Greatest Gift
Greatest Gift演唱者
Greatest Gift歌词
Gotta gift gotta share
Feel the love Its everywhere
Nowsthetimefeel in fine
Gonna behomeintime
Starry l ights in my eyes
Girl it makesyou real ize
Thatyou mean so much to me
Doyou bel ieve in destiny?
Cause I felt it from start
Your playing with my heart
Makeawish andyouwi l l see
The perfect gift is me
Gotta find my way back to you
Wrap me l ike a present
Fold me l ike a letter
I gotta get myself to you
Wanna be together
Say that Its forever
Tel l mewhat I gotta do
Wrap me l ike a present
Fold me l ike a letter
I gotta get myself to you
The greatest gift that u could give babyIs your love
No, Im notgonna missthischance
Such a perfect new romance
Mesmerized byjust one chance
Girl Imgonna makeyou dance
One morewish I have isyou
Cause oneand one makestwo
WerealoneandIm soblue
Sowhatarewe gonna do?
Mistletoeforyou and me
Il l be kissingyou under that tree
Babywaitandyou wi l l see
My love is gonna setyou free
Gotta find my way back to you
Whatyou do to me
Its a mystery
Girljustcantyou see?
I need you here with me
Come and set mefree
The greatest gift youl l see
Is you for me
Greatest Gift收集者本信息由来自手帮唐海团的网友收集整理
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