded by vast fields of farmland, grassy hills, and lotsof graves. It' s cold. ". The people who came here were afraid,and I told them to go back, leaving me and my assistant. WhenI tried to put up my tent, I found out that I was in a hurryand had no props,
There are only two quilts from the hotel. " Then, two peoplesimply put the tent on the floor, open-air sleeping in the ruinsof the Zhao Tai Wang, feel the soul of the earth.
"At night, there was wind, and the crops around us were growing,and the little animals came out. Everything happened on the land.We felt it that night. ". "On the second day at 5 in the morning,two people got up andwalked along the site of the ancient cityof King zhao.
Just before dawn, in their eyes is a vast spectacular picture:in the vast expanse of the brown land, millet ridge has beenstretched horizon, farmers by twos and threes in the ground,the daughter took the donkey in front of his father, the plough,the mother sprinkled with seed in the back. . . . . .
"This is exactly the way and the landscape of the North Chinaplain. " At this time, Yu Kongjian mind immediately jumped outof the poem: ten thousand years of millet ridge sky, threethousand River road. "So, our design is to make an essay on thesetwo poems. But then the project to the real estate developersto do, and we failed to achieve the design, very sorry. "The leader of the natives who believed in the land religionIn Yu Kongjian' s speeches and writings, he has always calledhimself "land religion. "". "Why do people feel empty now,material life is so rich, but still feel no sense of belonging,because of the loss of awe. ". Fear of nature makes lifemeaningless. For example, Beijing, Tiantan, Ditan, RitanYuetan reflects the people on the land of awe. "
After returning home, Yu Kongjian, in the face of almost orblank domestic urban landscape design, the first thing to dois to build the landscape planning and design center of Peking
At that time, Peking University provided 100 thousand yuan offunds for it. However, after buying a machine and severalsoftware sets, there is little left. Yu Kongjian knew that thelack of money was out of the question. So he decided to set upan entity that offered landscape design services to raise moneyfor research and teaching.
In 1998, the Beijing native landscape design institute cameinto being. It was the first unit to enter Beijing HaidianDistrict Overseas Students Pioneer park.
The name of the "indigenous people", Yu Kong insisted: "the'natives' is land and people, people and land in harmony, " thesetwo words summed up my basic understanding of the subject. Theessence of the idea of "indigenous people" is to design, torespect nature, to have reverence for the land, to belong toand identify with, and to seek harmony between man and nature. "The early start, "natives" only three people, Haidian DistrictStudents Pioneer Park free provides a 20 square meters of officespace, and tax-free for three years, in addition to the officea few tables, empty. "At that time, professors were not allowedtorun enterprises in the country. I hadno legal person status,so I had to return my wife to the board of directors. "However, the bigger problem at that time was that it wasdifficult for private designers to apply for qualifications.Yu Kongjian' s important way of finding projects was to givelectures at various meetings, give lectures to mayors, and
promote his concept of landscape design. "The design industryin China a strong monopoly, many of them have their own designinstitute, design institute qualification almost uniform isstate-owned, private design is difficult to apply to thequalification, even if it is difficult to have qualified designof large scale project opportunities. By publicizing theconcept of "indigenous people", striving for projects, and bydoing projects to make more people realize and identify thelandscape concept of the natives, it is the survival andmanagement of aborigines. "
The design has no qualifications, just as doctors do not havethe qualifications to practice medicine. "Natives" can onlycooperate with other companies to pay part of the profits."Native"for the first time in the design bidding by the HaidianDistrict students Pioneering Park exceptionally recommended,because there is no design qualification, "natives" alsoreceived threatening phone calls, said "natives" is noqualification of the "wild team", it can not participate in thebidding.
