安全管理沈丹客专既有线施工安全管理思路(Shenyang Dandong passenger dedicated lines construction safety management ideas)

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沈丹客专既有线施工安全管理思路Shenyang Dandong passenger dedicated lines construction safety management ideasDOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you select TXT first or download the source file to the local machine.

Shenyang Dandong passenger dedicated existing construction safety management idea of Shenyang Dandong passenger dedicated existing construction safety management ideas on construction safety management

I. General principles. "No damage, no intrusion", this is the requirement of construction management of no damage and no invasion near the existing line proposed by Minister lu. This is also the working principle and bottom line of our existing line management. Two, the Ministry of Railways Railway office executive file 2008 No. 190 "railway construction safety management measures"; Shen Tiezong 2009 No. 75 on the issuance of the "Shenyang Railway Bureau business line construction and safety management measures" refinement notice; notice of the Ministry of Railways send 2010 No. 157 on the announcement of "railway construction the safety management of the total issued Measures"; 2010 No. 168 on the issuance of the"Shenyang Railway Bureau business management and construction safety line thinning (Supplement) notification procedures"; the construction of electric 2010No. 1118 on Further Strengthening the business line construction machinery vehicle use and management of the supplementary provisions; three, the basic requirements of protection in charge of on-site inspections,and"cross", "away from the door, in charge of site inspections,

on-site inspections"away from the door with the class A to stay away from Traffic equipment, to strengthen the protection of three to two the official staff class protection, protection class four to class, away from the supervision of the site to site, uninterrupted patrol patrol. To strengthen the warning line, isolation network, on-site inspections of a machine one of rigid measures to stay away from the door to door as fundamental as the focus, to take away from the door with the class, supervision, inspection for the monitoring means, give full play to the main responsibility of the construction unit,on-site inspections


The role of monitoring pay close attention to the supervision unit, the construction of premises will be responsible by a positioning security package, mainly on the approval and implementation of the existing construction plan, construction plan, safety agreement and site safety monitoring, road materials and construction machinery management factors, line quality and safety engineering release conditions and effects and risks. (a) away from the traffic equipment driving equipment refers to "heaven and underground" and a variety of equipment and facilities related to both lanes, including railway lines, signal equipment, communication cable, signal power catenary power communication rod cable, communication line catenary power are driving equipment. 1. in the mud pool,temporary power, temporary pavement and other settings, must be far away from the existing safety zone, if not really have far away from the conditions, must do a good job of protection.

2. road construction should be based on the radius of gyration,

mechanical equipment, turn height, meeting the need for rational planning layout, provisions of the vehicle routes and passing U-turn locations and mining equipment, the direction of rotation angle, and set up the monitoring command. (two) to strengthen the field protection, 1. to need to change the existing line optical cable, rod, rail andother facilities to investigate first, after the measures taken to change, and set obvious signs. 2. near the existing line construction, safety zone must be set warning line, must set up eye-catching isolationwarning signs, without the construction of the person responsible for allowing any personnel, equipment is not allowed to enter the railway protection area. 3. set up station liaison and on-site guard according to the requirements and keep in touch with each other. 4. the machinery entering the railway protection area strictly implements the "one machine one man" protection system


Measures should be taken to prevent the machinery from dumping or intruding into the business line, and the mechanical management should be managed by the key method. 5. improve the constructionprocedures, do a good job of technical disclosure,do a good job of construction preparation. 6. the operators entering the railway protection area shall be trained through railway safety knowledge. 7. road materials should be cleaned up in time, so that the work finished material clean, prevent invasion limit, can not be removed, to set up special care. 8.temporary shutdown during construction site to set up human care. 9. make full use of the regulatory role of equipment management units. (three) class 1. formal workers to perfect

the organization.

The existing construction area of the project department, the project manager is the first responsibility, the establishment of appropriate organization management, positioning responsibility of labor workers, any time and any place must be applied by the formal worker class, must arrange formal workers qualified as the person in charge of construction. In charge of staff to strengthen the key links, key parts of the patrol inspection, timely detection and disposal of security risks. 2. construction units should establish and perfect the construction safety guarantee system according to the regulations. We should carry out safety training, legal education, strengthen the administration of public security,train first and then take up posts. 3. site foremen to do duty in place, responsibility, service level in place. 4.construction project management responsibility to be clear,technology, quality requirements must be clear, key project key process to the person in charge of the project to the construction site supervision process; (four)


1. before the construction of the existing line, the constructionproject must be submitted to start the application,the approval of the supervision unit, reported to the command department to confirm the construction conditions can start.

2. supervision units should perform supervision contract seriously, supervise the construction unit according to the design standards and the relevant norms and regulations and the construction plan review, to prevent security risks in the

construction of the complete elimination of bad quality because of the construction of traffic safety hidden trouble to leave.

