学生健康危险行为论文:健康危险行为 中职学生 现况调查

危险行为  时间:2021-02-25  阅读:()


【中文摘要】了解中专卫校学生健康危险行为的现状和特点,为开展学校健康教育和制定干预措施提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,随机抽取河南省4所中专卫校2767名学生,采用“中国青少年健康相关行为调查问卷(高中)”实施调查。数据录入使用EpiData3. 1软件,采用SPSS17.0软件进行统计分析。结果1饮食行为25.4%的学生很少吃早餐,25.6%的学生从不喝牛奶,45.0%的学生很少吃新鲜水果。男生很少吃早餐、从不喝牛奶、很少吃新鲜水果的报告率高于女生成绩差的学生在经常喝汽水、经常吃甜食、偏食方面的报告率高于学习成绩好的学生(P<0.05) 。 2减肥行为25.4%的学生报告有减肥行为,采取不健康减肥行为的占减肥者的37.6%。在不吃肉和吃减肥药方面,女生的报告率高于男生(P<0.05) 。 3非故意伤害行为46. 7%的学生骑自行车违规,67. 1%的学生步行违规,24.5%的学生到非安全场所游泳。各项非故意伤害行为报告率男生均高于女生到非安全场所游泳和滑冰的报告率随学习成绩好、中、差的排序而上升(P<0.05) 。4故意伤害行为26.9%的学生动手打架, 14.8%的学生有抑郁情绪, 10.3%的学生曾离家出走。男生动手打架的报告率高于女生动手打架的报告率随着年级的上升而上升成绩差的学生在动手打架、离家出走等方面的报告率高于学习成绩好和成绩中等的学生(P<0.05) 。5物质滥用行为19.9%的学生现在吸烟,39.2%的学生现在饮酒,20.5%的学生醉酒 1.4%的学生曾经吸毒。除曾经吸毒外,其它各项物质滥

用行为报告率男生均高于女生成绩差的学生各项物质滥用行为报告率高于学习成绩好、成绩中等的学生(P<0.05) 。6精神成瘾行为20.7%的学生长时间玩电子游戏, 14. 1%的学生网络成瘾, 19.7%的学生曾参与赌博。男生各项精神成瘾行为报告率均高于女生学习成绩差的各项精神成瘾行为报告率高于成绩好的学生(P<0.05) 。男性、高年级、单亲/重组家庭、上网以玩游戏为主是网络成瘾的危险因素,而母亲高学历和学习成绩好是网络成瘾的保护因素。 7性态度/行为34.0%的学生看过黄色书籍、影像制品,22.9%的学生和异性有过亲密行为, 10.7%的学生有过性行为。男生性态度/行为的报告率均高于女生成绩差的各项性态度/行为报告率高于成绩好、成绩中等的学生(P<0.05) 。 8危险行为聚集现象选取9种有代表性的危险行为进行聚集现象研究,网络成瘾、动手打架、现在吸烟、现在饮酒是学生最常见的聚集性危险行为。结论河南省4所中专卫校学生普遍存着健康危险行为健康危险行为发生率男生高于女生,学习成绩差的高于成绩好和成绩中等的学生 网络成瘾、打架、吸烟、饮酒是最常见的聚集危险行为男性、高年级、单亲重组家庭、玩网络游戏是网络成瘾的危险因素,母亲高学历和学习成绩好是网络成瘾的保护因素。

【英文摘要】 :Thepurpose of this study is toprovideabasisfor carrying out health education in schools and making upintervention measures by surveying the present situations andcharacteristics of thehealthriskbehaviorswith the secondaryhealth school students.Methods:Cluster random sampling method

was used to survey 2767 students from four secondary healthschools in Henan. The article used the questionnaire of