Bid for the west side renovation of Zhongguancun in 1999,A collection of 19 domestic and foreign top design institute,even the United States, Britain, Germany, the famous designinstitute has caught. At that time, only more than 10 natives,but Yu Kongjian confidence, and went to a special trip to theUnited States Silicon Valley. The high and new technology parkthere inspired him. He put forward a new "modular"architectural framework, emphasizing that the building itselfcan be combined and transformed to meet the technical and
knowledge-based features of Zhongguancun. The program waseventually ratedas thebest andreceiveda$300 thousandprize.In the subsequent Zhongguancun Life Science Park, ZhongguancunSoftware Park, Fengtai science and technology park designcompetition and public bidding, the "natives" won the firstplace three times and won the two bid.
Natives began to become famous in the industry. It was not until2002 that the natives finally got a class a qualification.An idealist with a critical spirit
"Modern urban spaces are not designed for designers, not formayors, not for machines, but for ordinary people living incities. ". The place or landscape is not for visitors, but forhuman use. " Yu Kongjian is very popular in the constructionindustry against the worship atmosphere, he believes that thisis not only the design idea of mediocre design inspiration,exhausted, is also a kind of culture.
Then, he carried high "against the city beautiful movement"banner, vigorously criticized city construction "nouveauriche", "peasant consciousness", and even asserted that we areexperiencing the 5000 years of the most serious damage. In thefortieth session of the international landscape designeralliance (IFLA) World Congress, he made a speech, telling thewestern landscape designers and architects "don' t use yourrubbish to fill in the landscape landscape in famine Chineseearth".
Yu Kongjian said, "but life is spiral, we do not simply go backto the primitive times, but to retrieve the human nature of theprimitive age. ". In fact, the return of this human nature alsoneeds the development of science and technology. "
The first project after Yu Kongjian returned home to do, in 2002commissioned by the Guangdong municipal government ofZhongshan Province, to an abandoned shipyard into a Qijiangpark.
At that time, Yu Kongjian is a city in the natural conditionanalysis research activities, and Zhongshan city leaders havecontact to understand the transformation of an abandonedshipyard has a preliminary plan, but not satisfied with theleadership of Zhongshan city. In the subsequent bidding, YuKongjian suggested: "it is better to preserve the originalflavor of the shipyard. ". For example, you can not move in thepremise of basic framework of shipyard factory shed under thedesign of some tea table, a stool, a taste of the teahouseshipyard facilities renovation of existing; taking intoaccount the people love to take a shortcut mentality, using anypull straight way between each entrance and exit, the roaditself does not constitute any pattern or shape; re packingtower, become a beacon of light in the past 50 years in the pasttime.
The proposal was immediately opposedby manypeople in the field.Because according to the design approach was popular, and thelandscape "move" seems to be busy at putting up installationsin order to reflect the level of landscape design. Finally, themayor of Zhongshan, the Secretary for planning and other
leaders come out to support, this design program wasrecognized.
In October 19, 2002, the annual meeting of the AmericanAssociation for landscape design was held in Silicon Valley,with more than 4000 industry experts and people from all overthe world participating. The meeting issued the annual awardsfor global landscape design, led by Yu Kongjian Qijiang Parkproject design in Zhongshan, and the other four projectstogether won the highest award--Design Honor Award, which isone of the highest academic award for landscape design, it isthe first time for the United States to the designer.The judges will think: Qijiang Park built on a disused shipyardon the site, it reflects the unusual history of 50 years afterthe establishment of new industrialization Chinese design, itis quite good to keep the water level line, shipyard floatingdock and machinery rust residue,
Good integration of ecological ideas, modern environmentalawareness, culture and human nature.
"I'm a Chinese native, so I know how things are very modern inChina. ". When I finished designing the park, I had a hunch thatthe project would win a big prize. Because I pay attention tothe culture of foot, I stand on foot. Only on foot, to respectthe present; but based on reality, we will know how to respectand attention to human nature, will be 'God' protection. Andthe significance of this award is that it indicates that China' slandscape design has begun to be recognized by internationalcounterparts. " Said Yu Kongjian confidently.
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