3. of the existing near construction of premises must carry out on-site, on-site staff ability, comprehensive technology,supervision personnel responsible (with supervision engineer qualification certificate as) , real name system management,on-site personnel must be familiar with the site content, when they encounter problems in a timely manner to the supervision,group supervision station report. (five) uninterrupted inspections 1. construction units must set up special project Department security package, the establishment of the work area responsible person (deputy manager above) , technicians (formal staff) , the guard (certified) , large equipment driver and trainer (after training) and other key personnel archives, the real name system management, by the project organize a professional training, after training posts without consent shall not replace the command, ensure stability of staff.Strengthen the inspection and inspection of business line construction work, construction blockade must be on-site monitoring, timely elimination of construction safety problems.Before the start of each shift and the shift, the construction site should be confirmed by the person in charge of the work site and the site supervision engineer, and the records should be carefully recorded. 2. supervision units on a regular basis to business line inspections, construction must be sent to monitor the blockade, on-site supervision to daily inspection,supervision team to conduct a business line construction site inspection supervision station every three days, a weekly business line


Construction site inspection, and do a good job of inspection records. 3. headquarters to inspect the key construction site,check once every week the key business line construction site.Four, key places (see table below) , key place, key place 13,have parallel and span two kinds of forms. The key link is the construction machinery anti scratch, anti sinking, excavation high-altitude fall, winter construction, construction of flood control flood flood prevention fire.


Shenyang Dandong passenger statistics of existing approaches The name of section area unit Engineering Shenyang Dandong railway bridge across the span railway bridge across the Dan Shen road No. 2 bridge across the Shen road No. 2 Bridge Bridge No. Shenyang Dandong highway across the cross or parallel mileage DK369+400~DK6+054 (DK1+901. 115~DK6+054)

DK367+871.08~ DK29+150~DK30+650 DK30+355.82~DK30+403.82DK85+166.58-DK85+230.58 DK85+390.23-DK85+422.93

DK97+796.81--DK97+896.81 DK367+838.38

DK110+101.65--DK110+142.5 DK110+142. 5--DK110+206.5

DK121+942.92 DK124+074.22 DK143+572. 15~DK143+620. 15~change DK172+720. 50 ~ DK172+753. 20 DK198+002.44~ modified

DK198+066.44 modified length (m) 415332.715004864 32.7100

40.8564213148 32.

764 near the existing line of Harbin Dalian passenger dedicated railway is Shen Dan Shen Dan railway special line railway line left iron ore Shen Dan Shen Dan Shen Dan Shen Dan the right line

railway railway railway line railway line right left Shen Dan Shen Dan Shen Dan Shen Dan Feng railway railway railway railway location description on parallel cross cross parallel double continuous beam (40+64+40) m Span Simply Supported Box Girder 32m span continuous beam (60+100+60) m (40+64+40) double span continuous girder across m double continuous beam (40+64+40)across m near the cross cross cross pier No. 0#~103# 47#~48#67#~112# 104#~105# pier pier pier pier pier pier pier 10#~11#16#~17#7#~8#39#~4040#~41#21#~32#5#~6##pierpierpierpier pier pier 93#~94# 16#~17# note





Xihe River Bridge


Shenyang Dandong Highway No. four cross bridge


Beiweizi bridge Shenyang Dandong Railway Bridge No. 2 bridge large grass River Bridge in Shahe


Five, the headquarters work methods to grasp the implementation of construction site safety measures, grasp the construction site safety measures to implement, grasp the supervision unit play the role of monitoring, good service, strict assessment.Good service, strict assessment. First, organize the construction meeting. First, organize the construction meeting.In the existing line or near the existing line of larger construction, timely organization of construction regular meeting, review the construction plan, coordinate the relationship between departments, put forward specific requirements. Please charge equipment units, construction units, supervision departments jointly study the construction scheme, construction safety measures, make clear responsibility, clear division of labor, a clear mandate,common checks, to create conditions for the construction, to ensure the safety of the existing railway construction. Two is to hold the construction site meeting. Two is to hold the construction site meeting. According to the near line construction project and operation content, the command organization adopts the typical guiding method, and organizes the construction safety special spot meeting in different stages. The security conference held in the form of construction, the construction unit to be educated, to raise awareness of the importance of safety, improve the existing construction of existing construction safety management awareness, improve the existing construction safety management.Three is the hand handle instruction. Three is the hand handle instruction. Guidance to key areas and key links will help people to solve problems. Four is responsible for maintaining packet positioning. Four is responsible for maintaining packet

positioning. On the 13 existing near the construction area,take responsibility of safety positioning measures insured package, each of the real name system near the existing railway construction safety package security requirements are established package protection mechanism work area, project department, supervision units, the implementation of post responsibility management, construction safety monitoring,ensure the safety of construction. Five is to network, line as a ring, with a machine as a focus. Five is to network, line as a ring, with a machine as a focus. There must be a warning line in the safety protection zone, and arigid isolation net should be set up when necessary. The construction machinery near the existing line must reach the protection condition of one machine and one person, and have a permit. Put an end to construction operators


The staff and the idle personnel blindly enter the operation line, Du absolute traffic interference, put an end to personal injury. Six is to do a good job training. Plans to carry out the construction of the existing line training, improve recognition of six is to do a good job training. Strengthen management. Seven is to establish the existing line construction files, dynamic tracking, into the dispatch daily,seven is to establish the existing line construction files,dynamic tracking, management. Administration。 Eight is to strengthen the daily assessment. Carry out daily inspection,regular on the existing line (temporary strengthening daily assessment) . Check, carry out special inspection on foundation pit support, fire prevention, vehicle use and protection

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