“national adolescent related health surveillancequestionnaire (for high school students) ” to investigate.EpiData3. 1 and SPSS 17.0 packages were used for dataanalyzing.Results: 1. Dietary behaviors:Of thestudents,25.4%seldom had breakfast,25.6%never drank milk, and45.0%seldom ate fresh fruits. Boys had higher rate than girlsin seldom having breakfast, never drinking milk, seldom eatingfresh fruits. The rate of the poor students’ having sweet foodand dietary bias was higher than that of the top ones.2. Losingweight behaviors:Of the students,25.4%tried losing weight,while 37.6%of them were evidenced to do that in an unhealthyway. Girls had higher rate than boys in eating no meat and usingsliming pills.3. Unintentional harm behaviors:Of thestudents,46.7%were reported a non-compliance riding,67. 1%hadanon-compliancewalk,24.5%went tonon-safe places to swim. Allthe rates of boy students’ unintentional harm behaviors werehigher than that of girl students. The rate of swimming andskating in the non-safe places increased with ascending ofscores.4. Intentional harm behaviors:Of thestudents,26.9%ever fought with others, 14.8%were

depressive, 10.3%tried running away form home. The rate of boys’fighting was obviously higher than that of girls. The rate ofstudents’ fighting increasedwith the ascending of grades. Thepoor students hadhigherrate than the top students infighting,and running away from home. 5. Substance abuse:Of thestudents, 19.9%were smokers,39.2%drank,20.5%were intoxicated,and 1.4%had used drugs. Except for using drugs, the rate of boystudents’ substance abuse was significantly higher than thatof girl students. The poor students’ substance abuse rate wassignificantly higher than that of common students and the topstudents6. Psychological addiction behaviors:Of thestudents,20.7%spent much time playing the computergames, 14. 1%had internet addiction, and 19.7%participated inbetting. Boys had higher rate than girls of all thepsychological addiction behaviors mentioned above. The poorstudents were reported a higher rate than the top students ofthe psychological addiction behaviors mentioned above. Male,junior students, students with one-parent/a remarried family,surfed the net to mainly play computer games, whichwas the riskfactor of the internet addiction; having a mother with highdegree and goodmarks themselves were the protective factors.7.Sexual attitude/behaviors:Of the students,34.0%ever read the

obscene books or video products,22.9%had intimacy with theopposite sex, and 10.7%had sex. The rate of the boys’ sexualattitude/behaviors was higher than that of the girls. The rateof poor students’ sexual attitude/behaviorwas higher than thatof common students and the top students.8. Aggregation of riskbehaviors:9 representative kinds of the health risk behaviorswere studied and the results showed that internet addiction,fighting, smoking and alcohol drinking were ranked in the topfour among the health risk behaviors.Conclusions:Health riskbehaviors widely existed among the secondary health schoolstudents in Henan. The boys were reported a higher rate thangirls of the health risk behaviors, and the poor students hada higher rate than the common students and the top students.Internet addiction, fighting, smoking and alcohol drinkingwere ranked in the top four among the health risk behaviors.Male, junior students, students with one-parent/a remarriedfamily surfed the net to mainly play computer games, which wasthe risk factor of the internet addiction; having amotherwithhigh degree and good marks themselves were the protectivefactors.


【英文关键词】 Health risk behaviors Secondary

school students Prevalence survey

【目录】河南省四所中专卫校学生健康危险行为调查分析 摘要 4-6 Abstract 6-7 附表清单 9-10 1 引言

10-11 2 对象与方法 11-15 2. 1 研究对象

11 2.2 研究方法 11 2.3 调查指标定义

11-14 2.4质量控制 14 2.5统计分析 14-15 3结果 15-31 3. 1被调查学生基本情况 15-16 3.2学生健康危险行为流行现状 16-28 3. 3学生健康危险行为聚集现象 28-31 4讨论 31-42 4. 1 4所中专卫校学生健康危险行为的现状 31-39 4.2 学生健康危险行为聚集情况

39 4.3学生健康危险行为干预建议 39-42 5结论

42-43 参考文献 43-46 附录 46-60 综述

60-73 参考文献 70-73 个人简历 73 在学期间的




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