驾驶交通肇事罪论文:交通肇事罪 以危险方法危害公共安全罪 危险驾驶行为

危险行为  时间:2021-02-25  阅读:()


【中文摘要】我国当前正处于社会快速发展的转型时期,汽车拥有率的大量提高,各种危险驾驶行为导致的交通事故急剧增加,与交通肇事相关的刑事犯罪引起了社会的广泛关注。交通肇事罪作为一种常见多发的犯罪,极具社会危害性,但对于其罪名及司法解释的理解存在颇多争议,正确地理解该罪的犯罪构成及司法解释,对于我们认定及打击犯罪具有重大意义。面对重大、恶性交通事故类刑事犯罪频发的现实,有必要对那些由于危险驾驶所导致的危险驾驶犯罪行为进行准确地界定,并在此基础上就若干相关问题予以展开探讨。本文共一万七千字,除引言以外,一共分为四部分第一部分,提出问题,随着机动车辆的增多,交通事故也屡禁不止,我国在交通事故中死伤人数居世界之最,由典型的“杭州胡斌案” , “成都孙伟铭醉酒驾驶案”引出争议焦点,惊呼和质疑之余也对交通肇事行为的刑法适用问题感到困惑第二部分,分析问题,对交通肇事罪与以危险方法危害公共安全罪的刑法适用问题进行比较,从犯罪的主客观要件、犯罪主体、犯罪客体以及量刑方面进行比较,对两个罪的刑法适用问题进行分析第三部分,论述刑法修正案(八)设立危险驾驶罪对交通肇事案件刑法适用的影响,对立法原意解读,并对危险驾驶罪立法对交通肇事案件定性的影响提出见解。

【英文摘要】 At present our nation is developing in a highspeed but staying at a transform period. . During this period,accompaniedWith the acceleration of urbanization and the Rapidgrowth of car ownership, all kinds of traffic accidents causedby dangerous driving behavior increased dramatically. And nowthe criminal offenses that related to traffic accidents alreadyaroused extensive attention of the whole society. As a kind ofcommon and multiply happened crime,The traffic Accident crimeis extremely harmful to society. However there still quit a lotdispute towards this crime’ s charge and judicialinterpretation. So correct understanding of this crime’ sconstitutive elements and it’ s judicial interpretation domeans a lot for us to indentify and fight against this kind ofcrimes. facing the reality that major or malignant trafficaccident frequently happens, it becomes more andmore necessaryfor us to make an a accurate definition towards this dangerousdriving offenses caused by dangerous driving behaviors, and onthis basis to launch on a number of related issues.There are17000 words in this paper without abstracts, four part isdivided:part one presenting the problems and showing thesignificant of it.With the increasing number of vehicle owner,traffic accidents appeared constantly, the number of people

died of car accidents in china, is ranking top of the world.Basedon the reality of ournation, to explain the significanceof this paper. from the classic cases such as “Hangzhou hu bincase” and “Chengdu SunWeiMing case” , to lead out thecontroversy point, after shock and query presenting myconfusion about the application of criminal law towards trafficaccidents; par two, Analyze this problems,To comparing

“traffic accident crime” and “Dangerous means to endangerpublic safety of sin” from Subjective and objective aspects,subject of crime object of crime and also the aspects ofsentencing; part three, to analyze the understanding andapplication of” Dangerous driving sin” , and at the same timereferencing the experience from other country orregion.combinedwithoutnation’ s realitytotableanproposal.For solving our nation’ s problems caused by traffic accidentcases, The author proposed the creation of dangerous drivingsin. for it is conductive to the prevention and control of suchacts, and at the same time highlight the preventive anddeterrence function of criminal law; par four, solve theproblem, stating my way for solving this problem, and wish itcan help preventing traffic accidents from happening, or atleast decrease the happening frequency of it.


【英文关键词】 traffic accident crime Ina dangerousmeans to endanger public security sin Dangerous drivingbehavior

【目录】交通肇事案件刑法适用问题研究 内容摘要

6-7 Abstract 7-8 引言 10-11 一、 问题的提出

11-14 (一)交通肇事犯罪的特点 11-12 1. 交通肇事案件发案率高 11 2.交通肇事死亡率高 11 3.超速行驶、酒后驾车等危险驾驶行为导致的死亡人数上升 11-12 (二)代表性案例概述 12-14 1. 基本案情回顾 12 2. 解析

12-14 二、交通肇事罪与以危险方法危害公共安全罪的适用问题 14-19 (一)相同点 14 (二)不同点 14-19 1.定罪上的不同 14-17 2.量刑上的不同 17-19 三、刑法修正案(八)设立的危险驾驶罪对交通肇事案件刑法适用的影响

19-27 (一)立法解读 19-24 1. 刑法修正案(八)关于危险驾驶罪的规定 19-20 2.立法本意 20-22 3. 危险驾驶行为入罪的必要性 22-24 (二)危险驾驶罪立法对交通肇事案件定性的影响 24-27 1. 危险驾驶罪与交通肇事罪

24 2. 危险驾驶罪与以危险方法危害公共安全罪

24-27 结语 27-28 致谢 28-29 参考文献






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